
McLean County Times

Monday, November 25, 2024

McLean County Justice Committee met October 1

Meeting 06

McLean County Justice Committee met Oct. 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Justice Committee of the McLean County Board met on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.

Members Present: Chairman George Gordon Members George Wendt, Susan Schafer, Carlo Robustelli, Jim Soeldner, Randall Martin and Lyndsay Bloomfield

Members Absent: None

Other County Board Members Present: None

Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, Mr. Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator, Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator; and Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary

Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Mr. Don Knapp, State’s Attorney, Mr. Michael Donovan, Director Court Services; Mr. Jason Tabb, Juvenile Detention Center, Ms. Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center, Ms. Carla Barnes, Public Defender, Ms. Kathy Yoder, Coroner; Mr. Jon Sandage, Sheriff; Ms. Michelle Welch, Adult Medical;

Others Present:

Chairman Gordon called the meeting to order and declared a quorum.

Chairman Gordon presented the minutes of the August 20, 2019 special meeting and September 3, 2019 regular meeting for approval.

Motion by Schafer/Martin to approve the minutes from the August 20, 2019 special meeting and September 3, 2019 regular meeting.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Gordon confirmed there were no appearances by members of the public.

Mr. Jon Sandage, McLean County Sheriff present his monthly reports. Schafer asked about the increasing jail population and wondered if it was due to a change in Judiciary rulings because of increased space. Mr. Sandage indicated they did take lack of space into consideration during construction but as far as he was aware, there was no change in the sentencing done by the judiciary since the opening of the new portion of the jail. Mr. Schmitt mentioned to the Committee the need to replace some of the Sheriff’s vehicles, but due to a change by Ford, it will take 26 weeks to receive them. Mr. Schmitt stated Staff would like to do a budget amendment to order the vehicles in this year and then remove from budget for 2020. Mr. Soeldner asked if equipment in vehicles would also need to be ordered. Mr. Sandage indicated they would probably need to order new cages but that would be separate. Mr. Martin asked if this was a State bid. Mr. Sandage confirmed. Mr. Sandage invited the Justice Committee on October 29th to the Project Blue Light event. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any other comments or questions; hearing none, he thanks Mr. Sandage.

Ms. Kathy Yoder, McLean County Coroner presented for action a request to approve an Agreement with Ann & Robert Laure Children’s Hospital of Illinois for development of the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System. Ms. Yoder provided history on reporting and funding for this reporting system. She indicated that testing is expensive and this grant funding assists counties with these costs. Ms. Schafer asked how they utilize the data. Ms. Yoder indicated this helps communities determine where they need to put funding to help address issues, such as gun violence or traffic deaths.

Motion by Martin/Bloomfield to recommend approval of an Agreement with Ann & Robert Laure Children’s Hospital of Illinois for development of the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System.

Motion Carried. Chair Voted.

Ms. Kathy Yoder presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance.

Motion by Soeldner/Robustelli to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2019 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Yoder presented her monthly reports. She indicated that out of county autopsies would be increases in November as the Forensic Pathologist from the Sangamon County area is moving out of state. Ms. Yoder indicated they would be covering over 1/3 of the State. Ms. Yoder indicated there is a shortage of Forensic Pathologists nationwide and so if we would lose Dr. Denton, there would not be other options for us or most of the State. Chairman Gordon asked if the Committee had any questions, hearing none, he moved to the next agenda item.

Mr. Don Knapp, State’s Attorney, presented his reports. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Mike Donovan, Director of Court Services presented his monthly reports. Mr. Donovan indicated they added a category of emerging adults ages 18-21. Chairman Gordon asked if the Committee had any questions for Mr. Donovan; hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk present his reports. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none he moved to the next item on the agenda.

Ms. Carla Barnes, Public Defender presented her caseload report. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked her.

Ms. Molly Evans, Director, Children’s Advocacy Center, presented for action a request to approve the Evinto Solutions, LLC Master Software as a Services Agreement for Optima. Ms. Evans indicated they received a grant and it requires they have a data collection system. She indicated this will be a statewide system utilized by CASA staff and volunteers so all reporting and notes will be in the system. Ms. Evans also indicated the cost of the system, training and monthly subscription will be covered by this grant or another grant they have.

Motion by Robustelli/Martin to recommend approval of the Evinto Solutions, LLC Master Software as a Services Agreement for Optima.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Evans presented for action a request to approve the Subcontract/Sub-Grant Agreement between Illinois CASA and the County of McLean.

Motion by Robustelli/Schafer to recommend approval of the Subcontract/Sub-Grant Agreement between Illinois CASA and the County of McLean.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Evans presented her monthly statistical reports to the Committee. She indicated they interviewed 49 children last month, which is the most they have had in one month. Mr. Gordon asked about reasons for that increase. Ms. Evans stated they do not know for sure, but returning to school could have something to do with it. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.

Ms. Camille Rodriguez presented the Coroner’s Office – 0001-0031 budget for review and approval. Ms. Schafer asked about Morgue fees. Ms. Yoder indicated those fees may go up after November but they were trying to not raise those as other counties cannot afford the fees. Ms. Yoder also went over expenses that fall under Morgue and Autopsy fees. Ms. Schafer asked about pathology fee. Ms. Yoder explained what went into the pathology fee including paying the assistant and transcriptionist. Mr. Schmitt also pointed out the budget includes the reclassification of one employee from a senior deputy coroner to chief deputy coroner – an hourly to salaries position that will decrease overtime. Mr. Schmitt also indicated that at Facilities budget they would bring forward replacing cooler and cabinets for the Coroner’s office.

Motion by Schafer/Wendt to recommend approval of the Coroner’s Office – 0001-0031 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the Merit Board – 0001-0008 budget for review and approval.

Motion by Robustelli/Soeldner to recommend approval the Merit Board – 0001-0008 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the Sheriff’s Department – 0001-0029 budget for review and approval. Mr. Schmitt provided some adjustments to budget lines because of an arbitration ruling with the deputies that will impact some recommendations and the Finance Committee approving changing the salary of the lieutenants due to compression. Mr. Soeldner asked if part of deputy’s salary increase was included in original numbers. Mr. Schmitt indicated it was but now with the ruling needed to change from 1.5% to 2.75%. Ms. Schafer asked if numbers would be off set elsewhere. Mr. Schmitt confirmed they would when final numbers are presented. Mr. Gordon asked about further adjustments they had mentioned to him before the meeting. Mr. Schmitt indicated those would be related to the jail administrative staff and would be adjusted for compression in that area as well. Ms. Schafer asked if jail was fully staffed. Mr. Sandage indicated it was and numbers reflect that. Mr. Robustelli asked if Administration could let them know if there are major changes in each budget as it is presented. Mr. Sandage indicate there were no major changes except in the pay areas. Mr. Robustelli asked about funding for the jail education fund. Mr. Sandage indicated that is for different classes offered and those are paid for out of jail commissary funds. Mr. Schmitt went over a few other changes including supply costs and reduction of liquor license inspection revenue.

Motion by Robustelli/Schafer to recommend approval of the Sheriff’s Department 0001-0029 budget with changes presented.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the Sheriff’s Department Court Security Fund 0141-0029 budget for review and approval. Mr. Sandage indicated there were no major changes from last year’s budget. Ms. Schafer asked for definition of CTAA. Ms. Taylor indicated that was Criminal Traffic Assessment Act, which changed the way they are assessing fines and fees in the criminal and civil divisions. She indicated fees collected there were moved to the general fund. Mr. Robustelli asked about the IMRF line being zeroed out. Mr. Schmitt indicated that with the move of those fees to the general fund the IMRF line will be paid out of the levy for IMRF and FICA directly.

Motion by Martin/Schafer to recommend approval of the Sheriff’s Department Court Security Fund 0141-0029 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk’s Office – 0001-0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated the Criminal Traffic Assessment Act made major changes to fees, so some are now going to the general fund, clerk admin fund and other funds as a result. He indicated they probably need to have six full months of data to see how this affects their budget and office procedures. Mr. Robustelli asked how important occasional/seasonal employees are to the office. Mr. Everhart asked if he was asking about courtroom clerks. Mr. Robustelli confirmed and stated that he sees that wages will go up due to an increase in minimum wage and realized that when we do pay increases for full-time County employees that does not carry over to the occasional/seasonal and was concerned about that. He stated that some of the part-time individuals have been with the County for several years and wondered if we should consider change it so they are included in the across the board raises or other raises given to full time employees. Mr. Everhart indicated when seasonal/occasional are hired they understand the pay and tend to be retirees that are looking for additional spending money. He indicated this is the same pay as Bailiff’s and they are guaranteed 6 hours of work even if they only work 5 minutes. He provided examples when they might be paid for full 6 hours and work less actual time. He said that he was sure they would appreciate an increase. Mr. Gordon asked how often it happens that they come in and are sent home after a short period of time. Mr. Everhart indicated that it does happen but not very often.

Motion by Wendt/Soeldner to recommend approval of budget for the Circuit Clerk’s Office – 0001-0015.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk Operation & Administration – 0138-0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated he felt there would be an increase in this fund based on the CTAA. He indicated that several of these are exempt from fee waivers, so increase in fees.

Motion by Robustelli/Bloomfield to recommend approval budget for the Circuit Clerk Operation & Administration – 0138-0015.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk Court Automation –0140-0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated there were no major changes. Mr. Robustelli asked about computer replacement and how old those are. Mr. Everhart indicated that the IT director suggests replacement about every three years. He said he was not sure if he would pursue that or not but wanted to have that amount in the budget. He stated that they start to see hard drive failures after a few years. Mr. Robustelli asked if they could get information of life cycle of computers in general as they determine need of replacement. Ms. Rodriguez noted that the IT department is not necessarily purchasing all the computers. She indicated that department heads can enter into agreements to purchase computers to fit their needs and while Staff encourages department heads to talk with IT there is not a policy to have them go through IT.

Motion by Robustelli/Martin to recommend approval budget for the Circuit Clerk Court Automation –0140-0015.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk Court Document Storage – 0142- 0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated court document storage went from 15 to 20 dollars through the CTAA so will probably see an increase from that.

Motion by Martin/Wendt to recommend approval of the budget for the Circuit Clerk Court Document Storage – 0142-0015.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk Child Support Collection – 0143- 0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated no major changes at this time, but again they would have to wait to see how the Criminal Traffic Assessment Act might also affect this Fund.

Motion by Schafer/Bloomfield to recommend approval of the budget the Circuit Clerk Child Support Collection – 0143-0015.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Circuit Clerk IDPA IV-D Child Support Enforcement Prog – 0156-0015 for review and approval. Mr. Everhart indicated there was nothing major with this Fund. Mr. Soeldner stated there was a drop in revenue from Illinois Department of Public Aid and asked if there is a reason behind that decrease. Mr. Schmitt indicated that this revenue goes between Circuit Clerk and the State’s Attorney office. Ms. Schafer indicated that it does not look like the State’s Attorney revenue increased. Mr. Everhart indicated they are paid per order, so base estimate of revenue on the number of orders that were submitted in the past.

Motion by Robustelli/Bloomfield to recommend approval of the budget for the Circuit Clerk IDPA IV-D Child Support Enforcement Prog.– 0156-0015.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Everhart stated that all employees are valuable assets and in the proposal for across the board and merit increases in 2020 and it is important and should be moved forward and approved for morale. Ms. Rodriguez thanked Mr. Everhart and his staff and Ms. Taylor for becoming in-house experts on the Criminal Traffic Assessment Act to try to help Staff understand possible impacts the Act might have on our budgets and procedures.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Juvenile Detention Program (0022) for review and approval. Mr. Jason Tabb stated that he did not believe there was anything substantial. He stated they are looking at purchase of encrypted radios. Ms. Taylor indicated there was an increase in revenue due to an increase by the judicial branch. She also made an adjustment in line item that included the radios, as it would be the purchase of three radios. Mr. Donovan indicated that the estimate on the radios had changed. The numbers were updated from 7,500 to 8,784. Ms. Schafer asked if the radios were included in the order the Coroner put through and if they all can communicate with each other. Mr. Donovan indicated that they were included in the group price bid. Mr. Soeldner stated he felt that there needed to be a procurement procedure for the County to help with orders that could affect more than one department. Mr. Schmitt indicated they have been trying to do that and provided example of copy paper order and fleet car purchases. Ms. Rodriguez added they are also looking at bulk pharmacy. She indicated she plans to have regular department head meetings so that similar needs can be discussed and procedures improved upon. Mr. Schmitt indicated that under the Facilities budget for the Juvenile Detention center the purchase of a camera system will be discussed at Property Committee.

Motion by Robustelli/Soeldner to recommend approval of the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Juvenile Detention Program (0022) budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Court Services (0024) for review and approval. Mr. Donovan indicated the reimbursements mentioned earlier would help us with salaries instead of having to utilize fees. Mr. Donovan indicated the fee for the radios would increase as they are adding a radio. Expense line 0743.0001 would need to be changed from $588 to $750. Ms. Schafer asked about changes to adjust for this increased expense. Mr. Schmitt indicated modifications would be made once all expense changes were noted.

Motion by Martin/Bloomfield to recommend approval of the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Court Services (0024) budget

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Pretrial (0068) for review and approval. Mr. Donovan indicated there were no major changes in this budget.

Motion by Robustelli/Martin to recommend approval of the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Pretrial (0068) budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Adult Redeploy Grant (0094) for review and approval. Mr. Donovan indicated they added a staff member in this area. There are more clients to the program because the State changed the eligible offenders by removing barriers for certain offenders, so more allowed in the program. Ms. Taylor also indicated the State paying a higher rate for probation officer’s salaries means that less of the probation fees fund is needed for salaries and can be used for services. Mr. Soeldner asked about decrease in drug testing chemicals line item. Mr. Donovan indicated money is used from several lines to pay for those, so it might be less in this line, but more in another and overall amount spent is consistent.

Motion by Schafer/Robustelli to recommend approval of the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Adult Redeploy Grant (0094) budget

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Veteran’s Court (0103) for review and approval. Mr. Donovan stated they are fully staffed this year. He also indicated they are doing remote access for other counties because veteran’s court is a circuit wide program so access was brought in house to save money from the original contract. He said by doing this they hope to be able to communicate with other counties and remove travel costs.

Motion by Schafer/Martin to recommend approval of the Court Services Department Fund 0001 Veteran’s Court 0103 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the budget for the Court Services Probation Services Fund – 0146-0022 for review and approval. Mr. Donovan again mentioned that because of the increase from the state they would not be using as much from fees to pay for salaries. He also made correction to cost for radios. Mr. Schmitt indicated that because this is a special fund they could offset that expenditure through the use of budget balance account. He provided updated figures.

Motion by Soeldner/Robustelli to recommend approval of the Court Services Probation Services Fund – 0146-0022 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the State Attorney’s Office 0001-0020 budget for review and approval. Mr. Knapp indicated they are trending to keep budget roughly the same because of salary decrease where they had open positions and also have younger attorney’s at lower starting points. He indicated that administrative support is also flat but office supplies went up because court is requiring discovery be provided on CD Rom’s that are about $100 each. He stated that in IV-D the budget change is a result of attorney moving to the public defender’s office and replacing with a seasoned attorney but at a lower rate. He said income on IV-D has remained flat and we are supplementing with property tax, but are in discussion with governor’s office about additional funding from the State that might allow us to pay without utilizing property taxes. He also discussed reclassing Assistant State Attorney levels to help with turn over. Mr. Soeldner asked him about expenses that might be added because of recreational marijuana and if he took that into account in the budget. Mr. Knapp stated that it is difficult to know if it will add expenses or not at this point, so we have not taken it into account for this budget. Mr. Knapp provided examples of how it might affect their budget. Mr. Soeldner asked about expungement expenses. Mr. Knapp indicated they will be able to object in some cases and don’t see that greatly changing their budgets, but it might affect Information Technologies Department budget or the Circuit Clerk’s budget. Ms. Schafer asked about use of interpreters and decrease in that line. Mr. Knapp indicated they try to use asset forfeiture funds for some things and the Court has to pay for the interpreter fee sometimes.

Motion by Martin/Robustelli to recommend approval of the State Attorney’s Office 0001-0020 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the State’s Attorneys IV-D Child Support Enforcement –0156- 0020 budget for review and approval. Mr. Knapp indicated that this used to be 100% funded by grants from the State, but has not been that way for several years now and has required funding from property taxes. He stated they are in discussions with the State and hope to return it to 100% funding.

Motion by Bloomfield/Martin to recommend approval of State’s Attorneys IV- D Child Support Enforcement –0156-0020 budget.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented information regarding positions filled under the purview of the Justice Committee. Mr. Soeldner asked about a visitor aid. Mr. Schmitt explained they are the screeners at the Law & Justice Center. Chairman Gordon asked if there were any further questions; hearing none, he moved to payment of the bills.

Chairman Gordon presented the Justice Committee with a transfer from the Circuit Clerk’s office for approval.

Motion by Robustelli/Martin to approve the transfer from Circuit Clerk’s Office.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Gordon presented bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor with a pending total of $107,430.13, prepaid total of $239,688.09 and Final Total of $347,118.22

Motion by Robustelli/Soeldner to approve the Justice Committee bills as transmitted by the County Auditor with a pending total of $107,430.13, prepaid total of $239,688.09 and final total of $347,118.22.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Gordon asked for a motion to go into closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) to discuss litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

Motion by Robustelli/Bloomfield to go into closed session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) to discuss litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.

Motion Carried.

The Justice Committee entered into closed session at 6:39 p.m. The Justice Committee returned to open session at 6:51 p.m.

Chairman Gordon asked if there was any other business or communication for the Justice Committee; hearing none, he adjourned at 6:51 p.m.




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