City of Pontiac Firefighters’Pension Fund met July 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the Fund:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Roll Call
3. Reading and approval of minutes from last meeting
4. Review investment activity/ Treasurers report
a. Pension Fund treasurer
b. Marquette representative
5. Bills and disbursements
a. Eagle Asset Management billing for $1,842.63 has been paid.
b. Marquette was $3,000.00 has been paid.
6. Old Business
a. None
7. Applications for membership
a. None
8. Applications for benefits
a. None
9. New Business
a. Training opportunities - IPFA meeting in Addison on November 4
b. Money manager contract is to be updated every 5 years. RFP’s have been prepared and will send out with the Police Fund when ready.
c. Next Meeting - October 23, 2017
10. Adjournment