City of Lexington City Council met January 24.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Consideration/Vote to approve the minutes of the December 27, 2021 meeting.
V. Consideration/Vote approve the paying of bills/Treasurer’s Report.
VI. Public Input:
VII. Old Business: None
VII. New Business:
A. Discussion: Ordinance Amending Chapter 5, Section 16 of the City Code of the City of Lexington pertaining to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in outdoor gardens
B. Discussion License Agreement between the City of Lexington and Rex Osborn
C. Discussion McLean County Mayors Association Proposal for ARPA Funding Assistance
IX. Committee Reports
A. Mayor’s Report Johansen
B. Police Richard
C. Building/Insurance Franklin
D. Finance/TIF Stover
E. Water/Sewer/Sanitation Wilson
F. Street/Alley Mattingly
X. Adjourn