Pontiac City Mayor Bill Alvey | City of Pontiac
Pontiac City Mayor Bill Alvey | City of Pontiac
City of Pontiac City Council met Jan. 6.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Pontiac City Council was held on January 6, 2025. Mayor Alvey called to order the meeting of the City Council at 7:00 P.M.
The City Clerk was directed to call roll, and the following members of the Council were present: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Causer, Lee, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille. Absent: Kallas
Mayor Alvey asked that the record show the same Aldermen present for this meeting as are present for the regular Council meeting: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Causer, Lee, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille.
Mayor Alvey asked if there was any business to come before the Civic Center Board this evening. Hearing none, he declared the meeting closed.
Mayor Alvey stated that there were (2) items on the consent agenda. He asked if any needed to be removed for later discussion. Hearing none, motion made by Eckhoff and second by Howard that the items on the consent agenda be approved as presented.
A. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Howard to approve the minutes of the December 16, 2024 City Council meeting. On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Lee, Causer, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille.
B. Motion by Eckhoff, second by Howard to approve payment of bills totaling $370,877.82 from all funds. On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Lee, Causer, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille.
A. Information - Underground Railroad Exhibit
Kristin Holzhauer of the Pontiac Library informed Council that there will be an exhibit, "Journey to Freedom, Illinois Underground Railroad", January 31, 2025 through March 5, 2025. There will be an open reception on January 30, 2025. Information can be found at the library and library's website.
B. Approval - FY2026 Facade Grant Budget and Procedures
Motion by Causer, second by Giovanini to approve the Downtown Pontiac Facade Improvement Grant, budget and procedures, as written. On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Lee, Causer, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille.
C. Utility Billing Online Payments
Jim Woolford updated the Council on the residents online utility bill pay. The program will be up and running on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
D. Public Properties & Utilities Committee Report
A recap of the Public Properties and Utilities Committee was given by Alderman Barr. Discussion on the fees for the Oaks Golf Course, marketing, PTHS calenders and Junior clinics.
E. The Oaks at River Edge 2025 Fees
Motion by Cranford, second by Lee to approve the 2025 Season rates at The Oaks at Rivers Edge golf course. On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Lee, Causer, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille.
F. Budget Workshops
Jim Woolford notifies Council that he will have dates for the Committee of the Whole to discuss budgets for the 2025/2026 year.
Mayor Comments
Mayor Alvey noted that the PTHS Holiday Tournament was well attended
Administrator Comments
Gave a thank you to the Main Street Program for the Block 59/Santa House this past season. All went smooth.
Jim will come up with dates for Committee of the Whole for budget meetings.
Council Comments
Alderwomen Eckhoff noted that the train depot needed upkeep of cleaning, especially window cleaning. The depot gives an impression to all of a city owned property.
Alderman Giovaninni said the the steel for the Centennial Plaza bus cover is ready to go out for bids.
Public Comments
Anna Hoerner is "spear heading" a plan for "First Night/Last Night for December 31, 2025. She is working on fund raisers starting with on January 25th a "Pontiac's Got Talent" show at the Eagle and a golf cart scavenger hunt.
Executive Session
Motion by Eckhoff, second by Cranford to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters as authorized under Section 2(c)2 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
On a roll call vote motion carried 9-0. Aye votes recorded: Giovanini, Barr, Eckhoff, Lee, Causer, Cranford, Bradshaw, Howard and Wille
Return from Executive Session
On motion duly made and seconded, the regular meeting of the City Council is adjourned.