McLean County Finance Committee met Oct. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Finance Committee of the McLean County Board met on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center, 115 East Washington Street, Bloomington, IL.
Members Present: Chairman Jim Soeldner, Members Chuck Erickson, Carlo Robustelli, Catherine Metsker, Laurie Wollrab and Jacob Beard
Members Absent:
Other Members Present: Chairman John McIntyre and Member Shayna Watchinski
Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Mr. Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator; Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator, Ms. Jessica Woods First Assistant Civil State’s Attorney; Ms. Julie A. Morlock, Recording Secretary;
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Ms. Kathy Michael, County Clerk; Ms. Michelle Anderson, County Auditor; Ms. Marshell Thompson, McLean County Animal Control
Others Present:
Chairman Soeldner called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM
Chairman Soeldner presented the Minutes of the August 20, 2019 special meeting and September 4, 2019 regular meeting of the Finance Committee for approval.
Motion by Barnett/Wollrab to approve the Minutes of the August 20, 2019 special meeting and September 4, 2019 regular meeting of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried.
Chairman Soeldner confirmed there were no members of the public or employees.
Ms. Kathy Michael, County Clerk, presented her monthly reports. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked her.
Ms. Thompson, Director Animal Control presented her monthly reports. She went over future events. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any further questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Ms. McNeil, McLean County Treasurer presented her monthly reports. Ms. McNeil started with the sales tax report and indicated that she would like to add the motor fuel tax to that report to show funds receiving now as compared to past funding. She then went over other revenue on the report and 2019 budget numbers. She next went over investment report and indicated one CD came due from a small bank that she tries to continue to do business with as they help with tax collecting. She then went over the Blue Cross, Blue Shield report including stop loss adjustment amount. Ms. Wollrab asked if stop loss in September is based on claims in September or based on previous month’s claims. Ms. McNeil indicated probably a lag but did not know timing. Mr. Robustelli asked her to confirm how much we would have spent without stop loss. Ms. McNeil went over cost for stop loss insurance and amount that we saved having the insurance. Ms. McNeil then went over Nursing Home report.
Motion by Robustelli/Erickson to accept and place on file the County Treasurer’s Monthly Financial Reports.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Animal Control Budget for review and approval. Ms. Thompson indicated they are seeing an increase in animals and public traffic. She indicated extended hours have been a success and helps public, but has added some extra items in the budget including increased reporting, items to care for the animals in our charge including medical care. She said they are also looking at capital improvements in the next few years. Mr. Soeldner asked about decreased revenue in late fees line. Ms. Thompson indicated some of that was getting new person up to speed on how to enter information and send out late notices, and hoped to recoup once caught up. Ms. Thompson also indicated they are better at getting people to pay before there is a penalty so the late fees go down. Ms. Wollrab asked where maintenance expenses are budgeted. Mr. Schmitt indicated last year moved that to Facilities maintenance budget. Mr. Beard asked where the net gain is going. Mr. Schmitt confirmed going to unfunded balance. Mr. Beard asked if they were considering using that net positive for a facility upgrade for animal control. Mr. Schmitt indicated that part of Ms. Thompson’s presentation there was discussion about long-term plan for the facility. Mr. Erickson asked them to elaborate. Mr. Schmitt stated that they are looking at options of improvements to current location or possibly moving to a different location. Mr. Erickson asked if they would bring that next year. Mr. Schmitt indicated first they would evaluate location and then bring ideas to the Committee. Mr. Erickson asked about our expenditures compare to other counties for animal euthanasia. Ms. Thompson indicated that is charge for individuals who bring animals to them for that requested service and has to be a community safety concern or humane euthanasia.
Mr. Robustelli asked why we would not consider setting aside, some of the revenues in a special fund and utilize for animal control as he felt people who donate might appreciate knowing that it was being set aside for that purpose. Mr. Schmitt stated they could pull money from the fund balance once you have plan in place. Mr. Schmitt indicated that donations for medical expenses are in and out donations as they cover expenses that have been expended. Mr. Schmitt indicated that most of the revenue is the registration fees and not the donations they receive as donations go to the items they are donated for. Ms. Wollrab stated she would support putting money in special fund. Mr. Soeldner asked if this would affect our budget numbers. Mr. Schmitt stated that we would have to see where we end up after all changes are made and see how it affects funds coming from the Unencumbered Fund Balance. Mr. Soeldner stated that if it affect the levy then it goes against trying not to ask for more money from taxpayers. Mr. Robustelli stated he did not feel it should affect tax rate because money is still there. Mr. Soeldner stated that if we set aside funds public might see that and want to contribute to the goal. Mr. Barnett asked Mr. Schmitt to clarify donations. Mr. Schmitt confirmed that trust for care of animals pays expenses that we incur monthly. He stated that other contributions amount to about $4,000 - $5,000 a year. Ms. Thompson indicated she felt more would contribute it they knew it went to a special fund. She also indicated that registration fees may have restrictions on what those fees can be spent on and she would need to confirm that. Mr. Robustelli asked about adding an expense line item to zero this out. Mr. Schmitt suggested that they could reserve the funds confirmed with the CAFR and Staff could research how to do that. Mr. Soeldner stated that it seemed to be the consensus of the Committee to have Administration look into how to reserve funds. Mr. Erickson stated he would like to hear what the plan is. Ms. Rodriguez indicated Staff did not have a timeline but generally, they were looking at bringing in a consultant to provide the Committee with recommendations on location of Animal Control and size and facility needs. Ms. Thompson also indicated she is looking into possible partnerships and would not have information until the first of the year.
Motion by Beard/Wollrab to recommend approval of the Animal Control General Fund 0001-0032, Programs 0065 and 0066 budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Veterans Assistance Commission (0136-0065) budget for review and approval. Mr. Jerry Vogler, Superintendent for the Commission and Mr. Mike Herron Chairman of the Commission came forward. Mr. Vogler indicated increase in vehicle maintenance and repair for standard maintenance on the vehicles they have to transport veterans to medical visits in Peoria. He stated clinic would be opening in Bloomington that will provide services to several counties, but it might impact this budget line item as they might extend some service runs to rural areas. He stated there is a reduction in line item to provide emergency financial assistance to veterans. He stated that most of the veterans in the area are able to work. Mr. Vogler discussed other ways they try to cut costs in their budget including utilizing a local food pantry. Mr. Vogler also indicated that Veterans Treatment Court is helping save taxpayers because instead of having to go to Chestnut or other agencies Veterans go the VA for healthcare. He also mentioned they put information in the paper once a week to get information out to Veterans so they know programs available to them. Mr. Vogler also went over ways they are expanding services for Veterans in our community.
Motion by Barnett/Wollrab to recommend approval of the Veteran’s Assistance Commission budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Cooperative Extension Service (0133-0088) budget for review and approval. Mr. Soeldner indicated they had a couple of meetings and found extension was carrying a decent surplus that was more than enough to support a year and a half or two years. It was decided it was appropriate to lower levy. He said everyone understood it would not be a yearly reduction, and they would do a better job of looking over expenses each year. Mr. Beard asked about Illinois Statutory requirement for County to match State contributions. Mr. Soeldner indicated that each County matches based on population and members. Mr. Beard asked if Illinois is at zero. Mr. Soeldner indicated that State is contributing, but not at the amount, they initially did.
Motion by Beard/Barnett to recommend approval of the Cooperative Extension Budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Historical Museum (0134-0072) budget for review and approval. Mr. Schmitt indicated that numbers are same from 2019. Mr. Beard asked if employees of museum are county employees. Mr. Schmitt confirmed they are not.
Motion by Robustelli/Erickson to recommend approval of the Historical Museum budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Bloomington Election Commission (0001-0048) budget for review and approval. Mr. Paul Shannon came forward and indicated budget did not have major changes except they purchased 13 additional touch screens for early voting and replaced poll books.
Motion by Robustelli/Barnett recommended approval of the Bloomington Election Commission budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the Supervisor of Assessment (0001-0049) budget for review and approval. Mr. Robert Kahman came forward and indicated that 2019 year was the quad - reassessment year and the quad causes expenses to go up because they have to publish every single parcel in the county at a mandated price of 80 cents per line. He indicated the 2020 budget did not include this.
Motion by Wollrab/Beard to recommend approval of the Supervisor of Assessment (0001-0049) budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented for consideration the Tort Judgement Fund Risk Management (0135- 0077-007) budget. Mr. Schmitt went over a couple of modifications. Ms. Woods indicated they looked into joining a group called International Municipal Lawyers Association and even though had municipal in name it has a county division and felt it would be beneficial to the work they do for the training and information they could receive. She indicated they worked to reduce other lines to counter some of this cost.
Motion by Robustelli/Barnett to recommend approval of the Tort Judgement Fund Risk Management (0135-0077-007) budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented for consideration the Tort Judgement Fund Civil Division (0135-0077- 0078) budgets. Mr. Schmitt went over increase in schooling and conference to reflect training costs mentioned with last budget.
Motion by Barnett/Beard to recommend approval of the Tort Judgement Fund Civil Division (0135-0077-0078) budgets.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Treasurer (0001-0004), County Treasurer-Collector Automation Fund (0168-0004) budgets for review and approval. Ms. McNeil indicated that interest on investments is estimated to be up, but still presented conservative numbers. Ms. Wollrab asked how federal government lowering interest rates might affect this. Ms. McNeil indicated that short term rates are higher than long term, which is not the usual situation, so did not want to estimate based on what long term rates might be. Ms. McNeil indicated that number she used she hoped kept County safe either way the federal government went on rates. She indicated that other than that there are no major changes from last year. She discussed AP budget and changes from 2019 budget.
Motion by Robustelli/Beard to recommend approval of the County Treasurer (0001-0004), County Treasurer-Collector Automation Fund (0168-0004)
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Treasurer-Collector Automation Fund (0168-0004) budgets for review and approval. Ms. McNeil indicated this is a special revenue fund and source of revenue and manner in which it can be used is regulated by state statute. Expenses are to support automated tax sale and include a transfer to Information Technologies to cover costs of software.
Motion by Wollrab/Barnett to recommend approval of the County Treasurer- Collector Automation Fund (0168-0004)
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Auditor (0001-0003) budget for review and approval. Ms. Rodriguez indicated that the Auditor was not able to attend and it was up to the Committee whether to consider or not. Mr. Soeldner asked the Committee if they had questions we could try to get them answered.
Motion by Erickson/Wollrab to recommend approval of the County Auditor’s budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Clerk – 0001-0005, Programs 0006 & 0007 & 0008 budget for review and approval. Ms. Michael indicated that figures are in line with what we feel we will need. She indicated they are asking for additional equipment so we tried to provide you with as much itemization as possible in the packet. She indicated that other than equipment requests is it a typical election year budget. Mr. Soeldner asked about equipment rental increase and what that pays for. Ms. Penny Rickert indicated it is for touch screens, she indicated they used what they had for the primary before and then leased for the general and this budget reflects leasing for both primary and general. Mr. Soeldner asked about building rentals. Ms. Penny indicated that falls under other election expenses line. Ms. Wollrab went over numbers for judges, technical assistance, ISU training and asked about additional funds and what they would be used for in that line. Ms. Penny indicated amount also covers early voting. Ms. Wollrab indicated that in 2016 had sheet showing where election judges were going to be placed. Ms. Michael indicated they have started initial placement, but do not have that finalized. Ms. Wollrab asked about communication with voters and if amounts budgeted for communicating with voters about early election and registration. Ms. Michael indicated they have funds in media budget for ways to get voter registration information out. Ms. Wollrab asked if media budget she referred to was under advertising. Ms. Michael confirmed. Ms. Wollrab indicated it looked like it had decreased from 2016. Ms. Michael indicated ISU would be doing a lot on their own where as the County picked up some of that in 2016. Ms. Michael also indicated they are utilizing social media more. Ms. Wollrab asked about information on the general election sites. Ms. Michael indicated that sights, etc. would be same for both primary and general. Mr. Soeldner asked if they thought it might be possibility to add more sites at ISU. Ms. Michael indicated they would see how the primary election goes and if ISU is able to find additional sites. Ms. Wollrab asked which dates are mandated. Ms. Michael indicated that States gives them dates and three dates are in Spring break, but added additional dates. Ms. Wollrab asked if they could include day after spring break, which was the day before the election. Ms. Michael indicated they have to bring all equipment back, reconfigure for the election, and then get back for Election Day so they would not be able to do that. Mr. Robustelli asked her to confirm offering early voting at her office on the 16th and asked why could not offer at ISU. Ms. Rickert indicated early voting in the office allows them to reset for the election day, but at the ISU site they would we have to pick up in bulk, reset and send back out for election day. She further indicated they are mandated to have early voting at the permanent polling place on that Monday. Mr. Robustelli asked them to confirm that our building was set as the permanent polling place. Ms. Rickert confirmed. Mr. Soeldner asked if there were questions by non-members; there were none. Ms. Rodriguez thanked the County Clerk and her staff for answering all of her questions. Mr. Soeldner thanked ISU, Staff and the County Clerk.
Motion by Beard/Barnett to recommend approval of County Clerk – 0001- 0005, Programs 0006 & 0007 & 0008 budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Clerk Recording Document Storage Fund – 0137-0005 budget for review and approval. Ms. Michael indicated figures were in line with those in the past. Ms. Wollrab asked about contract services line that increased $10,000. Ms. Michael indicated that was the digitizing contract for digitizing 37 old marriage record books.
Motion by Beard/Barnett to recommend approval of County Clerk Recording Document Storage Fund – 0137-0005 budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Clerk Document Storage Fund - 0164-0005 budget for review and approval.
Motion by Wollrab/Beard to recommend approval of County Clerk Document Storage Fund - 0164-0005 budget.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented the County Clerk GIS Fees Fund (Recording) –0167-0005 budget for review and approval.
Motion by Beard/Wollrab to recommend approval of County Clerk GIS Fees Fund (Recording) –0167-0005 budgets.
Motion Carried.
Mr. Barnett indicated he was uncomfortable approving the Auditor’s budget when the Auditor is not there nor a representative from her staff. He made a motion to reconsider the approval of the Auditor’s budget. Mr. Soeldner asked if this would negatively affect the budget approval process as a whole. Ms. Rodriguez indicated it would not.
Motion by Barnett/Robustelli to reconsider approval of the Auditor’s budget.
Motion Carried. Member Erickson voted no.
Mr. Barnett made a motion to table approval of the Auditor’s budget to the November Finance Committee meeting.
Motion by Barnett/Robustelli to table approval of the Auditor’s budget to the November Finance Committee meeting.
Motion Carried. Member Erickson voted no.
Ms. Rodriguez presented for action a request to authorize the County Administrator to enter into an agreement with an independent expert to provide recommendations regarding which method McLean County will formally use to book it revenues and expenses.
1:44:51 Mr. Robustelli stated it has been difficult to track what initiated this issue and did not recall a conversation in Health Committee recommending change. He asked for more information. Ms. Rodriguez indicated she did not recall a direction by the Board to change the way we book revenue and expenses. Ms. Rodriguez indicated they just want to keep County business moving forward. Ms. Rodriguez felt she needed to bring in someone from outside for direction. Mr. Robustelli asked who has the statutory authority to decide how we go about doing things. Ms. Woods indicated the Auditor does have statutory authority to design financial systems for the County, but also recalled a statute giving the County Board powers in the regard as well; she stated statute causes confusion as to power.
Mr. Soeldner asked if Committee has authority to direct auditor to go back to way we were going things before changes as He felt need to go back to status quo until we get further information. Ms. Woods indicated she was not sure they could force her to go back but part of Auditor’s rationale for switching was she felt it was the will of the Board to switch. Ms. Woods indicated that maybe the Committee could clarify that was not your will then Auditor would go back. Mr. Erickson said he would like to get an answer to who has the power to set the policy. He stated that the statutes are not clear as to who has what power. He quoted both statutes sited by the Auditor and the Administrator. He asked if there was any case law that would help determine jurisdiction. He stated he wanted clarification as to the law and ramifications going forward as the Auditor raises a legal question. Ms. Woods indicated that he quoted same statutes she had found which seem to give powers to both the County Board and the County Auditor. She indicated she had not had a chance to research case law or attorney general opinions on it, but in researching other issues regarding the auditor there is not a lot as there are very few elected auditors in the State and there have not been a lot of issues that have needed to be adjudicated by the Courts or Attorney General. She indicated she would be happy to look into it further but was not sure there was much more clarity to be found. Mr. Erickson stated it was hard for him to go forward without an answer. He stated he did not have an objection to a certified public accountant, but not sure we can enact what they say if it is really the County Auditor who gets to determine what is done. Mr. Erickson asked about tabling this until next month when the County Auditor could be here to answer questions and if there are ramifications. Mr. Robustelli stated he concurred with Mr. Erickson on confusion with statute and felt the County Administrator is caught, as we just want the County to continue to operate. He asked what is not happening now that will continue to not happen, what our authority would be when an opinion comes back against either the Treasurer or the Auditor and how they went about getting a legal opinion on these matters. Mr. Beard agreed Committee should make a request for a legal opinion, express the Committee’s will to the Auditor to return things to the way things were done previously and seek an outside consultant opinion. Mr. Soeldner asked if we need a formal request for legal opinion. Ms. Woods waived written request requirement for written opinion.
Mr. Barnett pointed out they also received an email from the Auditor on September 13th, so she has had time to reach out to us and she had not done that. Ms. Rodriguez indicated the Auditor had not reached out to her about making any changes. Ms. Wollrab concurred with previous suggestion to request that she go back to the way things were done before as she did not think you could do this kind of change in the middle of a fiscal year and did not feel we had time to address this change before 2020 fiscal year. Ms. Rodriguez stated that one of the concerns with departments is changing in the middle of the budget year. Mr. Robustelli indicated he was open to hearing from Ms. McNeil as to what is not happening now.
(2:14:00) Ms. McNeil was asked to come forward to address current process and what work was not being completed. Ms. McNeil introduced Ms. Brenda Jones, Chief Deputy Assistant Treasurer and Mr. Josh Schafer is in accounts payable and segment of property tax from her staff. Ms. McNeil confirmed priority is to pay employees, pay bills and reimburse employees for expenses. Mr. McIntyre was asked to join the Committee at the table. Ms. McNeil went over memo and example she distributed to the Committee showing process and journal entry and concerns she has with current process. Mr. Robustelli asked about previous process for receiving invoices for payment. Ms. McNeil stated they have a log and generally received invoices on a weekly basis but recently not until 3:30 on a Friday. She indicated they issued over 300 checks but some of those checks have several invoices they are paying so it is a timely process. Mr. Erickson stated that today Committee was only being asked to decide whether to seek advice from outside auditor. Mr. Erickson indicated he supported all three suggestions direct Auditor to go back to way things were done before, seek an outside auditor opinion and get a legal opinion.
Mr. Robustelli indicated we have an outside auditor and had not seen a deficiency listed in the external audit as to the way we have conducted business up to this point. Discussion about what should be done by the Committee today. Ms. McNeil went over how things have been done and how things are done by most counties. Mr. McIntyre encouraged them to send something to Auditor encouraging her to go back to the way things were done before. He stated that if Auditor has right to establish how things are done then she set that precedent by doing it this way since she has been here. He stated that if the Auditor feels there should be a change then she needs to bring something forward and discuss making changes, but to not arbitrarily make the change. He stated he agrees with everyone here and if a change needs to made then need to address it but not in the middle of budget decisions.
Wollrab/Erickson motion to table this to a date uncertain. Discussion as to whether that is what they wanted to do and if that would involve sending memo to auditor, getting legal opinion and tabling auditor opinion. Mr. Robustelli indicated he felt we need some outside guidance so would vote against this motion. Mr. Erickson said he was ok going forward on all three. Ms. Wollrab withdrew motion.
Erickson/Robustelli motion to Amend to add to give direction to Auditor to do what has always been done, that we hire a certified public accountant and that we direct state’s attorney to give us a legal opinion about the matter.
Motion by Erickson/Robustelli to authorize the County Administrator to enter into an agreement with an independent expert to provide recommendations regarding which method McLean County will formally use to book it revenues and expenses; give direction to Auditor to return accounting processes to the way they were before and direct the state’s attorney to give the Committee a legal opinion as to power to determine financial systems.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez presented her report on recently employment activities. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Chairman Soeldner presented the Finance Committee bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor.
Motion by Robustelli/Wollrab to approve the presented bills with pending total of $67,444.45, prepaid total $663,743.34 and fund total amount of $731,187.79.
Motion carried.
Chairman Soeldner asked if there was anything else, hearing nothing he adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m.