Hudson Area Public Library District Board of Trustees met Oct. 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Second Special meeting was called to order by President Rinda at 7:30 p.m. Board members present are: Nancy Rinda, Kevin Segerstrom, Dianne Feasley, Erin Corbin, Gwyn Whitacre and Director Jenny Losey. Ronda Hess and Cory Burgess joined us by Zoom.
We had enough for a quorum.
The October 20, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes were presented. Dianne made a motion to accept the minutes as presented with a second by Kevin.
The Board discussed the purchase of the lot East of the library.
It was decided to keep the plan that we decided on at the previous meeting on October 20, 2022. If we are not successful in bidding for the property, we can approach the successful party to see if they would be willing to sell us a portion of the lot if they do not need all of it.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45p.m.