City of Pontiac City Council Met March 29.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Mayor Alvey called to order the meeting of the City Council at 6:00 P.M.
The City Clerk was directed to call roll, and the following members of the Council were present: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille. Absent: Hicks
A. Ladder Truck Purchase
Motion by Gabor, second by Wille to approve the purchase of a 2006 Ladder Truck from the Orland Fire District at a cost of $300.000.00 and approve a budget of $75,000.00 for repair and update expenses. On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille.
B. Budget Review
Final questions and comments on the proposed budget for 2021/2022. Executive Session
Motion by Kallas, second by Causer to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel matters as authorized under Section 2(c)2 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille
Return from Executive Session
C. Ordinance 2021-O-008, 2021-2022 Budget Approval
Motion by Eckhoff, second by Wille to approve Ordinance 2021-O-008, with amendment made on salaries. On a roll call vote, motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Causer, Bradshaw, Myers, Gabor and Wille
On motion duly made and seconded, the regular meeting of the City Council was adjourned.