Spencer Johansen, Lexington City Mayor | City of Lexington
Spencer Johansen, Lexington City Mayor | City of Lexington
City of Lexington City Council met Feb. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Lexington City Council was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Mayor Spencer Johansen in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
Mayor Johansen led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken to find the following physically present: Mayor Johansen, Alderman Mattingly, Alderwoman Wilson, Alderman Stover, Alderman Richard and Alderman Franklin with Alderman Little absent. Members of the staff and public present were: Chief Edmiaston and Peg Reynolds with the Lexingtonian.
It was moved by Alderwoman Wilson and seconded by Alderman Mattingly to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2024 regular session City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Stover and seconded by Alderman Franklin to approve the Treasurer’s Report and paying of the bills in the amount of $565,736.54. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Input: None
Old Business:
Discussion/Vote First Amendment to Development Agreement with 2B Investments, LLC
The City attorney had reminded Mayor Johansen that the size of the parcel for 2B Investments had changed with the signing of the Kinsella agreement. The participants are aware of this change and that is the only item that was changed. There is a new agreement to sign amending this change.
The question was asked if the City is selling the property to 2B Investments? It was noted that this agreement was voted on and approved in 2023.
Motion was made by Alderman Franklin and seconded by Alderman Richard to approve the First Amendment to Development Agreement with 2B Investments, LLC. Motion carried with four yes votes and Alderwoman Wilson voting no.
Vote to Approve Ordinance 2024-3: Amendment to Development Agreement with 2B Investments, LLC
Motion was made by Alderman Franklin and seconded by Alderman Richard to approve Ordinance 2024-3: Amendment to Development Agreement with 2B Investments, LLC. Motion carried with 4 yes votes and Alderwoman Wilson voting no.
New Business:
Discussion Only Ordinance 2024-2: Amending Chapter 23 of the Lexington City Code for the Purpose of Adding a New Article VII Pertaining to the Registration of Vacant and Foreclosed Properties
The ordinance was in the packet for the meeting concerning registration of vacant and foreclosed properties. Chief Edmiaston has looked it over and has made a few changes. Mayor Johansen asked the council members to look it over before the next meeting in order to discuss them. There are two buildings on Main Street that need some work and he does not know how to get that done.
There was a question regarding registration fees. Chief Edmiaston suggested we waive those fees. The point of registering a vacant lot is so we know who owns it and we have a contact that would be the same for houses. An ordinance violation gives teeth if they have to register it. If they don’t there is a fine.
This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Johansen reported on the following:
He has a meeting tomorrow with the hardware store and someone interested in leasing a storefront restaurant. Hope to have the lease signed yet this week. They hope to start on the hardware store by late March or early April. They have flags up for the corners of the building. Water and sewer has been run.
He wants to stress that the committees need to keep up on things. If they need to be changed around or if someone wants off a committee please let him know. He is planning to address committees May 1st.
He wants to compliment the Lexington Police Department on the job they did Saturday responding to the emergency. Responding officers took charge of the situation till the State Police got there. Officer Hymer did a fantastic job and Assistant Chief Chambers took charge of the scene and went above and beyond. Chief Edmiaston and Mayor Johansen are very proud of them.
Alderwoman Wilson was wondering if we could give them some type of reward. We don’t have a meritorious award and don’t want to minimize a job well done. If you see them, be sure to thank them.
The subdivision is starting to cut roads. In a couple of weeks we will start the water. Dollar General is trying to get their easement widened so we can get another building in there.
The storm sewer study of the tile that runs under the railroad tracks. We borrowed Hudson’s camera and ran it through there. There is a bottleneck where the tile gets smaller. We may need to ask permission to run the camera all the way under the railroad.
He goes in for surgery on March 7th and will be laid up for a couple of days and will be working from home.
Please email him salary increases.
Police: Alderman Richards reported on the following:
They have been going over formats for ordinance violations in order to make them easier for the Police Department. They have been going over the wellness program.
Chief Edmiaston passed around a business patch with a QR code that pulls up a form from the Police Department. It goes on the business door and tells a variety of things; when the officers are getting out of their cars to check the businesses and that they are doing what is expected of them. If a business wants to know how many times their business was checked in a month this QR code will tell how many and the date. There is a lot the chief can do with the data from the patch.
Building/Insurance None
Finance /TIF Alderman Stover reported that a budget meeting was held and he is moving forward with that.
Water/Sewer/Sanitation Alderwoman Wilson reported that Billy had a valve go out and it had to be replaced at a cost of $9,500. They decided to go ahead and get another to have on hand as this valve is constantly in motion.
Street/Alley None
Mike Beard’s retirement party will be at the end of March at the Community Center.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Alderman Mattingly to adjourn at 7:25 P.M. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.