
McLean County Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Republican Party

Recent News About Illinois Republican Party

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party (Part 2)

    In my last On the Issues op-ed (Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party – Part 1), I noted that many aspects of the Democrat Party platform are at odds with the values of the conventional Christian community. In Part 2 of this essay, I’ll address why I believe it is that some liberal Christians hold progressive positions on specific issues despite the apparent contradiction with traditional conservative Christian beliefs.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: "We have no king but Caesar!"

    On Good Friday, March 29, 2024, I attended an afternoon church service commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus. As the congregation listened to the gospel reading’s conversation between Pilate and the crowd, I heard an exchange in which the claim “We have no king but Caesar!” was uttered.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 2)

    In my last On the Issues op-ed (Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? – Part 1), I noted how conservative Republicans must be liars, lunatics, or liberal-minded for not supporting anti-bigotry measures of the progressive Left.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 1)

    As a rather outspoken Communication Manager for McLean County Republicans, I’m used to getting “hate mail” from progressive Democrats. One of the most common accusations I hear is that conservative Republicans are racists or haters – bigots – because they oppose illegal immigration. Also cited as evidence is the undeniable fact that many conservative Republicans oppose the Black Lives Matter movement, the DEI agenda, public education’s 1619 Project, reparations for slavery, affirmative action, and the LGBTQIA+ movement. It would seem, at least on the face of it, that progressives have a solid case for their claim that conservative Republicans are either racist or haters, and perhaps both. But do they?

  • McLean County Republicans Elect New Officers, Amend Bylaws

    The McLean County Republican Central Committee convened in its biennial County Convention on Wednesday, April 17, to elect officers and Executive Board members and amend the organization’s bylaws, marking a significant moment in local governance. The Committee – consisting of all elected Republican precinct committeepersons in McLean County – undertook a series of decisions aimed at fortifying the group’s structure and advancing its mission to serve the community.

  • OPINION: ON THE ISSUES: Buses & Trains & Government Bloat

    I recently drove north on US51 through downtown Bloomington. It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon. I was nearly pushed out of my lane by a giant Connect Transit bus that we all see lumbering around the Twin Cities. It took up so much of the path before me in preparation for a right turn that I had to hit my brakes to give it clearance. It wasn’t the driving that bothered me so much as the size of the bus and what it represented – government bloat.

  • Erickson urges Democrats to oust embattled speaker: 'He’s been a black stain on them since the day he took over'

    In the eyes of McClean County Board member Chuck Erickson, Democrats should be leading the charge in the movement to finally oust longtime House Speaker Mike Madigan from power.