Village of Hudson Village Board met Oct. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Dan Maffeo called the regular meeting of the Hudson Village Board to order at 7:00 P.M., Tuesday, October 1, 2019.
Mayor Dan Maffeo led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present (in person)
Mayor Dan Maffeo
Trustee Rachel Shipley
Trustee Kathy Brooks
Trustee Phil Morris
Trustee Don Gibson
Trustee Pat O’Grady
Trustee Dave Brutlag
Village Clerk Allison Brutlag
“All matters listed under CONSENT AGENDA are considered to be routine and non- controversial by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired by a Citizen or Trustee, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda.”
Items for the consent agenda are:
a. Approval of open minutes from the September 3, 2019 board meeting
b. Financial statement and payment of bills for September
Dan asked if any items listed for the consent agenda needed further discussion. No other discussion was needed.
Village of Hudson October 1, 2019 Meeting Minutes
September 2019- Key Activities
1. Trustee Appointee- Don Gibson had informed Dan that due to his new position with the
County, he would need to resign from the board. But Don stated that he looked into it and he will be able to stay on the board.
2. TIF Economic Programs- Dan has been working with the EDG to draft guidelines and TIF programs. There have been a few drafts developed regarding the TIF. The Commercial Revitalization TIF Grant Program would match up to 75% with a maximum of $7500 to revitalize business fronts/facades (windows, awnings, etc.) The TIF District Incentives for Economic Development would include real estate taxes and municipal sales tax rebates ranging from 30% to 80% on “net incremental increases”. There are more programs being developed for grants and/or forgivable loans for new business development and existing business expansions.
3. TIF Fund Allocation Guidelines- (Initial draft of how the Village should allocate TIF funds by 4 categories)
• Village Sewer System (40%)
• Front Street/Downtown Development (40%)
• Marketing Hudson and New Business Recruitment (5%)
• Road/Street Improvements (15%)
Dan stated the board needs to be thinking about these guidelines. This is a draft and once guidelines have been reviewed by the board; the information will be shared with the community.
4. Heartland Cable Issues- Denny and Jeff have had issues with this company since the company split and is now two companies. The current installation staff has not exhibited the same positive attitude, competencies and work ethic as the previous staff when work on the north side of the Village was completed. This has caused much more effort for Denny and Jeff. Dan wrote an email to the ownership of Heartland Cable about our concerns. He is pleased with the proactive response from the ownership. Co-owners, Steve Allen (President) and Jerry Smith (Vice President), made a special trip to Hudson to meet with Jeff and Denny and assured us things will improve.
5. Planning Commission- Dan reported he had a productive meeting with Richard Bland to update him on many Village activities, including TIF projects. They also discussed how best to keep this team informed on activities moving forward. How best to move forward with developing the Village’s short and long term business and development plan was also discussed. Pat McGrath has been helping the Planning Commission understand the OMA guidelines.
6. Water Main Breaks/Hydrant Replacements- It has been a busy month with these and Dan stated he has tried to help and stay involved. He also mentioned he had to get involved with resident issues regarding this. Jeff will discuss this later in his report.
7. Land Swap Deal- The update from Pat McGrath is that Steve Lampert, who owns the land, didn’t agree to our request of if the property is sold in the future, the Village would have the first right of refusal. Pat asked how we’d like to move forward. Dan said he’d like to pursue it. Dave understood that Mr. Lampert already gave the first right of refusal to someone else. Dan said that if we find a way to move forward with the land swap, it would be in the Village’s best interest. Pat McGrath stated at this point he would ordinarily up the firmness and escalate the negotiating position. This topic will be discussed in future board meetings.
8. Establishing Committees (Action Items)- Dan met with Pastor Curt Keller from the Hudson United Methodist Church. Pastor Keller is interested in having a Village Market Day in the church’s parking lot. Dan would like to have a Census 2020 committee to prepare and help (marketing, informing people, etc.). Sara gave an update on the destruction of files plan. Sara stated the Records Retention from the state of Illinois will create a plan. She said an appointment for inventory will be set up in the next few weeks. Dan also wanted to discuss the possibility of having board meetings moved to another location. Possibilities include the Hudson Fire Department, Town Hall and the Hudson United Methodist Church.
9. Prairieview Subdivision (HOA/Maintenance of retention basin and sand filter sewer system)- Dan reported the HOA issue has gone from bad to worse. He and Dave have spent many hours on this issue this month. An HOA meeting was held recently and 12 residents came. Two people volunteered to become secretary and treasurer. Dale Whitwood resigned as President. A few days later, both the new secretary and treasurer resigned their position after finding out what a mess the HOA had become. Currently there is no board and there are bills that need to be paid but no one to write the checks. Eventually, the EPA could get involved. There are limited funds in the HOA checking account. Dan stated his opinion was that there is 0% chance a new HOA board will be elected and have residents pay dues.
10. Prairieview Potential Solution- Dan stated one solution would be for the Village to take over the maintenance of the retention basin and sand filter system and the HOA is dissolved. On September 25th, Dan and Dave met with the Prairieview Development Group (which isn’t the HOA) to try to find a resolution to this issue. In attendance was Robert Whitwood, Dale Whitwood and Larry Hundman. Both sides agreed that if not resolved soon, certain residents in Prairieview subdivision, the so-called HOA, the Prairieview Development Group, certain individuals and the Village of Hudson will be involved in a very litigious matter. Both the Village and the Prairieview Development Group want to find a resolution. A preliminary discussion regarding the Village taking over the maintenance with some compensation from the Prairieview Development Group took place. Both sides agreed in principle that this was possible. Negotiations continue. The estimated annual costs to maintain these two areas are $6,500 to $8,500. The Village is still analyzing the actual costs if we perform the maintenance. Dan’s position on the issue is simple, as the only two options are to do nothing or find a way to take over the maintenance in Prairieview and receive a still to be determined compensation from the development group and finally get rid of the HOA issue in Prairieview. Once a draft of an agreement from the development group, that Dan and Dave feel is fair, they will bring it to the board for discussions and a vote.
More Prairieview Discussion
Dan stated that after the residents wanted nothing to do with the SSA tax, he walked away from it to let the HOA figure it out. Dave and Dan have had discussions with Pat McGrath. The Prairieview Development Group is the group that has built the subdivision. No HOA fees have ever been paid. The $11,000/year needed for the sand filtration system has always been paid by the Prairieview Development Group. Kathy suggested the homeowners who use the sand filtration system create their own association. There has never been a complete HOA for Prairieview. It is still a legal entity, but there is no activity. The HOA was unregistered in 2004, reregistered in 2009 and between 2009-2018 nothing has been done; and that is on the developers. Dan said that 17 people are not going to form their own HOA. He thinks this issue will either become litigious or the Village can take it over and dissolve the HOA. Kathy said if the village acquires property in Prairieview, we could form a board for a day and then dissolve it. Pat McGrath said we could start generating revenue by acquiring sewer utility user fees. The EPA would get involved if testing wasn’t completed on the sand filtration system. The Village would have to revoke occupancy permits as an action on behalf of the EPA. If it went to court, it would be an expensive litigation. Kathy stated it seems the Village is being forced to accept this or it would go the litigation route. Pat McGrath stated an engineer inspected the condition of the system and it was satisfactory. Pat asked if the system failed, would we have to get a new and improved system. Jeff asked the EPA for a cost on what that system would cost. Jeff said to be able to test the system, he would have to have 3 years of sanitary experience. He could take a test to do that but it would take him 3 years to get this. He is waiting for more information from the EPA engineer. Pat asked if the Village takes it over, do we charge people to use the system. If we went with the SSA, the whole subdivision would be paying for it. If we charged the people who use the sand filtration system, it would be just those residents who would pay for it. The estimated cost for those residents would be $42/month. But Pat McGrath suggested we charge a higher rate in case problems would come up. The routine maintenance of the system is on the homeowner’s side. Dan stated this is in a critical state. Bills aren’t being paid. The best decision needs to be made for the Village. The HOA can be gotten rid of with very little money. If the Prairieview Development Group gave us some funds to do that, it could last us several years before the Village would have to put in money. Kathy doesn’t think the Village should have to pay. Dan responded that we won’t get the 17 homeowners to pay for it. Those homeowners didn’t know about this when they bought the homes. TIF funds could be used if decided to do it someday. A special meeting will probably need to be scheduled in the next week or two.
WATER AND PUBLIC PROPERTY: Superintendent Jeff Waller Superintendent Jeff Waller gave the monthly water report for September- 2,915,000 gallons or 98,000/day. Jeff, Denny and Tom all went to the water conference in Springfield. Jeff reported there were 2 valves that were replaced. They were both on the County highway. Steel iron bolts were used and because of so much salt, the salt water corroded the bolts, they broke and started leaking. Stainless steel bolts were used for the repair. When the asphalt truck gets here, they will fill in where needed. Jeff said that holes were dug yesterday for the replacement hydrants. He thanked Frank, Denny, Tyler, Carol and Sara for calling residents who have been affected by these repairs as well as keeping residents updated on the boil order. Jeff also thanked the police department for their assistance. For parks, mowing is still being done and they should be caught up by the end of the week.
STREET AND ZONING: Street and Zoning Inspector Denny Engel
Street and Zoning Inspector Denny Engel was absent.
VILLAGE MARSHALL: Police Chief Dale Sparks
Police Chief Dale Sparks reported there was extra activity this month. There were 2 DUI’s last month. There continue to be complaints about high rates of speed on N. Broadway. Three more signs were put up. A resident spoke that there are often kids playing in the street or riding bicycles and he said it is very dangerous. There are now 9 signs from the fire department north on Broadway. Dale has spoken about the Call Multiplier system at previous meetings. The police department recently received a monetary gift from Hudson Grain. This gift will cover the cost for a year or year and a half of this service. Dale said residents have to give a written signature as well as their cell phone number if they’d like to opt in to this service.
CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR: Fire Chief Jeff Thomas The civil defense director was absent. We don’t think the south side siren went off. Jeff will talk with Fire Chief Jeff Thomas.
Finance, Budget, Contracts and Employees Department: Trustee Don Gibson Trustee Don Gibson had no report.
Street Department: Trustee Phil Morris
Trustee Phil Morris stated it has been a busy month with valves and hydrants. He gives credit to all Village employees for all their work. Jeff thanked Phil for also being there. Phil reported that the salt truck’s brakes went out again. A state bid for a new truck is hopefully in line. There are a few areas that need to be patched with black top and will get done when McLean County Asphalt can get out to do it. The drainage project at Washington and Clinton has been taken care of. Last limb pick up for the year is October 7th. Phil mentioned that the part time hours that were projected for the year are pretty much used up but the projects are done. He said that Tyler had 59 extra hours in water. Hours have been split out among the necessary departments. Every pay period, Phil receives an update on Tyler’s hours. There is a tree in an alley (halfway through the block between Walnut and Locust). This will be looked at.
Ordinance and Zoning Department: Trustee Kathy Brooks
Update Planning Commission Ordinance member number Since there was only one planning commission member in attendance, this agenda item will be tabled until November. The member number needs to be changed. Kathy suggested changing it to “3 or more members”. Pat McGrath stated there is more freedom with the OMA with an increased number. After some discussion, five people will be the new number for members of the planning commission. It will be finalized in November.
Planning Commission recommendation for President of the Planning Commission vote (Board approval vote)
This will be tabled until the November meeting.
Police Department: Trustee Pat O’Grady
Trustee Pat O’Grady had no report.
Water Department: Trustee Dave Brutlag
Status of the PC Meter Reader purchase
Trustee Dave Brutlag thanked Jeff and crew for getting so much done this month. The two companies are now talking to each other about the PC meter reader purchase.
Public Property: Trustee Rachel Shipley
Trustee Rachel Shipley and Jeff discussed the garage that sits on Unit 5 property. In 2008, an agreement was made between Unit 5 and the Village for the Village to be able to use that garage for $1/year. There isn’t a written agreement. Jeff’s idea is to put some money into it and put new siding on it. He has talked with Unit 5 and their lawyer is looking into a contract. Jeff also spoke with Brian Sparks and he estimated it would cost $3500 for new siding. If we put in $3500, we feel like we need an agreement to make sure we can continue to use it.
Liquor Commissioner: Mayor Dan Maffeo
Liquor Ordinance Revision (3-1-8 Liquor Classifications)
This change would reduce the number of classifications from four to two. The Class A license would be consumption on site, hours from 6:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Monday- Saturday and Sunday 12:00 10:00 P.M. The annual fee would be $1000. The Class B license would be retail sales only, hours from 6:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. Monday- Saturday and Sunday 8:00 10:00 P.M. The annual fee would be $1000. The Village is changing Sunday hours for the Class B license (from 12:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.).