
McLean County Times

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

McLean County Republicans

Recent News About McLean County Republicans

  • OPINION: On the Issues: I am Not a Camera

    Nearly every week since mid-October 2023, I have taken pleasure in writing an essay for McLean County Republicans on a topic of current political or personal interest. It should now be clear to my readers that I enjoy writing. It was not always this way. I once hated to write. It wasn’t until I began to delve deeply into the subject matter that I learned how easy writing is.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Illegal Immigration and Election Integrity

    Since my Election Integrity op-ed was published in McLean County Times on January 29th, more information has been revealed about Democrat efforts to encourage and support illegal immigration – and the revelations relate to election integrity.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: The Evils of Soft Totalitarianism

    Totalitarianism, historically associated with socialist regimes like Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, evokes images of oppressive governments with centralized control and suppression of individual freedoms.

  • Spell-binding Border Security Symposium

    Over 100 concerned citizens attended a spell-binding Border Security Symposium on Friday evening to hear from Mr. Tom Homan, a government official who served during the Trump Administration as Acting Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Sit It Out or Dance?

    Winds of historical change are blowing across our nation, and citizens are being scattered hither and yon by political influencers.

  • Jesse Sullivan addresses people of faith

    Mr. Jesse Sullivan, 2022 Illinois gubernatorial candidate from Petersburg, Illinois, spoke enthusiastically to people of faith over a McLean County Republicans-sponsored breakfast on March 9, 2024.


    Illegal immigration poses many threats to our community, ranging from economic strains to safety concerns. Economically, the presence of undocumented aliens can depress wages and job opportunities for residents. Additionally, it burdens public resources such as healthcare and education, leading to strains on social services. From a safety standpoint, porous borders facilitate the entry of criminals, drugs, and even potential terrorists, posing significant challenges for law enforcement and homeland security agencies.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Election Integrity

    Progressive Democrats display clear dedication to replacing existing election laws with laws that enable voting by illegal aliens and other ineligible voters to participate in fraudulent activities.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Matters of Conscience

    Do conservative Republicans have a conscience? Progressive Democrats seem to think not.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Indoctrinating Students

    With the close of 2023, Illinois’ scholarship tax credit program for school children ended. The Invest in Kids program was terminated by the Democrat-controlled Illinois General Assembly, which failed to renew the program during the fall veto session. The Chicago Teachers Union called the end of the program a “historic win for public education.” The Catholic Conference of Illinois blasted lawmakers, citing its essential unfairness

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Conservatives vs. Progressives

    You have heard it said, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” These words, expressed by Founding Father Thomas Paine, initially referred to our nation in its Revolutionary War crisis. Even today, this statement is apt regarding our current political situation. Some two hundred and fifty years after Paine’s statement, the United States is again in crisis. We are immersed in a panoply of problems, but this time of our own making.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Insidious Inflation

    Over the past three years – ever since President Biden took office – I’ve noted a significant change in my family’s spending habits. My family now shops at discount retailers rather than “specialty” markets. We also use a cellphone app to find the best place to purchase less expensive gasoline for our vehicles. When we do drive, we tend to “cluster” our trips to minimize the mileage.

  • On the Issues: Gun Violence

    In the wake of all-too-common mass shootings, many members of our society have pleaded that we need to do something to control gun violence. As a conservative, I agree. But, as a conservative, I also realize that we shouldn’t let our emotions run away with us in the present situation. We need a well-reasoned response, not an emotional reaction.

  • OPINION: On the Issues: Our public schools

    In 1990, as the father of two young daughters, I realized that our public schools were becoming increasingly troubled.

  • On the Issues: The Political Pendulum

    Almost everyone knows what a pendulum is. In its simplest form, a pendulum is a weight attached to a string. The string is anchored firmly at some point above the weight. When the weight is set in motion, it freely oscillates left and right under the influence of gravity. The pendulum is a good analogy for analyzing politics. Let’s look at a hypothetical political pendulum and see what we can learn from it.

  • On the Issues: The Party of NO!

    Until recently, it was easy to distinguish conservatives from liberals. Conservatives told us how to run our lives.


    I’m an elected precinct committeeman for McLean County Republicans. I’m also a sports fan. Because of these interests, I sometimes use sports analogies to make political points with others. The word analogy is rooted in the Greek word logos, which means “reason.” It is often easier to reason or make a point using an analogy. “She’s as blind as a bat” and “He’s as busy as a bee” are two common analogies that drive home specific points.

  • McLean Republicans Seek Additional Precinct Committeepersons

    McLean County Republicans are seeking additional precinct committeepersons. Precinct Committeepersons (PCs) are the backbone of any political party that impacts every level of government, from local school boards to those who reside in the White House. McLean County is in great need of grass-roots political leaders who can serve in this capacity. These individuals should not be confused with election judges or poll watchers, for which there is also a great need to ensure election integrity.

  • Jeanne Ives Speaks to MCGOP

    Former member of Illinois House of Representatives Jeanne Ives (44th District, 2013-2018) gave a super-charged talk to about 60 members of McLean County Republicans in Bloomington on August 22nd. Her focus was on the activities of the Democrat party in Illinois and what Republicans can do to turn the state red. She rallied the troops to take the next crucial steps in the process.

  • McLean County Republicans Unveil New Membership Program

    The McLean County GOP publicly announced a new membership program during its Summer Picnic held at the Hesed House Venue in Heyworth on Sunday, August 13th. Former MCGOP Chairperson Connie Beard spoke briefly about the importance of this three-tier program and described the benefit package associated with each level. “Now more than ever, it’s important that Republicans provide support to the recruitment of new candidates, the integrity of our election system, and communication of truth in a world of misinformation,” Beard notes. Beard is now serving as the chair of the fundraising and membership team.