City of Bloomington Human Relations Commission met June 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order Roll Call of Attendance: 5:11
Present: Commissioner Jones, Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Ajayi, and Commissioner McGinnis
Absent: Commissioners Konam, Krishna and West
II. Public Comment
III. Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner Ajayi motioned to approve the minutes of May 8, 2019. Commissioner McGinnis seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
IV. Agenda Items
a. Protocol for Commissioners discussing commission business with outsiders. Commissioner Smith stated that any outside organization wishing to collaborate with the BHRC must come before the entire commission for discussion.
b. Addressing the invitation from NHRC for joint MLK Event-email sent
Commissioners stated they will not meet with Normal until they have an opportunity to meet and clarify the Commission’s position on Normal’s proposal. There was no indication from Normal that they had a budget for the MLK event. We are not sure if they have approval from the Normal Town Council to participate. Commissioner Smith asked the commissioners what would be the expectations of the HRC with Normal. Commissioner Jones stated that whatever the collaboration, Bloomington should still drive the event.
V. Old Business
a. Commissioners next steps for Bryan Adams vs. Pilot Flying J case.
Commissioner Ajayi- If Pilot Flying J set a precedent for the complainant, Mr. Adams, to work without fulfilling an essential job function, despite the departure of the old manager, Mr. Adams should still not be required to do on calls. Precedent was set and Pilot Flying J should continue to abide by it. People with the same job descriptions have negotiated different salaries and vacation time etc. However, the policy is not discriminatory based on familial status. Adams did not have to apply for this job.
Commissioner Jones- Where does the ordinance fit in here? It has merit to move forward, based on his familial status.
Commissioner McGinnis- New management should have no bearing on the previous agreement. The agreement was badly handled and I think the complainant has a legitimate complaint. We should move forward with it. The manager was operating as the company when he made the decision.
Commissioner Smith- The hiring manager created an issue. If this person was the only one allowed to do this, the manager should have committed this to writing. Commissioner Smith asked for a motion on moving the complaint to the Conciliation Conference phase.
Motion by Commissioner Ajayi. Seconded by Commissioner Jones. All in favor. Motion passed.
VI. New Business
a. MBE/WBE/DBE minority business registration. Need a vehicle to let incoming businesses know where to find these disadvantaged businesses, so they can get some of the City Contracts.
Commissioner Ajayi suggested the Commission encourage minority business participation by creating a minority business registry that major contractors could use to find sub-contractors for some city projects. Commissioner Ajayi will research other municipalities for guidance on creating this registry for Bloomington.
b. Suggestions for speakers for the MLK Event.
VI. Next Scheduled Meeting Date: July 10th 2019 is the next meeting date.
VII. Adjournment:
Commissioner McGinnis motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Ajayi. All in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:01.