
McLean County Times

Friday, April 26, 2024

McLean County Executive Committee met March 8

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McLean County Executive Committee met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Chairman John McIntyre, Members Jim Soeldner, George Gordon, William Caisley Chuck Erickson, Susan Schafer, Laurie Wollrab, and Scott Murphy

Members Absent: Member Metsker

Other Board Members Present: Members Shayna Watchinski and Logan Smith

Staff Present: Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator; Jessica Woods, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Mr. Julie Morlock Recording Secretary

Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Vasudha Gadhiraju, Regional Planning Executive Director

Others Present:

Chairman McIntyre called to order a meeting of the Executive Committee at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum.

Chairman McIntyre presented the minutes from the January 15, 2019 special meeting and February 12, 2019 regular meeting of the Executive Committee for approval.

Motion by Soeldner/Caisley to approve the minutes from the January 15, 2019 special meeting and February 12, 2019 regular meeting of the Executive Committee.

Motion Carried

Chairman McIntyre confirmed there were not members of the public or employees to speak before the Committee

Chairman McIntyre presented appointments and reappointments for approval.

Motion by Wollrab/Murphy to recommend approval of appointments and reappointments.

Motion Carried.

Mr. McIntyre indicated that there was a report from the Economic Development Council in the packet and mentioned the tour at Brandt and how they had met goals set for economic incentives. Mr. Caisley asked what effect the recent decision by Bloomington to add their own economic development staff would have on the EDC. Mr. McIntyre indicated he has had conversations with Tim Gleason and that he felt Bloomington wants to improve Bloomington endeavors, but hoped Bloomington would keep in mind collaboration efforts with the rest of the County.

Ms. Vasudha Gadhiraju, Executive Director of the McLean County Regional Planning Commission presented an update on projects they are working on. She summarized key projects they are working on including:

- City of Bloomington and Town of Normal Comprehensive Plans

- Enhanced Greenways efforts

- A Community Forum on Smart Cities – How to Plan for Multimodality;

- BN Vitals a regional dashboard to monitor economic health of community

- Regional Open Data Facilitation

- Organizing United States 2020 Census programs including working on ways to make sure hard to count populations including college students, homeless and rural population are included

- Bicycle and Pedestrian Counters

- Good to go Commuter Challenge

- Complete Streets/Transit Supportive Development

- Health and Corridor training planning

- Working with Connect Transit to develop a short range transit plan

- Regional coordinator for human service transportation plan for McLean County, Ford County, Logan County, Kankakee County and Livingston County to help rural residence can access urban facilities and services

- Vision Zero Action Plan

Ms. Gadhiraju discussed the regional housing initiative. She stated they did a study in 2017 and found that the housing demand is slowing down and that we have housing stock above what we need today, however the kind of stock being built it not what is needed. She indicated that McLean County is affordable but has less availability for lower income and seniors on fixed income. She stated that after the study was done they developed an advisory committee that consists of an Affordable and Supportive Housing Group, a Housing Staff Group and an Innovative Housing Solutions Group. She indicate that the first order of business was defining affordable housing and then proceeded to go over the dimensions of affordable housing:

- Income – not just low income but market rate affordable

- Provider – public, non-profit and private

- Housing – new vs. existing - most affordable housing is existing housing

- Typology – multi-family housing, single-family housing, specialized housing. She indicated that affordable housing is not just apartment type housing

- Funding – Federal, State, Local and private dollars are involved in process. She indicated that most of it is still private dollars -

She indicated in order to provide accurate facts and figures; we have to look at hard to get information such as income-qualified units. She stated we have 3,667 income-qualified units, which is about 5% of total housing units, and the need is close to 20%. She indicated that most of the 5% is not public housing but private housing through LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credits), PBRA (Project Based Rental Assistance) and other credits and those are coming up for expiration in the next 5 years. She stated that we have to be proactive about expiring credits. She also discussed the Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan and how they are working to unify this so each community is not applying for grant. She indicated that grant dollars have dropped from over 2 million in 1975 in this program to just over 500,000, so efficiency is needed. She indicated that they are pursuing grant opportunities to improve efforts in rural communities and as part of data efforts; they have been actively identifying ways to assist rural communities. She next went over ways they have updated their web site to provide resources for the community. She indicated that the population in rural McLean County are not diminishing compared to the rest of the rural communities in Illinois so they are working to gather data on rural areas in McLean County and how best to help those residents. She opened it up for questions.

Ms. Wollrab asked her how SHOWBUS plays into regional transportation. Ms. Gadhiraju indicated that funding transportation for rural communities has not been a priority and because of that, many funding sources have disappeared so SHOWBUS has expanded to incorporate route that use to be handled by non-profits. She said that SHOWBUS is now serving 9 counties and provides a crucial rural service in our community. Mr. Erickson asked who the representatives for the County are on the Regional Planning Commission. Ms. Gadhiraju indicated that Mr. Jim Fruin, Ms. Barb Bittner and Ms. Mary Kramp are the County representatives. Mr. Gordon asked about definitions of expiring housing. Ms. Gadhiraju went over them. Ms. Schafer asked if she could provide examples of expiring housing. Ms. Gadhiraju said she did not have a list. Mr. Soeldner asked her how businesses that close in rural areas affect regional planning and metrics. Ms. Gadhiraju indicated they affect them significantly so they want to study rural communities closely before they do the next regional planning update. Mr. McIntyre mentioned additional section 8 vouchers and ways housing could help with the FUSE project. Chairman McIntyre thanked her for her presentation.

Mr. Gordon presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001 Court Services Department 0022.

Motion by Gordon/Caisley to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001 Court Services Department 0022

Motion Carried.

Mr. Gordon presented for action a request to approve a renewal of IDPA IV-D Grant / Intergovernmental Agreement 2018-55-07 KM with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Motion by Gordon/Schafer to recommend approval of a renewal of IDPA IV-D Grant / Intergovernmental Agreement 2018-55-07 KM with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Motion Carried.

Mr. Gordon presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation.

Motion by Gordon/Wollrab to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation

Motion Carried.

Mr. Gordon indicated the Justice Committee had nothing further for the Committee today but would have more items for the Board to consider next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions for Mr. Gordon and the Justice Committee, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Jim Soeldner, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001, Animal Control 0032, General Fund County Board 0001

Motion by Soeldner/Gordon to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001, Animal Control 0032, General Fund County Board 0001

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner presented for action a request to approve the 2018 Purchase Order Budget Ordinance.

Motion by Soeldner/Murphy to recommend approval of 2018 Purchase Order Budget Ordinance.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner presented for action a request to approve the 2019 Purchase Order Budget Ordinance.

Motion by Soeldner/Wollrab to recommend approval of 2019 Purchase Order Budget Ordinance.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Jim Soeldner, Chairman of the Finance Committee, presented for action an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation General Fund 0001, County Clerk 0005-0006.

Motion by Soeldner/Murphy to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation General Fund 0001, County Clerk 0005-0006.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner indicated he had no further items for action for the Executive Committee. Chairman McIntyre asked if the Committee had any questions for Mr. Soeldner or the Finance Committee; hearing none, he thanked Mr. Soeldner.

Ms. Susan Schafer, Chairman of the Health Committee presented for action an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the Health Department Fund 0112.

Motion by Schafer/Gordon to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the Health Department Fund 0112.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Susan Schafer, Chairman of the Health Committee presented for action an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the Health Department Fund 0107.

Motion by Schafer/Murphy to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2018 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the Health Department Fund 0107.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Susan Schafer, Chairman of the Health Committee presented for action an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending Chapters 205 and 216 of the McLean County Code. She indicated this was due to the new FDA food code. Ms. Wollrab asked about language used in the amendment and if it was taken from another document. Ms. Schafer said that language was taken directly from new FDA food code but not the entire code, so not much leeway to change specific language. She indicated that the Board of Health had reviewed the language twice and worked with Mr. Trevor Sierra, in the States Attorney’s office on the language. Ms. Schafer also indicated that the memo provided by Mr. Anderson did a good job of explaining changes.

Motion by Schafer/Gordon to recommend approval of an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending Chapters 205 and 216 of the McLean County Code

Motion Carried.

Ms. Schafer indicated the Health Committee had no further items for action but would have items for consideration at the Board meeting next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions for Chairman Schafer or the Health Committee; hearing none, he thanked Ms. Schafer.

Mr. Erickson, Chairman of the Land Use and Development Committee indicated they had no items for action today but would have items for the Board next week. He thanked Ms. Wollrab for leading the meeting this month in his absence. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions for Mr. Erickson, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. William Caisley, Chairman of the Transportation Committee presented for action a request to approve Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) FY 2020 Section 5311 Formula Application for Rural Areas Operating Assistance and Illinois State FY 2020 Downstate Operation Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Rural & Urbanized Areas. Mr. Soeldner asked for information regarding participation in the program as he felt ridership in his area has decreased and wondered if increased marketing might help individuals know what services are offered by SHOWBUS. Mr. Schmitt indicated that Ms. Dick does track ridership and could get those to them. Mr. Schmitt also indicated they could reach out to SHOWBUS about the types of marketing they currently utilize. Mr. Soeldner suggested they bring back use of pamphlets that use to be in the post office and library. Ms. Wollrab said she agreed with Mr. Soeldner but also asked for clarification on the total cost of the program. Mr. McIntyre indicated that they would request that Ms. Dick attend and provide further information to the Board. Mr. Caisley confirmed that Ms. Dick does have ridership figures and budget figures she could provide to the Board as she does to the Transportation Committee. He indicated that she attended the Transportation Committee meeting to answer questions about ShowBus. There was discussion about figures, riders, grant funds and providing more information to the Board. Ms. Schafer indicated that Ms. Dick provided a presentation to the Board several years ago and asked if it would be possible to have her provide a presentation again. Mr. Schmitt said he would reach out to Ms. Dick for the information and asked Committee members to send questions to him to forward to Ms. Dick. It was determined that Staff would send requested information to County Board members prior to the County Board meeting. Mr. McIntyre asked if they were ok moving the item forward to the Board for consideration. Ms. Wollrab indicated she wanted to move it forward but wanted to receive information before consideration next year.

Motion by Caisley/Murphy to recommend approval of Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) FY 2020 Section 5311 Formula Application for Rural Areas Operating Assistance and Illinois State FY 2020 Downstate Operation Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Rural & Urbanized Areas.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Caisley presented for action a request to approve Service Agreement between McLean County and Show Bus for the continuation of Rural Public Transportation Service in FY 2020.

Motion by Caisley/Schafer to recommend approval of Service Agreement between McLean County and Show Bus for the continuation of Rural Public Transportation Service in FY 2020,

Motion Carried.

Mr. Caisley presented for action a request to approve revised Vehicle Lease between McLean County and SHOW BUS.

Motion by Caisley/Gordon to recommend approval of revised Vehicle Lease between McLean County and SHOW BUS.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Caisley indicated they had no further items for the Committee today but would have items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked the Committee if they had any question for Mr. Caisley; hearing none, he thanked Mr. Caisley.

Mr. Scott Murphy, Chairman of the Property Committee indicated they had nothing for the Committee today or for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions for Mr. Murphy and the Property Committee; hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator indicated that he had nothing for the Committee.

Chairman McIntyre asked if there was anything to come before the Committee under Other Business. Hearing nothing, he moved on to payment of the bills.

Chairman McIntyre moved on to the payment of the bills and reminded the Committee that the Regional Planning office budget now falls under the County and presented invoices in the amount of $588.99 for that department.

Motion by Wollrab/Caisley to recommend approval of the Regional Planning bills as presented to the Committee by the County Auditor in the amount of $588.99.

Motion carried.

The General Bills for under the purview of the Executive Committee

Motion by Schafer/Gordon to recommend payment of the bills under the purview of the Executive Committee in the amount of $315,076.55.

Motion Carried.

Chairman McIntyre presented for action a transfer for the General fund in the amount of $5,796.00.

Motion by Schafer/Caisley to approve the transfer for the General Fund in the amount of $5,796.00.

Motion Carried.

Chairman McIntyre presented for action a transfer for Information Services in the amount of $11,092.00.

Motion by Murphy/Schafer to approve the transfer for the Information Technologies department in the amount of $11,092.00.

Motion Carried.

Chairman McIntyre asked if there was anything further to come before the committee; hearing nothing he stated there was no other business to come before the Committee and adjourned the Executive Committee meeting at 5:37 p.m.




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