
McLean County Times

Sunday, June 2, 2024

City of Bloomington City Council met Aug. 9

Meeting 05

City of Bloomington City Council met Aug. 9.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. Remain Standing for a Moment of Silent Prayer

4. Roll Call

5. Recognition/Appointments

6. Public Comment

Individuals wishing to provide emailed public comment must email comments to publiccomment@cityblm.org at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Individuals wishing to speak in-person may register at cityblm.org/publiccomment at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting.

7. Consent Agenda

A. Consideration and action to approve the Minutes of the June 28, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Minutes be approved.)

B. Consideration and action to approve the Minutes of the July 12, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Minutes be approved.)

C. Consideration and action to approve Bills and Payroll in the amount of $5,563,443.02, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Bills and Payroll be approved.)

D. Consideration and action on an Ordinance Amending the Budget Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2022, as it relates to the General Fund Capital Equipment Lease, in the amount of $3,109,902, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

8. Public Hearing

A. Public Hearing on a Petition submitted by Brandon Gray requesting the vacation of an alley between Lot 8 of McDowell Subdivision and Lot 4 of J B Stevensons Subdivision, which will vacate an alley between 508 and 514 E. Jackson Street, as requested by the Public Works Department and the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: None; presentation and public comment only.) (Presentation by Kevin Kothe, P.E., Director of Public Works, 5 minutes; and City Council discussion, 30 minutes.)

9. Regular Agenda

A. Presentation and discussion of topics related to City infrastructure and recent storm events, as requested by the Public Works Department and the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: None; presentation and discussion only.) (Presentation by Tim Gleason, City Manager; Kevin Kothe, P.E., Director of Public Works, 25 minutes; and City Council discussion, 30 minutes.)

10. City Manager's Discussion

11. Mayor's Discussion

12. Council Member's Discussion

13. Executive Session - Cite Section

14. Adjournment




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