Village of Gridley Board Trustee met Sept. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gridley was held at the Village Hall at 7:00 p.m. Jeff Benedict opened with a word of prayer.
President Benedict called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to call roll, and upon roll call, the following Trustees answered present: Michael Finck, Susan Laiming, Keri Hany, Jay Kiefer and Mick Finck. Absent was Kyle Cobbley. Quorum present. Employees Phil Romersberger and Mark Peterson were present.
Jeff asked if there were any corrections or additions to the August meeting minutes. There were none. Keri made a motion to approve the minutes and Susan seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Board reviewed the “Bills received by Clerk”. There were no additions. Mick made a motion to approve the bills and Michael seconded the motion. Roll call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. After discussion, Susan made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Keri seconded. All present answered in favor.
Jeff introduced Sandy Cook, Director of CliftonLarsonAllen who was in attendance to present the FYE April 2021 audit. Sandy reviewed the audit with the board and declared it a very clean audit. After discussion, Sandy thanked the board and exited the meeting.
Colleen Whisker, our Master Gardener, stated that she would like to move some plants around at the city park. Some of the plants are not getting enough sun and moving them will help. The board told her to do whatever she thought needed to be done. Colleen also informed the board that she would like to purchase grasses and spirea and grasses for the plantings at the two “Welcome to Gridley” signs. Michael made a motion to spend up to $750 for grasses and spirea. Mick seconded. Roll Call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Rosie Gramm wishes to give up the care of the flower bed at Rte. 24 and Center after this summer. Colleen volunteered to add that flower bed to her duties.
The village received one response to the Request for Proposals to Acquire Village Owned Real Estate at 102 E. Third Street which President Benedict read to the board. Ben Funk, CEO of Funky Brew presented a proposal for acquisition that the board felt would be a favorable use of the property. The TIF attorney will be asked to prepare an ordinance for the October board meeting.
Philip asked the board to consider a fireproof file cabinet for all the maps of the village that are stored in the storeroom. The fireproof file cabinets last purchased were $1500 each. Keri made a motion to spend $1500 or current cost for a fireproof cabinet. Mick seconded. Roll Call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Jeff reported that Opperman asked if the village would want to take a credit of $42,200 for the street work that was included in their quote for the East side storm sewer. Jay had talked to Andrews Engineering, and they suggested that we could patch this fall, then re-do the whole street in the Spring with A2 at a cost savings. Michael made a motion to accept the credit in the amount of $42,200 from Opperman. Jay seconded. Roll Call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Mick and Marilyn have contacted Eureka College Environmental Studies and they are willing to offer an internship for credit to a senior student who will work with the village to map the location of the tree planting to occur late this fall.
Mark Peterson reported that it would be nice to have a golf cart for use around town for meter reading and other chores. Jeff suggested it would be a big help to Colleen to have a water tank on the back for watering the flowerpots. After discussion, Jay made a motion to spend up to $8500 for the purchase of a golf cart. Mick seconded. Roll Call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
The Contract for Responsible Operator for the Water System with Jay Zehr will expire in October. A new contract has been prepared. Mick made a motion to enter into another yearly contract with Jay Zehr for the Water Operator. Susan seconded. Roll Call: Michael-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer-yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried.
Keri reviewed changes being suggested by General Code to our ordinances.
Jeff suggested that the board be thinking about preliminary planning for additional storm sewer tile. The Federal grant titled the American Rescue Plan has funds in the amount of $190,050 designated for the Village of Gridley payable one-half this year and one-half next year.
Philip reported that a resident asked if she could donate a swing for the park that would accommodate an adult and a child together. The board would be happy to accept the donation of the swing. Village employees would install.
Mick made a motion to adjourn. Mike seconded. Roll call: Michael Finck-yea, Laiming-yea, Hany-yea, Kiefer yea, Mick Finck-yea. All present voted in the affirmative. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.