Falcon Ridge Park | City of Le Roy
Falcon Ridge Park | City of Le Roy
City of Le Roy City Council met Sept. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Steven Dean at 7:02 PM at Le Roy City Hall, 207 S East Street, Le Roy. Council members present were Matt Steffen, Justin Morfey, Ron Legner, Kyle Merkle, Patti Welander, Kelly Lay and Sarah Welte.
Staff members present were Jason Williamson, Dan Lush, Perry Mayer, Dave Jenkins, Anita Corso, and Brad Frankovich.
There were no public comments made.
Chief Jason Williamson introduced the two new officers Nic Cruppenink and Cameron Cotterman.
The Satellite Club of Moraine View Rotary Club Chairperson, Melissa Melton, presented a donation of $1,589.30 for the purchase of water pitchers and filters for residents identified as in need of lead water filtration devices. The amount is enough to purchase 25 pitchers and filters.
Included on the consent agenda were Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from 9/3/2024, approval of Invoices from 9/16/24 totaling $ 242,645.72, and payroll for the period of 9/6/24 in the amount of $54,875.61. The items of the consent agenda were voted on separately.
Motion was made by Matt and seconded by Dawn for approval of the Meeting Minutes. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-yes, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin-yes, Kelly Lay-abstain, Sarah Welte-abstain. Motion carried 6 yeas, 0 nays, 2 abstain.
Motion was made by Sarah and seconded by Kyle for approval of the invoices and payroll. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-yes, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin-abstain, Kelly Lay-yes, Sarah Welte-yes. Motion carried 7 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstain.
In Staff Reports, Dan reported the dumpster issue is still improving as more people are calling in before taking items to the dumpster.
Perry reported the hydrant flushing is complete and the directional flushing plan worked well overall. The roof & siding replacement on the cold storage building is in progress and will be followed by
replacement of the old water plant roof. The pitchers from the Rotary Club donation have arrived. The Club requested an insert be included with each pitcher regarding the donation.
Dave reported Pope Joy Roofing has finished replacing the roof at City Hall and the park pavilions damaged by the hailstorm last year. Doug Lehr is finalizing a drawing where the security cameras will be installed at city buildings. Installation will begin once the drawings are complete.
Motion by Kelly was seconded by Sarah for approval of the quote from the apparent low bidder, Brotcke Well & Pump, for the construction and development of Well #10 totaling $206,750. Discussion included previous experience with the company and their reputation. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-abstain, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin- yes, Kelly Lay yes, Sarah Welte-yes. Motion carried 7 yeas, 0 nays, 1 abstain.
Motion by Matt was seconded by Justin for approval of the quote from KLM Engineering Inc. totaling $6,750.00 to clean the Detention and Aeration Tank at the water plant. Discussion reviewed the difference between two quotes. Perry confirmed the water department would clean the aeration screens themselves. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-yes, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin-yes, Kelly Lay-yes, Sarah Welte-yes. Motion carried 8 yeas, 0 nays.
In old and new business Sarah asked about the ditch issue on Dove Ave. An engineer has reviewed the area and recommended no action be taken. The full report was distributed to the council.
Dawn asked about contractor brush drop off. Dave and Dan are working on a cost agreement to bring to the next council meeting.
Justin said residents are expressing concerns of water on Cherry St at the cul-de-sac with all the roadwork, ditch work and changes to a driveway.
Questions were raised about changing the 0.5% local sales tax to 1%. It will be on the 10/9/24 meeting for consideration and be specifically for infrastructure.
Mayor Dean reminded everyone Octoberfest and the Car Show are Sat 9/21/24 from 10am-3pm. Also, trick-or-treat hours were officially set a couple years ago to be Oct 31st 4:30pm to 7:30pm.
At 7:40 pm on a motion by Matt, seconded by Sarah, council entered Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c )(1) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body to determine its validity and pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c )(5) Purchase / lease of real estate. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-yes, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin-yes, Kelly Lay-yes, Sarah Welte-yes. Motion carried 8 yeas, 0 nays.
At 8:53 PM a motion to return to regular session by Kelly was seconded by Sarah. Roll call: Matt Steffen-yes, Ron Legner-yes, Kyle Merkle- yes, Justin Morfey-yes, Patti Welander-yes, Dawn Hanafin yes, Kelly Lay-yes, Sarah Welte-yes. Motion carried 8 yeas, 0 nays.
Motion to adjourn by Matt, seconded by Kyle, was approved by unanimous voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 8:54 PM.