City of Lexington City Council met Oct. 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the Lexington City Council was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Mayor Spencer Johansen in the City Council Chambers at City Hall.
Mayor Johansen led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken to find the following physically present: Mayor Johansen, Alderman Schreiber, Alderman Stover, Alderwoman Wilson, Alderman Franklin and Alderman Richard with Alderman Colclasure being absent. Members of the staff and public present were: Chief Belvery, Don Cavallini and Sue Noland.
It was moved by Alderman Franklin and seconded by Alderman Richard to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2018 regular City Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Stover and seconded by Alderman Franklin to approve the Treasurer’s Report in the amount of $380,881.45. It was noted that these payments included sewer, water and garbage payments. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Input: None Old Business:
Consideration/Vote Appointing Alexander Lorsbach Full Time Police Officer:
Alderman Richard told that Chief Belvery has been looking for an opening in the full time Police Academy for Officer Lorsbach. There was one that started today and he would like to switch him over and hire him as full time police officer.
Motion was made by Alderman Richard and seconded by Alderwoman Wilson to enroll Officer Lorsbach in to the full time Police Academy and hire him as a full time police officer. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
First Council Meeting Date in November:
The first City Council meeting date in November falls on November 12th which is the observance of Veterans Day and City Hall is closed. It was decided to leave the meeting date as is and meet as scheduled on November 12th.
Committee Reports:
Mayors Report: Casey’s contracts are being looked over by their attorneys and they have agreed on a price. Mayor Johansen has been in contact with Casey’s about shifting their concept plan about the road to accommodate their approach. He has also approached them about the fill dirt and asked them when they do their earth work to extend it 80 feet to the East to build the road up which they thought that was something they could do. We will know later from the engineers the amount of savings we will see from that.
Fred Moressette still plans to open on Black Friday. He seems to be on schedule with everything. His tasting room is almost done and is looking real nice.
Mayor Johansen wanted to remind everyone that the Halloween Party is on Sunday and starts at 2 P.M. but if everyone wants to be there between 1:30 and 2 P. M. Star needs help with this, serving hot dogs and clean up afterwards.
Police: None
Building/Insurance Alderman Stover is still working on the health insurance. He will probably offer a couple of different options and will see a significant increase in expenses to cover employees. We will need to cover that in November as a decision needs to be made by December 1st. On the property insurance, Mike Rich cannot offer a quote and Alderman Stover hopes to get one more quote yet before he has that finalized.
Finance/TIF: Alderman Stover is still working on the levy He has put some pre-budget numbers together for water and sewer as far as paying those off, he thinks we are in good shape there. The General Fund is still a concern knowing we will still have potential increases in salaries, benefits and insurance so will need to increase the levy, his hope is the rate will remain the same because we have more EAV to work with.
Water/Sewer/Sanitation: Alderwoman Wilson reported that she had got a notice from Billy Dubois that he had receive a letter from the Illinois Rural Water Association that our new plant has been nominated for consideration for Water System of the Year. They are coming this Friday, October 26, 2018, and do a tour, and then let him know. The final decision and award will be presented in Effingham on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
Street/Alley: None
There being no further business, motion was made by Alderwoman Wilson to adjourn at 7:09
P.M. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.