McLean County Justice Committee Met Jan. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Justice Committee of the McLean County Board met on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 404 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Members Present: Chairman Chuck Erickson, Members Randall L. Martin, George Wendt, Susan Schafer, Sharon Chung, Logan Smith, Hannah Beer (All by remote attendance)
Members Absent: None
Other County Board Members Present None
Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator, (in person attendance); Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary; Ms. Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Chris Spanos, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; (via remote attendance)
Department Heads/ Elected Officials Present: Mr. Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk; Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, Ms. Carla Barnes, Public Defender, Mr. Michael Donovan, Court Services; Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center; Mr. Don Knapp, McLean County State’s Attorney, Ms. Kathleen Yoder, Coroner (all via remote attendance).
Others Present: None
Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Chairman Erickson presented the minutes of the October 19, 2020 and November 17, 2020 special meetings and December 1, 2020 regular meeting for approval.
Motion by Schafer/Chung to approve the minutes from the October 19, 2020 and November 17, 2020 special meetings and December 1, 2020 regular meeting.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Chairman Erickson confirmed with Ms. Rodriguez that there were requests to appear from members of the public. Ms. Morlock read the following into the record:
Submitted by Zachary Gittrich
Here we go again. More prevarication & obstruction from our beloved Sheriff Sandwich, the leakiest of cheeseburgers. We recently discovered additional cases of COVID-19 in the jail had gone largely undisclosed. Sheriff Sandwich, in his life’s mission to be the most insufferable sandwich alive, never made any announcement of these new cases or the steps he was taking to mitigate these cases. I would say I’m surprised by honestly I’m not; not when it comes to dodgy Jon. There has been no announcements from the Sheriff’s office about whether there are any current cases, how often testing is occurring, and what’s being done to mitigate spread. It is imperative that Sheriff Sandwich reveal all new cases in the jail as promptly and accurately as possible. Since Sheriff Sandwich obviously can’t be trusted to do this without prompting, I’m calling on the McLean County board to pass a resolution requesting this information from our resident drama burger. This is literally the bare minimum of what ya’ll could be doing. Ya’ll have a duty to the tax-payers to be fiduciary shepherds for the jail; which ya’ll can’t do that if ya’ll don’t have the proper information. It’s time for ya’ll to prove ya’ll are concerned about a transparent & accountable government. While ya’ll cannot force Sheriff Sandwich to cooperate, a resolution requesting that information shows a clear message. We should all be able to agree that transparency is key to effectively overcoming this pandemic. The people demand accurate and prompt information, especially regarding tax-payer funded liabilities like the jail. It is unfortunate Sheriff Sandwich has chosen to conceal & prevaricate on such an important issue. Demand accountability for the jail. Demand accurate numbers! Demand your sandwiches not be moldy & rotten to the core like Sheriff sandwich.
Submitted by Bunny Maxwell.
I have seen the circulars from agitation rising, complaining about the sheriff and covid with inmates.
I support the sheriff. Jail isn't too different than a nursing home and the way they are dealing.
I don't know what this group is trying to do other than they are the same ones wanting to defund the police. Inmates receive treatment. I am sure they aren't being abused. They can't be turned free to run the streets and expose everyone. They are in jail because they broke some law. Lawbreakers can not be allowed to avoid punishment no matter how these new groups want.
Keep up the good work jail staff and sheriff.
Ms. Carla Barnes, Public Defender presented her monthly report. She went over what the reports represent and how they compared to last year. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions. Ms. Barnes asked to make a comment, she indicated she and her staff are in constant contact with the Sheriff’s department and have felt safe with the protocols the Sheriff has had in place during the Pandemic. She further indicated that collectively, the sheriff, judges, State’s Attorney and her office have worked to decrease traffic in the jail during this time and the Sheriff’s concern for the well-being of all since the beginning of the pandemic has been high. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked her.
Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center presented for action a request to approve Cooperative Agreements with National Children’s Alliance for both NSP and DTVF. Ms. Evans indicated they had applied for three and were awarded these two grants for mental health and training for multidisciplinary areas.
Motion by Smith/Wendt to recommend approval of a Cooperative Agreement with National Children’s Alliance – NSP and DTVF.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote - all Members present voted yes, including the Chairman.
Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center presented for action a request to approve a lease agreement between HOPE Pregnancy Center and McLean County for the space located on the second floor of 202 N. Main St., Pontiac, IL. Ms. Chung asked about history of leasing of this space as she had opposed this vote in the past because of the other services offered in this building. Ms. Evans indicated two satellite offices where they hold forensic interviews. She indicated that over the years there have been changes in the ownership of the building. She stated that the current rent is $450 with all utilities and while they have looked at other options they have found nothing with the proximity to courthouse that allows State’s Attorney and Officer to attend interviews, nor have they found facilities with similar costs. Ms. Chung thanked her for the information and thanked her for work they do, but stated she would be voting no as she did not want to give funding to that organization. Mr. Smith asked how long we have been a tenant compared to how long the current owners has owned the building. She stated she did not believe current owners were the owners of the building when we became a tenant.
Motion by Wendt/Martin to recommend approval of a lease agreement between HOPE Pregnancy Center and McLean County for the space located on the second floor of 202 N. Main St., Pontiac, IL.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – Members Martin, Wendt, Schafer, Smith and Erickson voted yes. Members Chung and Beer voted no.
Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center presented for action a request to approve a Grant Agreement between McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center and Illinois Prairie Community Foundation Youth Engaged in Philanthropy Program. Ms. Evans indicated this grant written to help purchase telehealth system for children receiving services during the pandemic.
Motion by Smith/Schafer to recommend approval of a Grant Agreement between McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center and Illinois Prairie Community Foundation Youth Engaged in Philanthropy Program.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote - all Members present voted yes, including the Chairman.
Ms. Evans presented her monthly reports to the Committee and explained what her monthly reports include. She stated they are heavily grant funded so besides reports she brings grants and contracts before the Committee for approval. Ms. Chung asked how changes they have had to make during pandemic such as the telehealth are affecting children. Ms. Evans indicated CAC are available to conduct children interviews 24/7 and they have had to make changes, but staff and children have done well adapting to teleservices and following social distancing protocols. She stated they felt there might be a surge in numbers when children returned to schools where there are mandated reporters, but they have not seen a large increase. She indicated that for CASA they have moved to virtual training and meetings that seem to be going well. Ms. Evans invited members to reach out with questions or to schedule a tour of their area. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any further questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, presented for action a request to approve a Tech Electronic, Inc. Subscription Monitoring Services Agreement (EMA Garage). Mr. Sandage indicated this was continuation of a contract for monitoring EMA garage systems at the Fairview campus.
Motion by Smith/Schafer to recommend approval of a Tech Electronic, Inc. Subscription Monitoring Services Agreement (EMA Garage).
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, presented for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff Ms. Chung asked if common to have deputies in schools. Mr. Sandage stated Olympia is one of the few schools technically in our jurisdiction and both the school and our office has found the agreement to be beneficial. He also stated the contract is continuation of a contract that has been in place for several years.
Motion by Martin/Wendt to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, presented for action a request to approve an Agreement with Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. for Public Performance Licensing. Mr. Sandage indicated this contract is a continuation agreement for educational videos and movies to be shown to the inmates.
Motion by Smith/Martin to recommend approval of an Agreement with Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. for Public Performance Licensing.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff, presented for action a request to approve a Contract with Ruth Chin for Chaplin services. Mr. Sandage stated the contract is a continuation agreement.
Motion by Chung/Schafer to recommend approval of a Contract with Ruth Chin for Chaplin services.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Mr. Sandage presented his monthly report and went over what the reports show including increases, decreases and comparisons to previous six months and previous year. He stated average population right now is up because they have 40 inmates the Department of Corrections will not accept. He stated once they can move those then spacing will be better.
Mr. Smith stated that in the past there had been a lawsuit by several Sheriff’s Departments against the Department of Correction and the Governor about not taking transfers. Mr. Smith asked if there had been any movement on that. Mr. Sandage indicated there had not been any movement. Ms. Schafer asked if spacing was a reason. Mr. Sandage stated that he did feel COVID and space was an issue as the Department of Correction has had several outbreaks, so they are trying to reduce numbers.
Ms. Chung thanked him for calling her and talking to her about questions she had. She stated she wanted to also ask those in a public setting so members of the public could hear responses. She asked if they were continuing same testing protocols the Sheriff had in place when there was an earlier outbreak at the jail. Mr. Sandage went over numbers, stating they had two cases in November, and both were in one cell block which they were able to isolate, so they did not put protocols back in place. He stated they currently have zero cases in the jail, and they have had 7 cases since March. He stated that since March they have had 3,100 people booked into the facility but because of hard work of staff they have kept the numbers low. He stated he would like to see praise for staff instead of criticism. Chung asked about positive numbers with staff. Mr. Sandage said currently zero staff.
Ms. Chung stated that her questions in no way question staff as she supports the job they are doing and wanted to let others know steps being taken and numbers. Ms. Chung asked if new bookings are still quarantined. Mr. Sandage confirmed. Ms. Chung asked if inmates are given a test during booking. Mr. Sandage stated they are only given a test if they exhibit signs. Mr. Smith stated he was given an opportunity to do a ride along and booking and that he had noticed increased safety measures for the officer, inmate and staff. Mr. Smith stated general public will not see these efforts unless they come in contact with Sheriff. Mr. Erickson agreed and stated he did a ride along as well and it was very educational. Ms. Chung asked if there a recommendation to staff to get tested regularly. Mr. Sandage stated they screen everyone that comes in and have caught some cases through that screening but leave it up to staff to determine if they need to be tested. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any further questions, hearing none, he thanked Mr. Sandage.
Ms. Kathy Yoder; McLean County Coroner present her monthly report and went over information included in her reports. She went over numbers on current report including out of county autopsies and revenue and expenses. Ms. Chung asked why we do out of county autopsies. Ms. Yoder explained that many counties do not have a facility to perform autopsies and that we also have one of the few forensic pathologists in the nation as there are less than 400 nationwide. Ms. Yoder indicated the coroner’s offices are next to the Sheriff’s Department and she had never seen any officers or staff without a mask in place. Chairman Erickson asked if the Committee had any further questions hearing none, he thanked her.
Mr. Don Knapp, State’s Attorney presented his monthly reports and went over statistics that they provide each month. He stated that family totals and mental health totals are not initiated by their office but at one time there was grant they received that required they report these other numbers. He stated that felony numbers are up, and misdemeanors numbers are down. He stated misdemeanor numbers could possibly be because businesses closed so retail theft down. He also stated that DUI cases are down and felt that was probably due to bars and restaurants being closed for several months. Ms. Schafer stated that Governor expunged many cannabis cases and asked if he knew and how many were from this county. Mr. Knapp indicated he did not have those numbers and was not sure if they would be getting those numbers. He stated he would share with the Committee if they did receive them. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any further questions, hearing none, he thanked him.
Mr. Michael Donovan, Director of Court Services presented his monthly reports and explained that they represent the breakdown of cases they are supervising each month. He stated the County has a lot of specialization courts, which he feels makes the community safer, and in turn the County has on staff specially trained officers. He stated they provide more than probation services including investigations, pre-trial, and emerging adults’
services. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked him.
Mr. Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk presented his monthly reports and went over information provided in those reports and indicated numbers are also required to be submitted to the Office of Administrative Courts. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.
Ms. Rodriguez, County Administrator presented her report on recent positions filled. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Chairman Erickson asked if there was other business or communication to come before the Committee, hearing none, he moved to payment of the bills.
Chairman Erickson presented bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor with a Prepaid and Fund Total of $.
Motion by Smith/Chung to approve the Justice Committee bills as transmitted by the County Auditor with a prepaid and fund total of $836,736.18.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all present voted yes including the Chairman. Chairman Erickson presented a Transfer request from the Public Defender’s Department.
Motion by Martin/Smith to recommend approval of the Transfer request from the Public Defender’s Department
Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Chairman Erickson presented a Transfer request from the Circuit Clerk’s Department.
Motion by Smith/Schafer to recommend approval of the Transfer request from the Circuit Clerk’s Department
Motion Carried. Roll Call Vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Chairman Erickson asked if there was any other business or communication for the Justice Committee; hearing none he asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion by Chung/Smith to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:26 p.m.