Lyndsay Bloomfield, County Board Member - District 3 | McLean County
Lyndsay Bloomfield, County Board Member - District 3 | McLean County
McLean County Justice Committee met Jan. 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Justice Committee of the McLean County Board met on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Members Present: Chair Jim Rogal, Members Adam Reeves, Eric Hansen, Mark Clauss, Sean Fagan, Natalie Roseman-Mendoza,
Members Absent: None
Other County Board
Members Present: None
Staff Present: Cassy Taylor, County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Anthony Grant, Assistant County Administrator; Don Rood, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Julie Morlock, recording secretary.
Department Heads/ Elected Officials Present: Suzanne Montoya, Court Services; Ron Lewis, Public Defender; Erika Reynolds, State’s Attorney; Matt Lane, Sheriff; Kathleen Yoder, Coroner; Aileen Pagán Vega, Director for the Children’s Advocacy Center
Others Present: Dan Leary, Information Technologies; Stephanie Barisch, CYFS Chair Rogal called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Chair Rogal confirmed there were no members of the public or County employees to appear before the Committee.
Chair Rogal presented for approval the consent agenda including minutes from the December 3, 2024 regular meeting and November 14, 2024 special meeting as well as invoices in the amount of $505,848.87.
Motion by Reeves/Roseman-Mendoza to approve the minutes from the December 3, 2024 regular meeting and November 14, 2024 special meeting as well as invoices in the amount of $505,848.87.
Motion carried.
Ms. Erika Reynolds, State’s Attorney provided her reports to the Committee. Ms. Reynolds indicated the numbers were standard monthly numbers. Chair Rogal asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked her.
Mr. Rogal noted that Mr. Don Everhart, McLean County Circuit Clerk was not present but his monthly reports to the Committee were in the packet. Chair Rogal asked if any members had any questions; hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chair Rogal presented for action on behalf of Matt Lane, McLean County Sheriff a request to approve Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC for System Maintenance. This is to keep up the maintenance and software for our fingerprinting machines.
Motion by Mendoza/Hansen to recommend approval of Idemia Identity & Security USA LLC for System Maintenance.
Motion Carried.
Chair Rogal presented for action on behalf of Mr. Lane a request to approve a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security. Mr. Lane indicated this was an annual grant to cover EMA services.
Motion by Reeves/Fagan to recommend approval of a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security.
Motion Carried.
Chair Rogal presented for action on behalf of Mr. Lane a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff. Mr. Lane indicated the only change to this annual agreement for a resource officer in the school was the reimbursement amount that was increased to reflect the increase in salary. Mr. Reeves asked how many resource officers he had in the County. Mr. Lane indicated they only have the one at Olympia but noted other schools had reached out to him. He also noted that several schools have resource officers, but they are not McLean County Sheriff officers in those roles. Mr. Rogal asked him to confirm the resource officer is not at the school year-round and asked who covered the officer’s salary when not at the school. Mr. Lane confirmed the resource officer is not there during the summer and that portion of the officer’s salary is included in the sheriff’s budget.
Motion by Reeves/Fagan to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff.
Motion Carried. Mr. Hansen abstained from the vote.
Mr. Lane presented the Sheriff’s reports to the Committee. Mr. Lane went over updated numbers in the jail. Mr. Rogal asked if they are reimbursed for the 11 they are holding for IDOC. Mr. Lane indicated they are not reimbursed. Mr. Rogal asked if the delay in transfers to DHS was because they had no beds. Mr. Lane confirmed. He also noted that he had heard they were working to open and expand facilities but had also heard that even with the expanded facility space there would not be enough staff to work with the patients. Chair Rogal asked if there were any additional questions, hearing none, he thanked him.
Ms. Katheen Yoder, County Coroner presented her reports to the Committee. Chair Rogal asked if there were any questions from the Committee members; hearing none, he thanked her.
Ron Lewis, Public Defender presented his monthly report to the Committee. Chair Rogal asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.
Chair Rogal presented on behalf of Mr. Will Scanlon, Circuit Court a request to approve a Change Request to the Agreement with Mission Critical Partners. Ms. Taylor noted that they are working to update the electronic justice system and there is additional work needed for the current case management system and this change order will cover those updates. Mr. Clauss asked if this was in the budget. Ms. Taylor confirmed this would be covered in the current budget.
Motion by Roseman-Mendoza/Hansen to recommend approval of a Change Request to the Agreement with Mission Critical Partners
Motion Carried.
Chair Rogal presented on behalf of Mr. Will Scanlon, Circuit Court a request to approve an Amendment to the Neutral Site Custody Exchange and Supervised Visitation Center Agreement. Ms. Taylor noted this was a renewal of an annual agreement.
Motion by Roseman-Mendoza/Clauss to recommend approval of an Amendment to the Neutral Site Custody Exchange and Supervised Visitation Center Agreement.
Motion Carried.
Chair Rogal presented for action on behalf of Suzanne Montoya, Court Services Director a request to approve an Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts DOJ BJA Community Supervision Strategies Swift Certain Fair Grant Program Subrecipient Grant Agreement. Ms. Montoya noted the grant funding is for a program that provided services to individuals 18-25 years old. She noted that we are one of only two counties in the State currently offering these services.
Motion by Fagan/Roseman-Mendoza to recommend approval of an Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts DOJ BJA Community Supervision Strategies Swift Certain Fair Grant Program Subrecipient Grant Agreement.
Motion carried.
Chair Rogal presented for action on behalf of Ms. Montoya a request to approve invoices for CYFS. Ms. Montoya noted a correction in her memo from “Auditor will not” to “Auditor has not”. She noted they receive Federal pass-through grant funding for services provided by CYFS and in January of 2024 the Auditor changed the information she required to have invoices approved for payment. Ms. Montoya noted they had asked for clarification on the information needed and did not receive a response. Ms. Montoya indicated the Grant ended in September 2024 so they had only 120 days to draw down on the funds from this grant. Ms. Montoya noted three different emails sent to the Auditor letting her know of the impending deadline and need to have the invoices approved. Ms. Montoya noted that the same emails also indicated she would send the request for approval to the Justice Committee.
Motion by Hansen/Fagan to recommend approval of invoices for CYFS. Motion carried.
Ms. Montoya presented her reports to the Committee. Chair Rogal asked if there were any other comments or questions; hearing none, he thanked her.
Chair Rogal presented on behalf of Ms. Aileen Pagán Vega, Director for the Children’s Advocacy Center a request to approve a CASA VOCA continuation grant for fiscal year 2025. Ms. Pagán Vega noted this was a continuation grant to cover expenses in the CASA program. Mr. Hansen thanked them for their services and congratulated them on receipt of this grant as it was a selective grant.
Motion by Hansen/Reeves to recommend approval of a CASA VOCA continuation grant for fiscal year 2025.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Pagán Vega presented her reports to the Committee for the Children’s Advocacy Center and CASA. Ms. Pagán Vega then provided information on a reclassification for the CAC staff and an FTE amendment for the Logan expansion that would both go to Finance for approval. Chair Rogal asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Ms. Cassy Taylor, County Administrator indicated she did not have any items for the Committee.
Chair Rogal noted the next meeting date would be Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. He asked if there was any other business; hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 4:22 p.m.