City of Bloomington Liquor Commission Met June 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Consent Agenda
A. Consideration and action to approve Minutes from the May 11, 2021 Regular Liquor Commission Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department.
B. Consideration and action to approve Minutes from the May 21, 2021 Special Liquor Commission Meeting, as requested by the City Clerk Department.
All license creations, amendments or transfers are contingent upon compliance with all building, health, and safety codes.
5. Regular Agenda
A. Public Hearing and action on the request from Bloomington Normal Sunrise Rotary for a Class LB (Limited/Beer and Wine) liquor license for their annual fundraiser event that will be held on Jefferson St., between Main St. and Center Ave., and on Main St., between Washington St. and Jefferson St., on August 6, 2021, as requested by the City Clerk Department.
B. Consideration and action on an Ordinance suspending portions of Chapter 6 of the Bloomington City Code to allow possession of open alcohol on public property in specified portions of Downtown Bloomington on Tuesday, August 6, 2021, during Bloomington Normal Sunrise Rotary’s annual Brats and Bags fundraising event, as requested by the City Clerk Department.
C. Consideration and action on an Ordinance suspending portions of Chapter 6 of the Bloomington City Code to allow possession of open alcohol on public property in specified portions of Downtown Bloomington on Saturday, June 26, 2021, during The Momma Inc., d/b/a The Bistro, annual Pride Fest event, as requested by the City Clerk Department.
D. Sanctions Review Hearing on Violation #2021-003 issued to Hurley Consolidated Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a Drifters, located at 612 N. Main St., as requested by the Legal Department.
E. Mickey’s Kitchen, Inc., d/b/a Mickey’s Kitchen: Presentation of Agreed Order, as requested by the Legal Department.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Adjournment