City of Chenoa City Council met Dec. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Chenoa City Council met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Mayor Wilder, Commissioners Buchanan, Bell, Reinhart, Daiker, Attorney Mann, Treasurer Rowold and City Clerk Rhoades were in attendance.
#5343 Commissioners Buchanan and Bell moved and seconded the Motion that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 23, 2021 and the Minutes of the Executive Session of November 23, 2021 be approved. That the bills and payrolls be allowed, and orders on the Treasurer be drawn in payment of same. The roll call vote was affirmative with Mayor Wilder abstaining from all minutes.
#5344 Commissioners Buchanan and Bell moved and seconded the Motion to approve Ordinance Authorizing the execution of a TIF Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Chenoa and OB’s Cervezaria. Ordinance #828. The roll call vote was affirmative.
#5345 Commissioners Daiker and Reinhart moved and seconded the Motion that the council do now adjourn. The roll call vote was affirmative.
Comments from the Floor
Lisa Mayr asked the council for an update on the properties across the street from her. She said a month ago she asked for something to be done as the yards look horrible with vehicles that do not move for weeks at a time. Commissioner Daiker said he has spoken with Mayor Wilder and Chief Cornwall on this issue. They can not write a violation if the vehicle is backed on the property to where they can not see if the vehicle is currently registered. He drove by himself and did not see anything that stuck out as an ordinance violation. If there is no ordinance in place there is nothing they can do. Lisa asked the council what they can do to create an ordinance to help clean up that property and others around town. Attorney Mann asked Lisa for pictures of the property. He and the council will look into putting new ordinances in place.
Nancy Todd gave an update on the Chenoa Revitalization Committee. She said they have about $6,000 raised for a park project. There is a group of about eight of them working to build an inclusive park system in the community. They are trying to work in conjunction with the equipment that was bought by an anonymous donor that is not part of the Committee. An inclusive park is set up for anyone of all abilities to play and have access. She showed a zero gravity swing for a child who is not able to walk would be able to swing. She showed a chime set that is great for children with autism. She would also like to get three picnic tables for the new pavilion. She said she is not looking at the City for money, just their verbal support for the effort of making the parks better. Mayor Wilder said he supports their projects as long as they remember to bring things to the council to follow the process. Nancy asked what the process is for them to donate items. Mayor Wilder said they need to do what Rachel did and bring things they want to purchase to the council to ask permission before they do it. Nancy said the pictures she showed them are what they are asking the council permission to purchase to be installed. Commissioner Bell and Buchanan had concerns that it would not work with the equipment that Rachel had already purchased. Kurt Rhoda said they are working with the same company as Rachel and they would just like it all installed at the same time. The council asked for a drawing of their pieces to fit in with Rachel’s before they do anything.
Keenan Wilson asked the council for TIF funds to reimburse him for roof work on his building uptown. He will need to do brick work in the future on his other building uptown. He purchased the property on Green Street in 2010 and has put a lot of work into it already. In 2016 he purchased the one across the street on Veto Street. Mayor Wilder told him to feel out the application for the council to discuss.
Ordinance Authorizing the execution of a TIF Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Chenoa and OB’s Cervezaria
Commissioner Buchanan said this is the agreement that was presented at the last meeting and asked John to give a run down as not many people were at the last meeting. John Cerda said this will be a brewery and pizzeria. They want to bring the local history into the building and keep the fireman feel. They are going to focus on Mexican beer. They plan to have an outdoor volleyball court and gaming inside. The council had no further questions on it.
City Insurance
Commissioner Buchanan said Steve and himself have been working with a consultant to sort through some of the differences between the current provider and what Compass has presented to the council. Attorney Mann said they have discussed some of the concerns with the current policy and have received answers back on them that have been helpful. His recommendation is to stay with the current provider moving forward and to look into increasing the law enforcement liability. Commissioner Reinhart said he feels the same way with this as with employee health insurance and right now may not be the best time to switch providers. Commissioner Daiker said he agrees with Commissioner Reinhart but would like the current provider to do walk-throughs of the buildings to be sure we have the coverage that we need. Commissioner Bell said he trusts Commissioner Buchanan to do what he thinks is best. Commissioner Buchanan said he feels the same way as Commissioner Daiker, that they need to do walk-throughs of the buildings quarterly or semi-annually and feels they should stay with the current provider. Mayor Wilder said he agrees with the rest of the council to stay with the current provider. The council appreciates the time and the quotes but agrees to stay with the current prover.
City Park Playground Equipment Installation
Mayor Wilder said the installation cost is roughly $35,000 that the City would have to come up with as the equipment has been paid for by donations. Putting in playground equipment in a timely manner and correctly. The company can get it done in roughly a week and are skilled and know what they are doing which is less of a liability risk for the City compared to using volunteers and employees. He has found someone that will volunteer their time to lay the pad for a parking lot by the new restrooms. He feels they should move forward with paying to have the playground installed. He does ask if they are going to accept the extra pieces that Nancy Todd talked about that they get them drawings and a new installation quote before the vote on the installation.
Attorney's Comments
Treasurer’s Comments
Treasurer Rowold passed out the summary packet for November with the overall profit or loss for each fund. He said the General Fund looks so far but with not much income coming in the rest of the year. The Swimming Pool looks normal for this time of the year. The Water and Sewer Fund is still at a loss but is doing better than most years. He asked the council if they would like him to create another page showing the restricted funds amounts and the council agreed to have him start doing that for them.
Commissioner’s Comments
Commissioner Daiker
Commissioner Reinhart said one of the concerns has been where the water is going that isn’t being billed. With the projects they have done on Commercial Street and the hydrant uptown. The water plant has pumped 1,416,000 gallons less than previous months of November. These projects and money spent has paid off. There is a 41 percent decrease in pumpage at the plant. The team has worked hard and has done a great job.
Commissioner Bell said they have the grader operational. They have purchased some dirt to fix some problems around town. They also have the electrical at the quonset fixed. He is going to start working on getting the spray patch and seal coat set up for the Spring and Summer. He said he has not spent much this year as when he came on in April he said he wanted to save money. Next year he is wanting to tackle some major projects like Mason Street.
Commissioner Buchanan
Mayor Wilder said he will be leaving town for a few days Friday but will be available by phone. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.