McLean County Transportation Committee met Nov. 5.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Chairman William Caisley Members Elizabeth Johnston, Logan Smith, Shayna Watchinski
Members Absent: Member Gerald Thompson, Randall Martin and William Friedrich
Other Members Present:
Staff Members Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator, Mr. Eric Schmitt, Assistant County Administrator, Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator; Ms. Jessica Woods First Assistant State’s Attorney Civil Division, Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary
Department Heads Present: Mr. Jerry Stokes, County Engineer,
Others Present: Mr. Luke Hohulin, Assistant County Engineer
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Caisley at 8:00 a.m. and a quorum declared.
Chairman Caisley presented the minutes from the October 1, 2019 regular meeting for review and approval.
Motion by Smith/Johnston to approve the minutes from the October 1, 2019 regular meeting.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley presented the prepaid bills for review and approval in the amount of $2,219,155.97. Chairman Caisley asked about charges from Hampton Lenzini. Mr. Stokes indicated they are doing work on windfarms and bridge rating analysis on county bridges. Mr. Caisley asked about Hutchinson charge. Mr. Stokes indicated it is for design work on the Pipeline Road project. Mr. Caisley asked about the Hanson charges. Mr. Stokes indicated that was for design work for Chenoa project.
Motion by Smith/Watchinski to recommend payment of bills as submitted by the County Auditor in the amount of $2,219,155.97.
Motion carried.
Chairman Caisley confirmed no other appearances by members of the public or employees.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a request to approve a 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Resolution & Estimate of Cost. Mr. Stokes explained fund pays for paint, oil and chip work, salt, and some labor costs. He stated motor fuel tax revenue increased so he increased amount for 2020. Mr. Stokes stated salt prices increased 2.5 times from last year, so will see how much we have to spend on salt as to whether we are able to do more oil and chip work. Mr. Caisley asked why there is a salt cost increase. Mr. Stokes stated there is a salt shortage in Midwest so will have to be trucked in. Mr. Caisley asked if there are alternative places to get salt. Mr. Stokes stated this is done through the State bid process and felt private bid would probably cost more. Ms. Johnston asked if we have already started receiving money from the Motor Fuel Tax and amount. Mr. Stokes stated they started receiving and that it would be a steady amount even though it would vary some each month.
Motion by Smith/Johnston recommend approval of 2020 Motor Fuel Tax Maintenance Resolution & Estimate of Cost.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT for Truck Access Route Program (TARP) Funds regarding Gillum Road – Section 18-00074-03-RS. Mr. Stokes explained the Truck Access Route Program that provides funding when you do roadwork to increase weight limit. He stated they have used it with two other projects recently. He explained funding that would be used in this project.
Motion by Johnston/Watchinski to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with IDOT for Truck Access Route Program (TARP) Funds regarding Gillum Road – Section 18-00074-03-RS
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley presented for action a request to approve a Weight Limit Resolution regarding Gillum Road – Section 18-00074-03-RS. Mr. Caisley asked if this is required. Mr. Stokes indicated it is required to show we are increasing weight limit.
Motion by Smith/Watchinski to recommend approval of a Weight Limit Resolution regarding Gillum Road – Section 18-00074-03-RS.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley asked if another member of the Committee would handle the next item on the Agenda. Ms. Johnston asked if he needed to abstain. He indicated he did. Ms. Johnston indicated she would and asked if the two items for the Village of Danvers could be presented together. It was agreed they could. There was discussion about quorum and it was determined a quorum existed. Ms. Johnston presented for action a request to approve a Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement and Jurisdictional Transfer Resolution regarding West Street in the Village of Danvers. Mr. Stokes indicated this was the Illinois Department of Transportation cleaning up paperwork. He provided history of County Highway through Danvers where a two-block section was never officially transferred to the Village of Danvers. Mr. Hohulin explained the Village of Danvers has been taking care of and maintaining this section. Ms. Johnston asked if this could occur in other areas. Mr. Hohulin stated he could not guarantee that it would not occur, but should be easily fixed.
Motion by Smith/Watchinski to recommend approval of a Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement and Jurisdictional Transfer Resolution regarding West Street in the Village of Danvers.
Motion Carried. Member Caisley abstained.
Member Johnston turned the floor back over to the Chairman and Chairman Caisley presented for action a request to approve a Service Contract with Crane Tech LLC. Mr. Caisley indicated that the Occupational Safety Administration has required we conduct education of employees of Highway Department because of accident that occurred. He stated we could send employees to Wisconsin or have the trainer come to our location and having the trainer come here is less expensive. Mr. Stokes explained the crane training that would occur for four individuals. Ms. Johnston asked how long the certification be good for. Mr. Stokes indicated that it is good for five years. He stated they would have to look into whether recertification could be done online.
Motion by Watchinski/Johnston to recommend approval of a Service Contract with Crane Tech LLC.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Rodriguez indicated there were no positions filled under the purview of the Transportation Committee. Mr. Caisley asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he asked Mr. Stokes to move on to project updates.
Mr. Stokes provided pictures and updates on the Money Creek II Bridge Project. Mr. Caisley asked about air testing. Mr. Stokes explained the process and the numbers needed for pouring. Mr. Caisley asked about concrete testing. Mr. Stokes explained the concrete testing process. Ms. Johnston asked about temperatures and pouring concrete. Mr. Stokes indicated they cover if it is going to be cold.
Mr. Stokes also provided updates on the Old Colonial Road Project and the Gillum Road Project. Mr. Stokes then provided an update on Blooming Gove Wind Farm Project and roadwork that had started.
Mr. Caisley asked about other Business. Ms. Rodriguez indicated there was a transfer under the bills that were approved but the transfer had not been specifically mentioned so wanted to clarify. Chairman Caisley asked for a motion to approve the transfer.
Motion by Watchinski/Johnston to approve the Transfer Motion Carried.
Chairman Caisley asked if there was anything else to come before the Committee; hearing nothing, he adjourned the meeting at 8:40 a.m.