Bloomington City Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe | City of Bloomington
Bloomington City Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe | City of Bloomington
City of Bloomington City Council met Nov. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
3. Remain Standing for a Moment of Silent Prayer and/or Reflection 4. Roll Call
5. Recognition/Appointments
6. Public Comment
Individuals wishing to provide emailed public comment must email comments to at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Individuals wishing to speak in-person or remotely may register at at least 5 minutes before the start of the meeting for in person public comment and at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting for remote public comment.
7. Consent Agenda
Items listed on the Consent Agenda are approved with one motion; Items pulled by Council from the Consent Agenda for discussion are listed and voted on separately.
8. Regular Agenda
A. Presentation on the 2025-2029 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan Outreach Efforts and Preliminary Goals, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: None; presentation only.) (Presentation by Melissa Hon, Economic & Community Development Director; William Bessler, Grants Manager, 20 minutes; and City Council Discussion, 10 minutes.)
B. Consideration and Action on Approving the 2024 Tax Levy Estimate for the City of Bloomington, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Property Tax Levy Estimate be approved in the amount of $26,320,384.) (Presentation by Jeff Jurgens, City Manager; and Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, 15 minutes; and City Council Discussion, 20 minutes.)
C. Consideration and Action on Approving the 2024 Tax Levy Estimate for the Bloomington Public Library, as requested by the Bloomington Public Library. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Tax Levy Estimate be approved in the amount of $6,827,275.) (Presentation by Jeff Jurgens, City Manager; Scott Rathbun, Finance Director; and Jeanne Hamilton, Library Director, 5 minutes; and City Council Discussion, 15 minutes.)
9. City Manager's Discussion
10. Mayor's Discussion
11. Council Member's Discussion
12. Executive Session
13. Adjournment
Individuals with disabilities planning to attend the meeting who require reasonable accommodations to observe and/or participate, or who have questions about the accessibility of the meeting, should contact the City's ADA Coordinator at 309-434-2468