City of Pontiac City Council met Jan. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Pontiac City Council was held on Monday, January 7, 2019 in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Mayor Pro Temp Kallas called to order the meeting of the City Council at 7:00 P.M.
The City Clerk was directed to call roll, and the following members of the Council were present: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
Mayor Pro Temp Kallas asked that the record show the same Aldermen present for this meeting as are present for the regular Council meeting: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
Mayor Pro Temp Kallas asked if there was any business to come before the Civic Center Board this evening. Hearing none, he declared the meeting closed.
Mayor Pro Temp Kallas stated that there were five items on the consent agenda. He asked if there was a need to have any item removed for later discussion. Hearing none, motion made by Eckhoff, second by Causer, that the items on the consent agenda be approved as presented.
A. Motion Eckhoff, second by Causer to approve the minutes of the December 17, 2019 City Council meeting as written. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
B. Motion by Eckhoff second by Causer to approve payment of bills totaling $19,214.47 from the TIF I Fund. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
C. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Causer to approve the payment of bills totaling $370,154.65 from all other funds. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
D. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Causer, to approve the street closings requested by Ellie Alexander for upcoming events. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
E. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Hicks to approve the referral of a special use permit for a drive up window filed by Jimmy Johns to the Planning & Zoning committee. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
A. Update on Shindig Request
Motion by Gabor, second by Causer to have City attorney Schrock to draw up an amendment to the Liquor and Park ordinance, allowing a special use permit, regulated by the City council, to each event and each licensee regarding events in the City parks and properties and the use of alcohol, and bring to Council’s next meeting for review and possible vote. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
B. Street Department Purchase
Motion by Myers, second by Eckhoff to approve the purchase of a Tree Chipper by the Street Department at a cost of $17,000.00 from Sunbelt Rentals. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
C. Mayor Pro-Temp Designation
Motion by Eckhoff, second by Alvey to approve Brian Gabor to be appointed Mayor Pro- Temp for the January 22nd and January 28th meeting and any future meetings if both the Mayor and the current Mayor Pro-Temp Kallas are not able to act.
On a roll call vote, motion carried 8-0. Aye votes recorded: Alvey, Swanson, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, and Wille. Abstain vote recorded: Gabor.
D. 2019-2020 City Budget
Bob Karls began the discussions on the 2019-2020 City budget. Discussion will continue at Committee of the Whole on Monday, Jan 28, February 11th and February 25th at 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Comments
Mayor Pro Temp Kallas asked about the street light at the on ramp at Interstate 55 and Rt 116 and also about the garbage containers.
Administrator Comments
Council Comments
Alderwomen Bradshaw remarked on the “Nerf” event at the Rec Center and how well it was received.
Public Comments
LaVonne Hallock asked if the public could see the Council packets, such as expenditures, for info at Council meetings, possibly on-line. Staff will look into putting on the website.
Executive Session
Motion by Gabor, second by Myers to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss collective negotiating matters and property disposition and acquisition.
Return from Executive Session
On motion duly made and seconded, the regular meeting of the City Council was adjourned.