
McLean County Times

Sunday, June 2, 2024

City of Bloomington City Council met Nov. 22


City of Bloomington City Council met Nov. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council convened in regular session in-person in the Government Center Chambers at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe.

Roll Call

Attendee Name




Mboka Mwilambwe



Jamie Mathy

Council Member, Ward 1


Donna Boelen

Council Member, Ward 2


Sheila Montney

Council Member, Ward 3


Julie Emig

Council Member, Ward 4


Nick Becker

Council Member, Ward 5


De Urban

Council Member, Ward 6


Mollie Ward

Council Member, Ward 7


Jeff Crabill

Council Member, Ward 8


Tom Crumpler

Council Member, Ward 9



A. Proclamation recognizing Diabetes Awareness Month, November 2021

Mayor Mwilambwe presented the Diabetes Awareness Month Proclamation. Rachel Lund, a local resident with diabetes, accepted the Proclamation and shared her experience with diabetes. She stressed the importance of monitoring symptoms and getting tested.

Public Comment

Mayor Mwilambwe read a statement of procedure for public comment. Jackie Beyer provided virtual public and the following individuals spoke in-person: (1) Marc Girdler; (2) Jenee Clark; (3) Surena Fish; (4) Matthew Toczko; (5) Gary Lambert; (6) Scott Stimeling; and (7) Peggy Wade.

Consent Agenda

Items listed on the Consent Agenda are approved with one motion; Items pulled by Council from the Consent Agenda for discussion are listed and voted on separately.

Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Emig, that the Consent Agenda, including all items listed below, be approved as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call the roll, which resulted in the following:

AYES: Mathy, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler Motion carried.

Item 7.A. Consideration and action to approve the Minutes of the October 11, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Minutes be approved.)

Item 7.B. Consideration and action to approve Bills and Payroll in the amount of S7,905,197.05, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Bills and Payroll be approved.)

Item 7.C. Consideration and action to approve Appointments to Boards & Commissions, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Appointments be approved.)

Item 7.D. Consideration and action to approve the Purchase of rock salt from Compass Minerals, Inc., in the amount of $64.65 per ton of rock salt, for a total purchase amount of up to $452,550, using the Illinois State Department of Central Management Services Contract (#P-30920), as requested by the Public Works Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Purchase be approved.)

Item 7.E. Consideration and action to approve the John M. Scott Health Care Trust Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Court Report, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Annual Court Report be approved.)

Item 7.F. Consideration and action on a Resolution Allowing the Closure of State Highway Business 51 for the Jaycees Christmas Parade on December 4, 2021 at 10 a.m., as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Resolution be approved.)

Item 7.G. Consideration and action on an Ordinance Authorizing a Construction Contract Between the City of Bloomington and J & F Chiattello Construction Inc. for the Miller Park Pavilion Roof Removal and Replacement, in the amount of $75,999, as requested by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 7.H. Consideration and action on a Request from Lincoln Springs Center, LLC, d/b/a The Station Saloon, located at 1611 Morrissey Dr., Unit 1, for a redefinition of premises for their Class EAS (Entertainment, All Types of Alcohol, and Sunday Sales) Liquor License, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Redefinition of the Licensed Premises be approved.)

Item 7.I. Consideration and action on a Request from Walking Visions Photography, Inc., located at 1102 S. Main St., for a Class EB (Entertainment/Recreational Sports Venue, Beer and Wine Only) Liquor License, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed License be approved with the condition that alcohol is not served after 9:00 p.m.)

Item 7.J. Consideration and action on a Request from Hacienda Leon, Inc., d/b/a Hacienda Leon, located at 407 N. Hershey Rd., for an internal change of ownership of their Class RAS Liquor License, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Change of Ownership be approved.)

Item 7.K. Consideration and action on a Request from Airavath Royale, LLC, d/b/a Signature India Restaurant and Bakery, located at 1407 N. Veterans Parkway, Suite #26, for a Class RBS (Restaurant, Beer and Wine Only, and Sunday Sales) Liquor License, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed License be approved with the conditions that all tax obligations are paid in full, and applicant’s financial documentation is received.)

Regular Agenda

The following item was presented:

Item 8.A. Presentation of the FY2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as audited, delivered by the audit firm of Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP, as requested by the Finance Department.

City Manager Tim Gleason introduced the item, explaining that the presentation was part of an annual presentation.

Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, addressed Council and provided an overview of the lengthy audit process. He informed Council that Baker Tilly Virchow Krouse LLP (“Baker Tilly”), the audit company, had performed the City’s annual audit, which included the Bloomington Public Library Foundation and some pensions. He noted that other portions of City funds were also audited by other companies. He commended the work of the Baker Tilly staff.

Jason Coule, Partner with Baker Tilly Virchow Krouse LLP, addressed Council. He acknowledged the City’s transparency to the community through the publishing of the Annual Comprehensive Audit Report, adding that it was much more detailed than required. He went on to discuss various portions of the Report and noted that while Baker Tilly did not audit the Zoological Society and police pension fund, the audits were included in the Report. He briefly reviewed the statement of expenditures and revenues, noting an increase in the general fund balance and that current charges for service also included operating expenses. Mr. Coule explained that Corona Virus Relief federal funding had also been audited for compliance and internal controls, resulting in a positive outcome. He highlighted various improvements that had been implemented since the previous year and stated that because of those improvements, Baker Tilly’s audit resulted in no improvement recommendations for the year. He congratulated the City on improvements and a successful year.

The following item was presented:

Item 8.B. Consideration and action to approve the 2021 Tax Levy Estimate for the City of Bloomington and the Bloomington Public Library, as requested by the Finance Department.

Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, addressed Council and presented the 2021 Property Tax Levy estimate for Fiscal Year 2023 ("FY23"). He explained the required process to approve a tax levy adoption and provided a brief background on levy terms, as well as a property tax example. He then provided an Equalized Assessed Value ("EAV") history from the past four years compared to the preliminary 2021 EAV. He broke down the EAV-related levy increase and noted a 5% increase in inflation over the past 12 months. He addressed the Bloomington Public Library (“BPL”) expansion and potential tax implications and then presented an overview of the combined tax levy rate over the previous 5 years. He shared the 2021 tax levy allocation in comparison to multiple taxing bodies and concluded with next steps.

Council Member Ward asked for additional clarification on what items property taxes can be used. Mr. Rathbun did not believe there were restrictions beyond what was approved by Council. Council Member Ward and Mr. Rathbun then discussed boundaries for property tax spending.

Council Member Emig asked how much of the property tax levy funded the City directly. Mr. Rathbun stated that it funded approximately 20% of the City general fund balance. Jeanne Hamilton, BPL Director, added that property taxes funded 90% of BPL’s operating balance under a normal year, but only 68% of expenses during a construction year.

Council Member Boelen noted that property tax was about 12% of the City's total budget. Mr. Rathbun confirmed that it made up 20% of the general fund budget.

Council Member Crumpler expressed his support in the BPL expansion and provided facts that demonstrated fiscal responsibility. He stressed the importance of ensuring literacy in the community through the BPL.

Council Member Crabill clarified that an approved tax levy would not affect the amount of funding applied towards infrastructure. Council Member Crabill and Mr. Rathbun then discussed, if approved, when the increase in property tax would be applied.

Council Member Becker expressed his interest in using efficiency savings as an alternative to a tax levy increase.

Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Emig, to extend Council discussion time by 10 minutes.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll, which resulted in the following:

AYES: Mathy, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

Council Member Montney agreed with Council Member Becker's comments on reducing expenses to cover current expenses.

Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Montney, to split the tax levies.

Mayor Mwilambwe and Jeff Jurgens, Corporation Counsel, discussed motion procedure.

Council Member Boelen amended the motion to instead approve the proposed Property Tax Levy Estimate as it related to only the City tax levy. Council Member Montney agreed.

Council Member Mathy discussed a work session held in 2017 where the budget was reviewed line by line to understand where fund programs were required by mandate, and suggested that the current Council do something similar.

Council Member Ward asked staff to research the cost of a special referendum at the previous election and the cost of the previous election.

Council Member Montney echoed statements in how to reduce expenses.

Council Member Ward and Mr. Jurgens discussed motion procedure.

Leslie Yocum, City Clerk, reminded Council that the motions on the agenda were only included as recommendations.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll, which resulted in the following:

AYES: Mathy, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried.

Council Member Mathy motioned, seconded by Council Member Ward, to approve the proposed Property Tax Levy Estimate as it related to the Bloomington Public Library levy.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll, which resulted in the following:

AYES: Mathy, Emig, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

NAYES: Boelen, Montney, Becker

Motion carried.

Finance Director's Report

Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, addressed Council. He stated that overall, revenues were trending positively, but that staff had concerns about supply chain shortages. He presented the Fiscal Year 2022 (“FY22”) financial summary and discussed FY22 major tax revenues through October 31, 2021, highlighting key factors and increases in revenue. He discussed law changes and how they affected reporting as it related to state and local home rule sales taxes. He presented FY22 general fund revenue and expenditures by category and provided updates on significant changes. Mr. Rathbun high]lighted FY22 enterprise funds through October 31, 2021. He concluded with a discussion of the statement of revenues and expenditures with category explanations.

Council Member Boelen and Mr. Rathbun discussed how the budget had been scaled back from the previous year and how the positive status of accounts compared to pre-COVID budget years.

Council Member Montney compared the downward trend of local motor fuel tax revenue to the effects of electric vehicles becoming more mainstream. She expressed interest discussing how to obtain adequate funding for road infrastructure.

Council Member Becker commented on budget reductions and provided an example of how to present specific data as it related to the comparison of budgets.

Council Member Crabill and Mr. Rathbun discussed the surplus in the water fund and how postponed projects affected fund balances.

Council Member Boelen expressed interest in discussing the pension deficit. City Manager's Discussion

City Manager Tim Gleason highlighted various upcoming Downtown events and reminded the community that Council meetings would be held on December 6th and 13th. He reported that 1000 attendees and 28 vendors had participated in the recent Thanksgiving Farmer's Market and concluded by wishing Council and the community a Happy Thanksgiving.

Mayor's Discussion

Mayor Mwilambwe noted his attendance at the unveiling of the Route 66 Parklet installation and encouraged the community to stop by to view it. He recognized his siblings who were in attendance and wished the community a Happy Thanksgiving.

Council Member's Discussion

Council Member Mathy reminded residents not to rake their leaves into the street because it negatively impacts City drains. He encouraged residents to shop small businesses and wished the community a Happy Thanksgiving.

Council Member Crabill thanked Katherine Murphy, Communications and External Affairs Manager, for her continued work to keep the community informed on current events.

Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.


Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Becker, that the meeting be adjourned.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call the roll, which resulted in the following:

AYES: Mathy, Boelen, Montney, Emig, Becker, Urban, Ward, Crabill, Crumpler

Motion carried (viva voce).

Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.




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