City of Leroy City Council met April 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The 2020/2021 fiscal year budget hearing was called to order at 6:32 PM via remote access due to Social Distancing Regulations. Council members in remote attendance were Dawn Hanafin, Rick Kline, Kyle Merkle, Brad Poindexter, Kelly Lay, Ron Legner, Matt Steffen, Greg Steffen and Mayor Dean.
Staff members in remote attendance were Perry Mayer, Scott Bryant, Nathan Wilkins, Chief Williamson, Dan Lush, Samantha Walley and Vicki Moreland.
Public in remote access were Gary Koerner and Sue Bratcher. Samantha explained that she had moved a few of the numbers around since the last budget meeting. A few deductions were also made in revenues in anticipation of the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Street department line item expenditure 745, uniforms, was raised to cover the uniform cost of the planned new hire for the street department. The money will be moved from street repairs and materials (803).
When asked where the money left over from the previous budget would go, Samantha stated that it would go to reserves.
The hearing closed at 6:50 PM.