Matthew T. Scott House, Chenoa, Illinois | City of Chenoa
Matthew T. Scott House, Chenoa, Illinois | City of Chenoa
City of Chenoa City Council met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Chenoa City Council met in Regular Session at City Hall on January 14, 2025 called to order by Mayor Shane at 6:30 p.m..
The City Clerk was directed to call roll. The following council members were present: Shane, Pickett, Lopeman and Hernandez. Commissioner Shipley was absent. The following members of staff were present: Treasurer Rowold, Attorney Mann, Chief Cornwall and City Clerk Rhoades.
Mayor Shane led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
Motion by Pickett, second by Lopeman to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 10, 2024 and the Special Session Meeting of December 18, 2024, the bills and payrolls be allowed, and orders on the Treasurer be drawn in payment of the same. #5748 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.
Zack Lopeman represented the Chenoa 4th of Committee for their annual event requests. The Community Sale on April 5th, Liquor License for Cash Bash on April 12th and for the Street Dance on July 3rd, and fireworks permit on July 4th. Mayor Shane asked if they could move the community sale away from the businesses downtown as some people have requested that. Zack said that has been brought up to them and they will discuss it at their next meeting.The council had no other concerns with their annual requests.
Mayor Shane asked the council to think about how we can start having accountability for what is getting done. He wants to be able to know what is getting done in each department and be able to explain why things are not getting done. He asked the council to come back at the next meeting with some ideas.
After some discussion regarding the reasons for the need of a new pick up truck, Motion by Hernandez, second by Pickett for approval at giving Spencer Shipley and David Shane have authority with unanimous conceit of both to enter into a contract for purchase of a pickup truck for City use at an amount no greater than $30,000. #5749 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.
Public: Doug Barrett asked for an update on the water main projects. Mayor Shane told him they will most likely not break ground until 2026 due to a new grant for lead service lines and the timeframe that it will take for that being done at the same time as the other one. Doug also asked if the City clears the sidewalks in town. Council said they do the streets and there would not be enough staff to do the sidewalks and the City is not responsible for the clearing of the sidewalks. Mike Alverson asked if there is a plan to get the railroad crossing fixed. Commissioner Lopeman said he has been told when they have the funding even after telling them the safety concern. Mayor Shane said he will try to go up the ladder. Mike asked why the mats at the batting cage are all balled up and left there. Mayor Shane said they will look into getting those picked up. Mike asked about the trailer that is sitting on the City property at the corner of Hamilton and Second. Chief Cornwall said they have spoken with the owner of that. The trailer is registered and is using it for scrap that will be removed when the weather gets better. Mike Alverson asked about parking vehicles on dead ends of City streets and was told no they can not do that.
Attorney: Attorney Mann said he is working on the Beacon issue and asked if we had the Endpoints warranty document. He said he would move forward after he looks at that warranty document.
Treasurer: Treasurer Rowold said with the new systems he was able to get the December summary report but not get all the rest sent in an email. He said he started digging into the sales tax which according to online Chenoa sales tax is 7.75%. The Hotel Tax is completely separate from this. He still does not fully understand what the resident was asking about with the tax not being collected. Attorney Mann said he did find in the code that when the Business District was set up there is a provision in the ordinance that allows for an additional tax on the hotel for the Business District. We will need to modify the forms and start collecting it the same way we collect the rest of the hotel tax money starting for this year.
Commissioner: Commissioner Lopeman said they have been plowing snow and salting the ice. They should be getting another load of salt tomorrow. They have been doing various maintenance in the shop. Mayor Shane said he has a meeting tomorrow with the McLean County EDC regarding how to build a commercial area. He will be going to the Livingston County Wind Farm meeting tomorrow night.
Motion by Lopeman, second by Hernandez to Approve to Enter into Executive Session to Discuss the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the City of Chenoa - Section 2(c)(1) and Executive Session to Discuss Litigation – Section 2(c)(11) – Pending Probable or Imminent Litigation. #5750 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.
Motion by Hernandez, second by Lopeman to Approve to Return to Open Session. #5751 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.
Motion by Lopeman, second by Pickett that the council do now adjourn. #5752 Motion carried by unanimously affirmative vote.