
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Town of Normal Planning Commission met April 6

Town of Normal Planning Commission met April 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Members Present:

Mr. Broad, Mr. Tummala, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McBride, Mr. McCue, Ms. Woods, Mr. Byars

Members Absent:


Others Present:

Director of Inspections Greg Troemel, Town Planner Mercy Davison, Assistant Corporation Counsel Jason Querciagrossa, Associate Planner Tessa Ferraro

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Chairman McBride.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Broad moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 2023. Mr. Byars seconded the motion.

Mr. McBride took a moment to introduce and welcome the 2 new members of the board, Tim McCue and Jessica Woods. He also thanked the outgoing member for their service to the community.

Public Hearing:

a) 23-04-05-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, Weldon Reserve (North and West of Beech and Chuck Murray, PINs 14-15-328-030, 14-15-328-031, 14-15-397-006)

b) 23-04-06-PC: Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Weldon Reserve (North and West of Beech and Chuck Murray, PINs 14-15-328-030, 14-15-328-031, 14-15-397-006)

Mr. McBride also informed the audience that the Planning Commission will vote on all agenda items separately, however the discussion for items a & b will take place at the same time.

Mr. McBride invited Ms. Davison to present the Staff Report.

Ms. Davison provided the following summary of the proposed Zoning Map Amendment of approximately 1.35 acres from R-1B Single Family Residential to R-2 Mixed Residential to permit the construction of single-family attached houses rather than single-family detached houses on the west side of the Weldon Reserve Subdivision.

In September 2022, the Town approved a zoning map amendment for 4.14 +/- acres of R-2 Mixed Residential adjacent to the interstate and to Pheasant Ridge (Ord. No. 5917). The action was accompanied by the approval of an Amended Preliminary Subdivision Plan (Res. No. 6025) for the newly named “Weldon Reserve Subdivision,” which would occupy the remaining undeveloped area of the original Wintergreen Subdivision.

The applicant is requesting that the R-2 Mixed Residential zoning be extended further south along the west side of the Weldon Reserve Subdivision. The proposed additional R-2 zoning would encompass 1.35 +/- acres and would permit the development of attached single-family units rather than the detached single-family shown on the current, approved preliminary subdivision plan.

Ms. Davison then provided the second item, which is the proposed Amendment to the Weldon Reserve Preliminary Subdivision Plan to permit the construction of single-family attached houses rather than single-family detached houses, with a net gain of three units.

Ms. Davison stated that presuming the developer’s request to rezone an additional 1.35 +/- acres to R-2 is approved, the developer would also need an amendment to the approved preliminary subdivision plan. The proposed amendment includes three components.

1. Combining Lots 109 and 110 into one lot – Lot 111 – for development as one detached, single family residence rather than two attached residences.

2. Replacing Lots 55-58 and 81-82 along the west edge, all of which were planned as single family detached residences, with Lots 55-60 and 83-86 to be developed as attached, single family residences.

3. Reducing the lot widths of Lots 29, 30 and 54 from 62 feet in width to 60 feet to accommodate the two changes above. The minimum lot width per code is 60 feet.

If approved, this would be a net gain of three residential units within the 108-unit Weldon Reserve.

Ms. Davison reiterated that they are already providing services to the area, and it is all public streets. None of the major components have changed. Everything is aligned the same, it is just a few of the lots have changed.

Mr. McBride asked if there were any questions from staff or the commissioners. There were none. Mr. McBride invited the applicant to come up and speak.

Robert Lenz, 202 N Center Street, Bloomington, was sworn in by Chairman McBride. Mr. Lenz introduced David Brown of Lewis, Yockey, and Brown Engineers.

David Brown, 505 N Main Street, Bloomington, was sworn in. He stated that he is here to represent the plans and answer any questions.

Mr. Lenz explained that all the changes they are asking for are a direct result of meetings with the Weldon Reserve neighbors. The meetings happened on the eve of the plans approved in 2022. They promised the neighbors that they would file applications on or before March 1st to make the changes proposed at this public hearing.

Mr. Lenz asked Mr. Brown to explain the changes they are making in relation to the preliminary plan.

Mr. Brown explained that the changes being made are just as Ms. Davison said. There were 6 lots in the area proposed for R-2 zoning, and the developer is asking for them to be converted to R-2 zoning for attached housing. These properties adjoin Pheasant Ridge R-2 properties.

Mr. McBride asked if there were any questions from Commissioners.

Mr. Tummala asked what things have changed in the last 6 months, such as demand or affordability.

Mr. Brown explained that all that has changed is just the number of lots. He stated it was a marketing decision to get a few more units, and the proposed R-2 zoning was conducive to do that. There was an agreement that Mr. Lenz described that was enacted between the developer and the homeowners in the neighborhood.

Mr. Lenz added that the neighbors did not like the idea of the R-2 lots contiguous to Wintergreen 2 on the north side, so those 2 lots would be converted to 1 lot for a detached home.

Mr. McBride asked if there were any other questions. There were none from Commissioners. He then asked if there was anyone here from the public that would like to speak to this issue. There were none. Mr. McBride then closed the public hearing on this issue and opened it up for a motion.

Mr. Querciagrossa reviewed the new way these motions would be handled with the findings and recommendations. Commissioners asked for clarification.

Mr. Matejka made a motion to approve the findings and recommendations as approved by staff. Mr. Byars seconded.

Mr. McBride asked for any discussion.

Mr. Byars thanked the applicant for coming back and doing their due diligence.

Mr. McBride asked to please call the role.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride asked for a motion to the findings and recommendation for the preliminary subdivision plan.

Mr. Byars motioned to approve the findings and recommendations for the amended preliminary subdivision plan 230406.

Mr. Tummala seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

c) 23-04-07-PC: Amended Site Plan, 100 N. Rivian Motorway

Ms. Davison presented the Staff Report. The Proposed Amended Site Plan would allow the construction of a parking lot on the south side of the Rivian manufacturing facility and approximately 15 acres of ground-mounted solar panels east of the facility.

Mr. Byars asked a technical process question, asking if the commission was voting on the solar array tonight or if they already have the permit.

Ms. Davison clarified.

Mr. Tummala asked about the process of the traffic studies that we need to do. Would we expect if the studies go well and there is nothing else to do will it come back to the commission again?

Ms. Davison explained that if they do what is required from what the studies say, the commission will not see this item again. You will only see it again if there were something really different that they would like to do.

Mr. Broad stated that he never thought about the impact of solar panels’ impact of storm water.

Mr. McBride opened up the public hearing to anyone on behalf of the applicant that would like to speak.

Shaun Larsen, 100 N Rivian, Normal, was sworn in. He thanked Ms. Davison for the entire process. He stated he is on the facilities team on the project and the high level of the why behind the project is mainly employee satisfaction. Employees have 12-hour work shifts. They want to create the best experience possible for the employees so this is geared towards for employees at the battery and assembly shop on the south side of the plant. Currently, a shuttle system takes them to the main lobby, where they then have a 10-minute walk to the workstations. This long duration to the workstation can add 40 minutes to their workday. This is the why behind the project – to shorten their days and increase employee satisfaction.

Mr. McBride asked if there were any questions from the Commissioners. There were none. He asked if there was anyone from the public that would like to speak to this issue. There were none.

Mr. Byars motioned to approve the findings and recommendations as presented.

Mr. Broad seconded.

Mr. McBride asked if there was any discussion.

Mr. Tummala asked about the timeline for the parking lot.

Ms. Davison said their timeline is as fast as possible, but they are waiting for this approval and the results of the traffic study and any subsequent, required improvements.

Mr. Larsen said they would like it as soon as possible. They are hoping to start construction in the next month or two. There are some other things with this parking lot that might affect the duration with this one, but the ultimate goal is to have that lot accessible by the fall of this year.

Mr. Tummala asked if we have a code requiring a minimum number of electric charging stations. Ms. Davison said there is nothing in the zoning code that talks about charging stations.

Mr. Tummala then asked about the solar panels. He asked Ms. Davison if the land east of the facility is all agricultural.

Ms. Davison said it is used for agriculture. Mr. Troemel stated it is zoned M-2, though. Mr. Tummala asked if there are any concerns about wildlife impacts.

Ms. Davison said she isn’t aware of any impact specific to solar fields.

Mr Larsen said that they are looking into charging stations in the lot if their budget can account for it.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride clarified that the next five items on the agenda are related, and so they will be discussed together. They will require five separate actions on the commission’s part.

Ms. Davison presented the staff report for all five of the items listed in the report.

d. 23-04-08-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, 402 W. Locust (ISU)

e. 23-04-09-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, 701 N. Main (ISU)

f. 23-04-10-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, 709 N. Main (ISU)

g. 23-04-11-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, 755 W. Raab (ISU)

h. 23-04-12-PC: Zoning Map Amendment, 715 W. Raab (ISU)

Mr. McBride asked if there were any questions for staff.

Mr. Broad asked to clarify his own understanding that the uses are not changing, just the zoning. Ms. Davison said yes, that no land use changes are imminent.

Mr. McBride stated that it is just a tidying of the map.

Ms. Davison agreed.

Mr. Troemel stated that with S-1 zoning, they will have the ability to develop the property in accordance with S-1 zoning.

There were no other questions.

Mr. McBride opened the public hearing. There was no comment. He then asked if anyone from the public was here to speak on this issue. There were none.

Mr McBride closed the public hearing and asked for a motion on 402 W. Locust.

Mr. Broad motioned to approve the findings and recommendations for 23-04-08-PC Mr. Byars seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride asked for a motion to approve 701 N. Main.

Mr. Matejka made a motion to accept the staff recommendations and findings on 701 N. Main Street.

Mr. Byars seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride asked for a motion to approve 709 N. Main.

Mr. Matejka made a motion to accept the recommendations and findings on 709 N Main Street.

Mr. Tummala seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride asked for a motion to approve 755 W. Raab Road.

Mr. Matejka made a motion to accept the staff recommendation and findings on 755 W Raab Road.

Mr. McCue seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Mr. McBride asked for a motion to approve 715 W. Raab Road.

Mr. Matejka made a motion to accept the staff recommendations and findings on 715 W. Raab Road.

Mr.Byars seconded

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride Nayes: None.

The motion carried 7-0.

Other Business

Annual election of chair and vice chair for the commission:

Mr. McBride mentioned that he is willing to stay but willing to step aside if someone else is interested in being the chair.

Mr. Byars motioned to nominate Mr. McBride to continue serving as chair.

Mr. Matejka seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Mr. Tummala, Ms. Woods Mr. McBride abstained.

Nayes: None.

The motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Broad nominated Mr. Tummala for vice chair.

Mr. Matejka seconded.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. Matejka, Mr. McCue, Mr. Byars, Ms. Woods, Mr. McBride

Mr. Tummala abstained.

Nayes: None.

The motion carried 6-0.


Mr. Matejka moved to adjourn the meeting, and Mr. McBride seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
