Village of Mclean Village Board met Oct. 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Hammel called the regular board meeting to order at 7:00pm. ROLL CALL-VanDyke, Webster, Hendrickson, Shifflet and Billington. Absent: Johnson. Also present: Attorney Mark McGrath, Karen Williams, Greg Rutherford and Chris Lane. Visitors: Helen Doty, Don Doty, Norman King, Jane Price, Brenda McCallister, Tom Ludlam, Candie Rogers, Amy Adair, Alex Harris and Auditor Robert McGlade.
Motion by Hendrickson 2nd Shifflet to accept minutes of September 9, 2019 as read. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
Motion by Billington 2nd VanDyke to approve bills as presented. ROLL CALL-Webster, Hendrickson, Shifflet, Billington and VanDuke. Absent: Johnson.
PUBLIC INPUT: Helen Doty gave accolades for McLean being on WJBC.
POLICE REPORT: Chief Lane stated that the new police truck is in and has been switched over from the old one to the new one. He stated that on Oct. 26 there will be a DEA Take Back from 10am-2pm. Syringes and liquids will not be accepted. There is one officer that has been certified for Sexual Assault Class and that all officers will be certified.
Rutherford stated that the spray patch and chip & seal are done. Also, still doing sidewalks. The truck is in. Also, flushing of hydrants will be done end of October.
Arsenic Report-9.4.
There is a skunk problem in the Village. McCallister stated that she has a permit to trap and euthanize them. She has trapped 15 in the last month. She stated that there seems to be a lot of garbage bags out and not in a receptacle. Wondered if the Village could get a permit to get rid of the skunks. Will have Rutherford check this out. Also, need to review the Village policy. Will also check on Licensed Trappers.
McGlade went over the annual audit report. Motion by VanDyke 2nd Webster to approve the Anuual Audit Report. ROLL CALL-Hendrickson, Shifflet, Billington, VanDyke and Webster. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
Halloween Hours will be October 31 from 5pm-8pm.
Bulk pickup will be on Sat. Oct.12.
MT. HOPE/FUNKS GROVE FIRE DISTRICT-They are requesting TIF Funding for upgrading fire hydrants. They will need more information on why they need the money and show a burden.
There are 45 hydrants in the TIF District. Will put on November agenda.
Motion by Hendrickson 2nd Billington to authorize Hammel and Leipold to sign all documents pertaining to the Old Pump House property. ROLL CALL-Billington, VanDyke, Webster, Hendrickson and Shifflet. Absent: Johnson.
VILLAGE CODE ON MARIJUANA LEGISLATION-There are 3 in this area that are permitted. There would need to be an ordinance passed for a 3% tax. Motion by VanDyke 2nd Hendrickson to have McGrath draw up an ordinance for 3%. ROLL CALL-VanDyke, Webster, Hendrickson, Shifflet and Billington. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
SIGN DESIGN ON GAS STATION LIGHT POLE AT DEPOT-ACE Sign looks good. It would be a 8'x5' sign. Budget would be $800.00-$2000.00. Motion by Hendrickson 2nd Shifflet to have ACE Sign design a sign. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
401 S. EAST ST-DANGEROUS BUILDING-Chief Lane stated that Mr. Ludy has been in the hospital and he will be given a 60 day extension. This will be the last extension.
EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE RENEWAL-Motion by Hendrickson 2nd Webster to go with Blue Cross/Blue Shield G530BCE for $5044.54 of which $4529.05 is the Village portion and $515.49 is employee portion. ROLL CALL-Hendrickson, Shifflet, Billington, VanDyke and Webster. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
SCHEDULE WATER & SEWER RATE INCREASE-Williams stated that since 2009 there has been an increase of 5%. There are around 1/3 of the customers that use 2000 gallons or less. Motion by VanDyke 2nd Webster to reduce the 5% to 3%. ROLL CALL-Shifflet, Billington, VanDyke, Webster and Hendrickson. All ayes, motion carried. Absent: Johnson.
VILLAGE VEHICLE ASSETS-F250 TRUCLK AND POLICE CROWN VIC-Keep truck through winter. VanDyke suggested to keep Crown Vic for possible use for ESDA.
ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RISK MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL INSURANCE-Motion by Hendrickson 2nd VanDyke to choose Option #1 for $33,964.44. ROLL CALL-Billington, VanDyke, Webster, Hendrickson and Shifflet. All aves, motion carried
DISCUSSION ON VILLAGE CODE-Suggested to have meetings before the regular board meeting each month starting at 6:00pm.
EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING-Rutherford stated he went to one last wee
It was suggested to look into trading the mower. It is on the 3rd year of rotation Put on November agenda.
HIRING TIF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR-McGrath stated he has an appointment with someone this Wed.
There is a complaint letter in each of the board members mail box.
Motion by Webster 2nd Billington to adjourn meeting. All ayes, motion carried. Absent:
Johnson. Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.