Matthew T. Scott House, Chenoa, Illinois | City of Chenoa
Matthew T. Scott House, Chenoa, Illinois | City of Chenoa
City of Chenoa City Council met Nov. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Chenoa City Council met in Regular Session at City Hall on November 12, 2024 called to order by Mayor Shane at 6:30 p.m..
The City Clerk was directed to call roll. The following council members were present: Shane, Pickett, Lopeman, Hernandez and Shipley. The following members of staff were present: Attorney Mann, Chief Cornwall and City Clerk Rhoades. Treasurer Rowold was absent.
Mayor Shane led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Pickett, second by Shipley to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 22, 2024 and the bills and payrolls be allowed, and orders on the Treasurer be drawn in payment of the same with hold TNT for $1700.47. # 5736 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.
Motion by Shipley, second by Lopeman to approve an Ordinance Rezoning Certain Real Estate In William M. Hamilton’s Second Addition in the City of Chenoa, McLean County, Illinois. Ordinance #875. #5737 Motion carried by affirmative votes from Commissioners Lopeman, Hernandez, Shipley and Mayor Shane with Commissioner Pickett abstaining.
Mike Alverson said there are flags torn at the pond. He asked if the patching of the roads is done. He is informed that they did the places that needed it the most and the other spots will be on the list for next year. They use the amount of material that was paid for and they have to stop at that point. He asked why the license plate readers were not bought for 66 as well. Chief Cornwall said this is just to get started and most of the traffic that they would be looking for would be coming through on Route 24 from the interstate. Doug Barrett asked if they could do something about the balances on accounts being so high before they are shut off. He was informed there is a due process that the City has to follow. He was told with the new billing system City Hall will look into ways to keep landlords informed more often than just one time a month.
Public: None
Attorney Mann: None
Treasurer: None
Commissioner Herndanez said the pool and restrooms have been winterized. Friends of the Trail plan to plant more trees along Route 66 and get it cleaned up for a nice walking path. He said this is hopefully going to be paid with a grant. Commissioner Lopeman said they are working on getting the Vac Truck repaired. The guys got the downtown decorations up. They will get started working on trees at some point soon. Commissioner Pickett met with Sarah to get up to speed on the BDD and TIF. She also has a meeting on Friday with insurance. Commissioner Pickett said they are rebuilding one of the aerators due to the cost of a new one. Our manholes will not work for the system he was looking into. Mayor Shane said Ameren is wanting to put a lay down area on the far south end between the interstate and Route 66. He is working with someone who would like to put a dog training facility here in the future. At the Mayor Association meeting it was discussed to find a solution for the city’s in the County to be able to take animals to McLean County Animal Control without being charged like residents can.
Motion by Pickett, second by Shipley that the council do now adjourn. #5738 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m..