Fairbury City Hall | WikipediA
Fairbury City Hall | WikipediA
City of Fairbury City Council met Nov. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to order – Mayor Slagel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Mayor Slagel directed the Clerk to call roll and the following members of Council answered present: Gary Norris, Steve Endres, Charles Hoselton Jr, Jon Kinate, Bruce Weber, Jerry Hoffman, Jim Tipton, Bill Schmidgall.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda – Motion by Schmidgall, second by Hoselton Jr to approve the following items on the Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes from the October 16, council meeting
B. Voucher Invoice Register listing the bills
C. Treasurer’s Cash Report (second meeting of the month)
D. Check Register (second meeting of the month)
F. Overtime Report
Motion carried 8-0 YES-Norris Endres Hoselton Jr Kinate Weber Hoffman Tipton Schmidgall
5. Mayor Slagel opened Public Comment and the following persons provided comments:
6. Reports of Departments
→ Streets - Lonnie Rhoads, Superintendent - absent
→ Fire – Josh Hoselton, Chief - absent
→ Sewer – Bruce Pride, Asst. Superintendent - none
→ Water – Mike Mellott, Superintendent – absent
→ Police – Robert McCormick, Chief - absent
→ City – Brett Ashburn, Superintendent reported –
➢ The railroad repaired the wooden planks on the 2nd & 3rd St crossings.
→ Legal – Matt Schrock, City Attorney - absent
7. Reports of Aldermen
→ Alderman Norris - none
→ Alderman Endres - none
→ Alderman Hoselton Jr - none
→ Alderman Kinate - none
→ Alderman Weber - none
→ Alderman Hoffman - none
→ Alderman Tipton - none
→ Alderman Schmidgall - none
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Old Business – Discussion/Action Items
10. New Business – Discussion/Action Items
A. Motion by Endres, second by Tipton to approve a request from the Fairbury Area Chamber of Commerce to block off streets 2nd-4th on Locust Street from 9 a.m. until approximately 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 7th, 2024, for the Fairbury Christmas Parade. Motion carried 8-0 YES – Norris Endres Hoselton Jr Kinate Weber Hoffman Tipton Schmidgall
B. Motion by Schmidgall, second by Endres to approve the 2024-2025 Tax Levy Ordinance. Motion carried 8-0 YES – Norris Endres Hoselton Jr Kinate Weber Hoffman Tipton Schmidgall
C. Motion by Kinate, second by Norris to approve a resolution to abate the 2024 levy for bonds issued under ordinance 2012-3. Motion carried 8-0 YES – Norris Endres Hoselton Jr Kinate Weber Hoffman Tipton Schmidgall
D. Motion by Kinate, second by Hoselton Jr to approve amendment to the Municipal Code Book Chapter 12 Traffic. Motion carried 8-0 YES – Norris Endres Hoselton Jr Kinate Weber Hoffman Tipton Schmidgall
11. Other Items for Discussion & Information
12. Public Comment
➢ Diane Pawlowski inquired about a temporary stop sign on N 3rd St and about the widening of Pine St.
13. Executive Session
14. Adjournment – Motion by Kinate, second by Schmidgall to adjourn at 6:46 p.m.