McLean County Board Justice Committee met April 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Justice Committee of the McLean County Board met on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 404 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Members Present: Chairman George Gordon, Members George Wendt, Susan Schafer, Randall Martin, Jim Soeldner and Lyndsay Bloomfield
(All by remote attendance)
Members Absent: Member Carlo Robustelli
Other County Board
Members Present None
Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator, Ms. Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator and Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary; Ms. Jessica Woods, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division (via remote attendance)
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Mr. Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk, Mr. Don Knapp, State’s Attorney, Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, Ms. Kathy Yoder (remote attendance)
Others Present:
Chairman Gordon called the meeting to order and declared a quorum. Chairman Gordon presented the minutes of the February 18, 2020 special meeting and March 3, 2020 regular meeting for approval.
Motion by Soeldner/Bloomfield to approve the minutes from the February 18, 2020 special meeting and March 3, 2020 regular meeting.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Gordon confirmed there were no appearances by members of the public
Chairman Gordon indicated that Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center was not present in the room, but her reports were included in the packet. Ms. Rodriguez indicated she could try answer any questions and noted that April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he moved to the next agenda item.
Mr. Jon Sandage, McLean County Sheriff indicated that Mr. Gordon had presented him with some questions and instead of going one by one he had prepared a statement and read it into the record (refer to audio). (3:45-9:38) Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions for Sheriff Sandage. Mr. Wendt thanked the Sheriff. Ms. Schafer thanked the Sheriff and reminded individuals that at the Health Committee there was a report on the good job they were doing to try to minimize possible spreading of the virus. Mr. Soeldner thanked the Sheriff and agreed he did not feel the Sheriff, or the Board have the ability to release individuals from jail. Ms. Bloomfield thanked him. Mr. Gordon asked if part of the situation was a lack of public education on how the judicial system and jail work as individuals are not in jail because the Sheriff said so, or the Board said so, but because a judge ordered them to be there. Mr. Sandage indicated that could be part of it. Mr. Gordon asked him to clarify reduction of inmates mentioned in his statement and what time period that was over. Mr. Sandage indicated it was over the last 30 days. Mr. Gordon asked him to confirm this helped with space to isolate an inmate that might show symptoms. Mr. Sandage confirmed. Mr. Gordon thanked him for answering his questions. Mr. Gordon asked if there questions on the regular reports; hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Ms. Kathy Yoder, McLean County Coroner presented her reports and indicated they are following CDC guidelines. Ms. Schafer asked if they would be performing autopsies on individuals who passed from COVID-19. Ms. Yoder stated those deaths are considered medical and not under investigation, so physicians can sign the death certificate. Ms. Yoder indicated those deaths are reported to her per infectious diseases requirements. She indicated they do not know if someone has COVID-19 so they are taking precautions on the autopsies they are required to complete. Chairman Gordon asked if the Committee had any further questions for her, hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Mr. Donald Knapp, State’s Attorney presented his report and indicated he had provided answers to questions from Mr. Gordon and was happy to answer any further questions. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chairman Gordon indicated Mr. Michael Donovan, Director of Court Services was not present in the room, but his reports were in the packet. Ms. Rodriguez noted she had told her department heads they did not need to attend if they did not have action items and would try to answer any questions they might have. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chairman Gordon indicated that Mr. Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk had an item for action and presented a request to approve the renewal of an Agreement with HOV Services for microfilming services. Mr. Everhart indicated this company has provided acceptable service for years and they are required by law to save documents on microfilm before destroying. Mr. Gordon asked if there were any changes. Mr. Everhart indicated there were not.
Motion by Martin/Bloomfield to recommend approval of the renewal of an Agreement with HOV Services for microfilming services.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Gordon presented for Mr. Everhart a request to approve an extension of leave of absence. Chairman Gordon confirmed Committee members had seen the memo on this matter. Members confirmed.
Motion by Schafer/Bloomfield to recommend approval of an extension of leave of absence.
Motion Carried. Chair Voted
Chairman Gordon indicated Mr. Everhart’s reports were in the packet and asked if there were any questions. Hearing none, he thanked him.
Chairman Gordon indicated that Ms. Carla Barnes, Public Defender was not present in the room, but her caseload report was in the packet. Ms. Schafer thanked Ms. Barnes for the memo the Committee received regarding changes and things being done during COVID- 19 regarding safety of individuals. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Appropriation for Departments under the Justice Committee’s purview. Ms. Rodriguez indicated this was the standard clean up of line items for the 2019 budget and several were in follow up to the Law and Justice Expansion.
Motion by Soeldner/Bloomfield to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Appropriation for Departments under the Justice Committee’s purview.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the Mclean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001, Department 0029.
Motion by Bloomfield/Martin to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the Mclean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund 0001, Department 0029.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented for action a request to approve a BJA CAT Grant Agreement with National Center for State Courts. Ms. Rodriguez indicated they had worked with the National Center for State Courts previously and were excited to work with them on this project.
Motion by Schafer/Bloomfield to recommend approval of a BJA CAT Grant Agreement with National Center for State Courts.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez provided her report on recent positions filled. She indicated that Mclean County Government services are essential services and so we continue to fill positions. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none he thanked her.
Chairman Gordon asked if there was other business or communication to come before the Committee. Hearing nothing, he moved to payment of the bills.
Chairman Gordon indicated there were no transfers and presented bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor with a Prepaid and Fund Total of $349,761.90.
Motion by Schafer/Soeldner to approve the Justice Committee bills as transmitted by the County Auditor with a prepaid and fund total of $349,761.90.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Gordon asked if there was any other business or communication for the Justice Committee; hearing none, he adjourned at 5:03 p.m.