City of Fairbury City Council met Oct. 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Planning Commission held a meeting at 12 Noon. Members present were Chairman Rick Wilson, Leroy McPherson, Michael Blackwell, and Bekah Fehr. Also in attendance were City of Fairbury Police Chief Robert McCormick and Planning Commission secretary Stephanie Meints.
Review of minutes from September 11, 2019: Motion by Fehr, second by Blackwell to approve. Motion carried unanimously.
Chief McCormick was asked to speak to the Planning Commission about the new cannabis laws that will take effect January 1, 2020. He stated that he will be sending his officers' to a cannabis law class on October 31, 2019, where they will learn more about the rules and regulations of the new law.
He stated that he doesn't think that Fairbury will be a key town for a dispensary at the time, but does think a cultivation center could be beneficial because of its location.
A question about security at cultivation centers was asked and he replied that there would be strict security such as cameras and locks. The cultivating would also have to take place inside a facility, making it easier to secure.
Michael Blackwell asked about smoke lounges and how they operate. Chief McCormick stated that they are exempt from the smoke free act that bans cigarettes from being smoked in public places. Bars will not be allowed to sell or allow marijuana on the premises because the law states that alcohol and cannabis cannot be combined in the same facility. Marijuana users will also be banned from the 15 ft. smoking rule and will not be allowed to smoke in public or outside doors like that of cigarette smokers while at a bar.
Rebekah Fehr asked how they would regulate or test for DUI with the use of marijuana. Chief McCormick stated that standard field sobriety tests will be given and if the officer decides that they believe the person is over the legal limit they will then be arrested and taken the hospital for a blood or urine analysis. As of now, there is no other way to test for the amount of THC in the system without taking a blood or urine sample. The police will treat marijuana as they do alcohol and not allow smoking while driving or open containers.
The Planning Commission read through a model ordinance and a sample ordinance from the City of Champaign. They liked that facilities cannot operate within 1500 ft. of a school, park, daycare and more. They also want to be able to adopt the ability to regulate within a mile and a half of city limits. This would allow the City to get some revenue from sales of marijuana.
The Planning Commission made a recommendation to the City Council to adopt special use permits per the requirements stated in the model ordinance, which is attached.
Motion: Fehr, second by McPherson. All in favor.
Motion to Adjourn: Blackwell, second by McPherson