
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Town of Normal Planning Commission met March 7

Webp 2

Kevin McCarthy, Council Member | Town of Normal

Kevin McCarthy, Council Member | Town of Normal

Town of Normal Planning Commission met March 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Members Present:

Mr. Broad, Mr. McCue, Mr. Ropp, Ms. Wodika, Ms. Woods, Mr. Matejka

Members Absent:

Mr. McBride

Others Present:

Director of Inspections Greg Troemel, Associate Planner Tessa Ferraro, Office Associate Hannah Neal

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Vice Chairman, Mr. Matejka and he noted a quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. McCue made a motion to approve the minutes from October 18th, 2023. Mr. Ropp seconded this motion, and the minutes passed unanimously.

Public Hearing:

a. 24-03-01: Zoning Map Amendment, Southeasternmost lot on Healing Stone Court (PIN 14-24-227-082)

Ms. Ferraro reviewed the staff report. A Zoning Map Amendment has been proposed to rezone the last B-1 General Business parcel on Healing Stone Court to R-3A Medium Density Multifamily. The area surrounding the property has been mostly developed. Eastview Christian Church and Normal Community High School are to the northeast, while in the southwest corner there is the Eagle’s Landing subdivision and the Enclave PUD. In the northwest there is some undeveloped B-1 General business property. Back in 2000 there was a pre-annexation agreement that permitted the developer to either zone 25 acres in the southwest corner of Raab and Airport to be either B-1 General Business or R-3A medium density residential. At the time it was zoned to B-1 but has since rezoned all of the parcels except for the one that is in question today to R-3A.

For zoning map amendments, the code has several guidelines to follow, including specific guidelines for R-3A rezonings. According to these guidelines it was found that the current zoning of the property is uncommon to have a commercial parcel at the end of a residential cul de sac, and that it isn’t as warranted as it was in the past. R-3A permits agriculture, daycare homes and multi family. Staff believes these uses would be suitable for this area since there are nearby multifamily zoning and developments. Staff also believes that the rezoning would have a positive impact on the public since it would increase the potential for diverse housing. Looking at the specific guidelines for R-3A zoning, when considering the proximity to open space, and activity hubs, capacity of public services, and existing uses, staff believes this would meet the plans goals of being complete, connected and compact. Overall, staff recommends approval of the rezoning.

At this time Mr. Matejka asked if there were any questions from the commission.

Mr. Broad asked for a reminder on what the range of numbers were on housing units per acre.

Mr. Troemel answered and said that there was an existing annexation that went with the property that has now expired, and it did mention the maximum density of 23 units per acre. If the three properties were looked at together the ground would probably hold 35- 40 units including green space. If they develop as independent lots that density would go down.

Mr. Ropp asked if the development to the west would be left with an appropriate set back, specifically in the southwest corner.

Mr. Troemel said because of the way the properties are laid out, the best way to do it would be to treat the common line as the rear yard.

Mr. Ropp asked to clarify what the side yard setback would be, and Mr. Troemel said 10 feet. He also said that it would likely be developed as a PUD and the setback would be used as greenspace or parking.

Mr. Matejka asked if anyone else would like to speak.

Andy Netzer approached and stated that he was the owner of the parcel and would be happy to answer any questions from the commission. He felt like this would be a great fit with the existing zoning codes surrounding the area. He doesn’t have a site plan as of yet, but once they figure out construction costs, they plan on moving forward with development

At this time Mr. Matejka asked for a motion to adopt the findings.

Ms. Woods motioned to approve the findings and recommendations as presented by staff. Ms. Wodika seconded the motion.

Mr. Matejka called for a vote.

Ayes: Mr. Broad, Mr. McCue, Mr. Ropp, Ms. Wodika, Ms. Woods, Mr. Matejka

Nayes: None

The motion carried 6-0

Other Business:



Mr. Broad moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Woods seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
