
McLean County Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Dwight Board of Trustees met March 28

Village of Dwight Board of Trustees met March 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Paul Johnson, Village President; Marla Kinkade, Trustee; Randy Irvin, Trustee; Pete Meister, Trustee; Jenny Johnson, Trustee; Chuck Butterbrodt, Trustee; Justin Eggenberger, Trustee


Other Village Officials in Attendance: Mike Nolan, Michael Callahan, Cory Scoles, Sara Tutterow, Austin Haacke, Kevin McNamara, Whitney Scott

The Village Board Minutes from March 14, 2022 were presented for approval. Trustee Johnson made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to approve the minutes as submitted. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.


Payment of the March 28, 2022 bills in the amount of $188,596.83 were presented for payment from the various funds. Trustee Irvin made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to pay the bills as submitted. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

The Treasurer’s Report for February 2022 was presented for review. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Butterbrodt, to approve the report as proposed. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

Finance Director Austin Haacke submitted a request for a fund transfer of $8,082.34 from the General Fund (01) to the Capital Expenditures Fund (38) for the purpose of paying the following current Police and EMS Capital outlay expenses. Trustee Johnson made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to approve the fund transfer. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

• $611.01 EMS Lockers

• $1,299.35 EMS Refrigerator

• $5,103.00 Knox Medicine Vault

• $1,068.98 Police Lock Out kits / Stop sticks

Haacke also submitted a request for a fund transfer of $168,000 from the General Fund (01) to the Capital Expenditures Fund (38) for the purpose of paying the following future expenses. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to approve the fund transfer. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

• $15,000.00 Computer Upgrades – Admin / EMS

• $10,000.00 Computer Upgrades – Police

• $57,000.00 Police Car

• $30,000.00 Public Service Complex Building Maintenance

• $15,000.00 Phone System Public Service Complex Building

• $15,000.00 to replace totaled [squad] car

• $8,000.00 Mobile Data Computers

• $18,000.00 Motorola Radios




President Johnson said that he had nothing official to report, just a reminder to share about the upcoming E-Recycle Event held at the old K-Mart parking lot in Pontiac on Saturday April 2 at 9:00am.


Cory Scoles advised that the Village Parks are on schedule to open April 1st and that he had recently met with Eric Scheuer, DYBS President, regarding the broken scoreboard bracket on the Bronco Field and that repairs are in progress and will completed as soon as possible, as well as testing the other fields’ scoreboards. President Johnson asked if Cory could get updated quotes for replacing the scoreboards at all fields, in anticipation of philanthropic funds that may soon become available to the Village. Cory also advised that the during construction work on Rt. 47 north of town, that the underground stoplight sensors were damaged and replaced with a camera sensor on the lights.

EMS Director Callahan advised that the new AED is getting installed and that the announcement for who won the grant for new ballistics vests is expected in early July. He also shared that the first remount ambulance project is moving along, it is currently being painted and then will be mounted and electrical work completed. Callahan is looking forward to his first inspection soon.

Chief Nolan explained that they’re working on updates to the Police policy and procedure manual and mandated training completed by July 1st. Chief Nolan also shared that Officer Maier will be celebrating his 8-year Anniversary with the department. President Johnson asked Chief Nolan to meet with DeLong’s to get a quote for a new squad car for the department.


Six (6) Ordinances were presented for the Boards’ review and approval:

ORD 1476 Amending the Village of Dwight Policy Personnel Manual Appendix C with Respect to Police Officer Reimbursement, amending the current training reimbursement time requirements for costs incurred by the Village of Dwight from the current twelve months to twenty-four months, effective March 28, 2022. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to approve the Ordinance Amendment. Roll call. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye), Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye). Motion carries, 6-0.


ORD 1477 Amending the Village of Dwight Policy Personnel Manual Appendix D with Respect to Employee Personnel, amending the current training reimbursement time requirement for costs incurred by the Village of Dwight from the current twelve months to twenty-four months, effective March 28, 2022. Trustee Butterbrodt made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to approve the Ordinance Amendment. Roll call. Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye), Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye). Motion carries, 6-0.


ORD 1478 an Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 21/22 Budget. Trustee Kinkade made a motion with a second from Trustee Johnson, to approve the amended 2021 – 2022 Budget. Roll call. Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye), Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye), Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye). Motion carries, 6- 0.


ORD 1479 an Ordinance Adopting the Fiscal Year 22/23 Budget. Trustee Johnson made a motion with a second from Trustee Meister, to approve the 2022 – 2023 Budget. Roll call. Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye), Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye), Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye). Motion carries, 6-0.


ORD 1480 Amending the Village of Dwight Policy Personnel Manual Article III, Section 3.81 Probation, amending Paragraph 2, to change the employee probationary period from six (6) months to twelve (12) months to now read “The probationary period shall consist of the first twelve (12) months of actual service following the date of appointment action requiring such period unless specified otherwise in writing. Trustee Kinkade made a motion with a second from Trustee Irvin, to amend the probationary period. Roll call. Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye), Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye). Motion carries, 6-0.


ORD 1481 Amending Chapter 14, Amusements, Article IV, Video Gaming Terminal Licensing Fee of the Municipal Code of the Village of Dwight, Livingston and Grundy Counties, Illinois, amending “The annual fee for licensure of a video gaming terminal shall be $250.00” effective April 1, 2022. Trustee Irvin made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to amend the annual license fee to $250.00 per terminal. Roll call. Eggenberger (aye), Irvin (aye), Johnson (aye), Kinkade (aye), Meister (aye), Butterbrodt (aye). Motion carries, 6-0.


The Administration & Finance Committee met on 03/22/22 at5:00PM

PRESENT: Village President Paul Johnson, Trustees Irvin, Johnson, Meister, and Kinkade

ABSENT: Trustees Eggenberger and Butterbrodt

Other Village Officials in Attendance: Kevin McNamara, Mike Nolan, Michael Callahan, Cory Scoles, Sara Tutterow, Austin Haacke, Whitney Scott

Village President Paul Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:00PM. and asked for a Roll Call. Village Administrator Kevin McNamara advised that he had received a call from Odell inquiring if Odell Golf Cart Registration stickers could be honored in Dwight, and Dwight’s recognized in Odell. Kevin confirmed that registration in both communities is $50.00 each. The Committee discussed and unanimously approved recognizing Odell’s Registration stickers within the Village of Dwight (in town only). President Johnson also advised there may be future grants available for repaving the unused portion of Route 66 for Low-Speed Vehicles. Kevin will notify Odell to confirm before formal action is taken.

Finance Director Austin Haacke provided an update on the HSA Fund, advising that the current Village Health Insurance policy does not support an HSA, so further research is necessary.

The Committee then continued their review of the proposed budget for April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023. The Committee continued their discussions regarding increased wages non-union Village Employees. A 3% raise for those 8 employees was unanimously approved and the proposed budget will be updated. The Committee also discussed increasing the wages (pay scales and steps) for Public Works employees. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to recommend to the Board that the Public Works employees be moved up an additional step (in addition to their one-step already included in their contract) as well as a 2.5% raise.

Trustee Johnson made a motion, with a second from Trustee Meister, to move the Public Works employees up an additional step. Roll Call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

The Committee further discussed amending the Public Works contract at the next renewal to include more steps, to align with the Police contract. Trustee Irvin also recommended the Committee review wages for the Public Works Director so that all three “chiefs” align. Trustee Meister made a motion, with a second from Trustee Kinkade, to increase the Public Works Director salary range to correspond with other Department heads and to increase Scoles salary accordingly.

Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to increase the Public Works Director Salary range to correspond with the other Department heads and to increase Scoles current salary accordingly. Roll Call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

The Committee also had further discussions regarding the need for a new squad car for the Police Department. Because the computer system upgrades that were budgeted for FY2022 at approximately $30,000 have not yet been completed, those funds could be moved to the Capital Outlay Fund for future use towards a new squad car and the computer system upgrades could be 100% funded by the ARPA Grant.

Cory Scoles advised the Committee that he had met with FS to discuss utilizing the two 500-gallon tanks (one for gas and one for diesel) to fuel all Village vehicles. FS quoted $2500 for the machine and software. Cory will get an additional quote from Snyder and the Committee will further discuss. With no further new business, the Committee unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 5:54PM.

The Administration & Finance Committee met 3/28/22 at 5:45PM

PRESENT: Village President Paul Johnson, Trustees Irvin, Johnson, Meister, Kinkade, Butterbrodt, and Eggenberger

Other Village Officials in Attendance: Kevin McNamara, Mike Nolan, Michael Callahan, Cory Scoles, Sara Tutterow, Austin Haacke, Whitney Scott

Village President Paul Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:53PM. and asked for a Roll Call. EMS Director Michael Callahan recently held interviews for the open full- and part-time EMT Basic positions and shared his recommendations with the Committee to hire John Choate III as a full-time EMT Basic at Step C, and both Danielle Boshears and Jaron Scheid as part-time EMT Basics at Step A.

Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to hire John Choate III as a full time EMS Basic at Step C of the pay schedule, and Danielle Boshears and Jaron Scheid as Part-time EMD Basics. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

Public Works Director Cory Scoles interviewed for the open Water Operator position and recommends the Committee hire Joe Fritsch, a current Public Works Employee of 7 years, at Step C of the Water Operators schedule effective April 1, 2022.

Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to hire Joe Fritsch as the Water Operator at Step C of the Operators schedule. Roll Call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

Police Chief Nolan stated interviews were held for the two open officer positions. He recommends hiring Jacob Bakalik and Trevor Sember, at Step A, effective April 16, 2022.

Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to both Bakalik and Sember as recommended. Roll Call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

With no further new business, the Committee unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting at 6:00PM.


The Downtown lights have been delivered to the electric company.


Kevin shared the invoice and informational packet from Greater Livingston County Economic Development Council (GLCEDC) for the 2022 Gold Membership Investment Renewal at $8,504.00. Trustee Irvin made a motion, with a second from Trustee Johnson, to approve the membership renewal. Roll Call. All voted aye. Motion carries, 6-0.

Trustees also reviewed a letter received from Tom Tock, suggesting that the Village abstain from participation in the ITEP plan to establish a bike and walking path from Lions Lake to Renfrew Park. Trustees confirmed that this had already been approved and is in progress.

Finding no further new business, President Johnson asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Kinkade made a motion, with a second from Trustee Irvin, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 PM, all voted aye.




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