
McLean County Times

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

McLean County Board Executive Committee met March 10

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McLean County Board Executive Committee met March 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The Executive Committee of the McLean County Board met beginning at 4:30 p.m. in Room 400, Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.

Members Present: Chairman John McIntyre, Members Jim Soeldner, George Gordon, William Caisley, Chuck Erickson, Susan Schafer, Laurie Wollrab and Josh Barnett

Members Absent: Member Catherine Metsker

Other Board Members Present: None

Staff Present: Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Cassy Taylor Assistant County Administrator, Jessica Woods, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division;

Department Heads/ Elected Officials Present: Trisha Malott, Behavioral Health Coordinating Council Supervisor

Others Present:

Chairman McIntyre called to order a meeting of the Executive Committee at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum.

Chairman McIntyre presented the minutes from the January 21, 2020 special meeting and the February 11, 2020 regular meeting of the Executive Committee for approval.

Motion by Soeldner/Caisley to approve the minutes from January 21, 2020 special meeting and February 11, 2020 regular meeting of the Executive Committee.

Motion Carried

Chairman McIntyre confirmed there were no members of the public or employees to appear before the Committee.

Chairman McIntyre presented an appointment for approval.

Motion by Gordon/Wollrab to recommend approval of the appointment. 

Motion Carried.

Mr. McIntyre presented for action a request to approve a Resolution of the McLean County Board to Amend the Rules of the McLean County Board as Contained within Chapter 20 of the McLean County Code – Rules Subcommittee. Mr. Erickson indicated he did not agree with the change in time to request to appear before the Board. He stated this was discussed a few years ago and there was lot of debate at that time. Mr. McIntyre asked if he had an amendment to offer up. They decided to come back to the issue.

Mr. Caisley indicated he wanted to discuss proposals for moving items on a committee agenda forward if they do not pass in Committee. It was determined that documents would be handed out and reviewed and they would come back to this once the Committee had reviewed options.

Ms. Schafer indicated she had concerns about items under the Property Committee section. She stated that each oversight committee that has property under it also contains wording about recommending to the property committee construction and remodeling of buildings, etc. She stated she felt that 20-16E (2) and (4) and (6) are tied together and contradicted other parts of the Rules. Mr. McIntyre asked her to confirm she felt items should originate in their oversight committee and then if they need facilities department, they would be referred to Property Committee. Mr. Barnett indicated he was not opposed to adding language to lay out process. Mr. Barnett indicated this was updating language to add other buildings and not just the Law & Justice Building. (10:40) Discussion regarding language in sub-section (2).

Motion by Schafer/Barnett to recommend amended language as second sentence in (2) to reach “To coordinate with appropriate standing committees in planning for any remodeling and improvements to County properties.

Motion Carried

(15:18) Ms. Schafer stated she felt subsection (4) fell under Finance Committee responsibilities as it referred to financing. Mr. Soeldner indicated he felt it was proper for the property committee to have some input on finance. Discussion ensued about responsibilities for Property Committee and Finance Committee when there are building projects. Ms. Taylor indicated this referred to Operation and Maintenance which fell under the Property Committee and asked if taking out “financing” from sentence would be acceptable. Mr. Gordon said he wanted to leave it because operation and maintenance financing fell under Property Committee and that major financing for projects as far as issuing bonds, would go to the Finance Committee. Mr. Barnett asked what Committee handles the bond payments that are reimbursed to the PBC as he felt it went through Property. Staff confirmed it goes through Property. Ms. Wollrab indicated she felt what was just changed in subsection (2) might cover the financing. Discussion continued about budgets under the Property Committee. Ms. Wollrab suggested combining the two sections. Mr. Gordon indicated he preferred they be left separate. No motion was made to change number (4).

Ms. Schafer questioned (6) under section 20-16 E as she felt it contradicted section M under Executive Committee regarding the five-year capital plan. Mr. McIntyre said it was his understanding this would be more than a five-year capital plan, where the committee analyzed current state of properties and plans to address matters at those buildings with the Facilities Department. Ms. Rodriguez indicated Staff was supportive of this as they did not feel it superseded powers of other committees but provided prioritization for the facilities and maintenance department. Mr. Barnett said the Committee wanted planning to continue after the current members where no longer serving on the Committee, so Committee wanted wording added to the Rules as a future expectation. Mr. Erickson stated it was his understanding at Rules Committee that these are things the Property Committee already does, and these rules memorialized that. Ms. Schafer said rules for other committees state they recommend projects to the Property Committee, so she felt this section negated those sections.

Mr. McIntyre asked Mr. Barnett if he would be opposed to adding after cooperation with Staff “and other appropriate oversight committees”. Mr. Barnett indicated he was not opposed but noted that rules are currently structured, so other committees decide things under $2,500 and over that goes to the Property Committee. Ms. Schafer made a motion to add cooperation of oversight committees.

Motion by Schafer/Barnett to amend section 20-16E (6) to read “In cooperation with staff and other appropriate oversight committees, prepare an annual plan for the maintenance, improvement, and future development of county properties.”

Motion Carried

(39:00) Mr. McIntyre asked to go back and address Mr. Erickson’s concern about time requirement to make a request to appear before the Board. Mr. Erickson stated we needed to keep in mind the reason it was set at 120 hours previously. He recalled it was to give staff time to address issue and/or see that it got to the appropriate office or committee. He stated he did not feel 24 hours gave staff enough time to address the matter. He reminded Committee that this was for non-agenda items. Mr. McIntyre asked staff for their input. Ms. Rodriguez said Staff was concerned with meetings that occurred on Monday and having time to address something over a weekend. Discussion about what time frame for requests would work. Mr. Soeldner suggested using “business day” in the language. Ms. Wollrab agreed with using business day as she said it would give people note that something has to happen by staff when they make the request. Discussion about when agenda is posted so public could note something was not on an agenda that they wanted to address. Ms. Schafer said she felt 24 hours was enough time. Mr. Erickson said this is not to stop people from speaking at the Board but allows Staff the opportunity to direct individual to appropriate department or committee to resolve a possible issue.

Motion by Wollrab/Erickson to change in Section 20-13G(2)(c) 24 hours to two (2) business days.

Motion Carried.

Mr. McIntyre asked Mr. Caisley about his suggested change. Mr. Caisley stated that suggested language had been provided by the State’s Attorney’s Office about moving items out of committee on to executive and the full board and he wanted to propose option B be added to section 20-15 where if it did not pass in committee it died. Mr. Soeldner stated that he did not agree with that option but preferred option C where item would go to Executive and Board. Mr. McIntyre indicated we have a committee structure for a reason, so would support option B. Mr. Gordon said he supported option C stated because while we have a viable committee system, he liked C as it shows the Committee did not recommend but gives option to see item through the Full Board. Ms. Schafer stated she felt there was no purpose to having a Committee structure if all votes move to the full Board. She said she felt option C indicated members did not trust the other committees. She said if there is something on another committee’s agenda, then call that chairman or go to the meeting. Ms. Wollrab said this happens rarely, so did not feel it would add a lot of time to staff or board meetings. Mr. Barnett asked how often things have been voted down in Committee. Staff and Members confirmed only one or two times in the last few years. Mr. Gordon did not feel option C said members did not trust a committee but gives option to continue deliberations. He stated that he felt Members would still defer to the standing committee but liked having this flexibility. Mr. Barnett asked if it was voted down at both the Committee and the Executive Committee would it still go to Board. Mr. McIntyre and Staff confirmed that wording indicated it would move forward to Full Board with note that was voted down by both committees.

Motion to Amend by Caisley/Schafer to add language that stated “if an agenda item does not receive a majority vote in support at a committee, the item shall not proceed any further and the item may not be placed on the County Board agenda pursuant to the provisions of §20-11(E).”

A Substitute Motion to the Motion to Amend was proposed by Soeldner/Erickson to add language” If an agenda item does not receive a majority vote in support at a committee, the item shall continue through the normal process (to Executive Committee, if applicable, and to the County Board), but with a note that the committee does not recommend passage of the item.”

Motion Carried. Member Schafer voted No

Motion by Soeldner/Barnett to recommend approval of a Resolution of the McLean County Board to Amend the Rules of the McLean County Board as Contained within Chapter 20 of the McLean County Code – Rules Subcommittee as amended.

Motion Carried.

Mr. George Gordon, Chairman of the Justice Committee presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund – Sheriff’s Department 0029. Mr. Gordon indicated this was necessary because of requirements for training and the State no longer paying for the training. He stated this would probably be the first in a series of requests unless the State addresses the Criminal Traffic and Assessment Act language where funding is concerned. Mr. McIntyre stated he emphasized this with the Governor’s representative at the One Voice meeting. Mr. Gordon indicated Sheriff and Police Chief organizations have begun lobbying on this matter. Mr. Caisley indicated this was discussed and is on the legislative agenda.

Motion by Gordon/Wollrab to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance General Fund – Sheriff’s Department 0029.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Gordon indicated the Justice Committee had no further items for action today but would have additional items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Soeldner, Chairman of the Finance Committee presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the County Clerk Elections Department. Mr. Soeldner indicated this was to replace a ballot printer.

Motion by Soeldner/Schafer to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the County Clerk Elections Department.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Resolution Transferring Monies from the Working Cash Fund 0002 to the F.I.C.A./Social Security Fund 0130 and the IMRF Fund 0131, Fiscal Year 2020, an Ordinance Transferring Monies from the Health Department Fund 0112 to the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Fund 0110, Fiscal Year 2020 and an Ordinance Transferring Monies from the County General Fund 0001 to Children’s Advocacy Center Fund 0129 and Tort Judgment Fund 0135 and the Emergency Telephone System Board Fund 0450 for Fiscal Year 2020.

Motion by Soeldner/Gordon to recommend approval of a Resolution Transferring Monies from the Working Cash Fund 0002 to the F.I.C.A./Social Security Fund 0130 and the IMRF Fund 0131, Fiscal Year 2020, an Ordinance Transferring Monies from the Health Department Fund 0112 to the Persons with Developmental Disabilities Fund 0110, Fiscal Year 2020 and an Ordinance Transferring Monies from the County General Fund 0001 to Children’s Advocacy Center Fund 0129 and Tort Judgment Fund 0135 and the Emergency Telephone System Board Fund 0450 for Fiscal Year 2020. 

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner presented for action a request to approve Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between McLean County Board and McLean County Sheriff and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Representing McLean County Correctional Officers, Correctional Sergeants, Control Operators.

Motion by Soeldner/Caisley to recommend approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between McLean County Board and McLean County Sheriff and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Representing McLean County Correctional Officers, Correctional Sergeants, Control Operators.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Soeldner indicated they had nothing for the Committee today but would have another item for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions for Mr. Soeldner, hearing none he thanked him.

Ms. Schafer indicated they had nothing for action today but would have an item for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked her. Ms. Schafer noted that Ms. Rodriguez had sent out information about the Coronavirus. She also indicated the Nursing Home is actively following updates and taking measures. Ms. Rodriguez indicated County participates in about 7 calls a week and she would send out updates as she received them.

Mr. Chuck Erickson, Chairman of the Land Use and Development Committee indicated they had no items for today but would have items for the Board next week. He also provided the Committee an update on the Mr. Pokarney case that would come before the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if the Committee had any questions, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Caisley indicated they had nothing for the Committee today but would have items for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Josh Barnett, Chairman of the Property Committee indicated he had no action items for the Committee or for the Board next week. Chairman McIntyre asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.

Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator presented for action a request to approve a Resolution of the McLean County Board Authorizing the County Administrator to Offer a Salary Above the Starting Maximum Salary – BHCC. Ms. Malott went over candidate’s qualifications for the Director of Nursing position. She also provided information regarding national and Illinois wage averages for this specialization and degree. She indicated salary she wanted to start this individual at was in line with what other service providers provided for this type of position. She indicated she sees advantages of having someone “in person” instead of relying on telepsychiatry including saving the County money. Ms. Schafer indicated offer is less than Illinois average and wanted to make sure this will be enough to keep candidate long term. Mr. McIntyre asked about starting salary and range for position. Ms. Malott went over the start, range and step she wanted to start at. Mr. McIntyre asked if there is a limited hiring pool for this position. Ms. Malott indicated there is a smaller number, but also needed to consider this person will also have prescriber capabilities. Mr. McIntyre indicated he had mentioned this need to the Governor’s aid. Ms. Wollrab asked if they could go into closed session for the question she had.

Motion by Wollrab/Barnett to go into Closed Session (if necessary) pursuant to section 2 (c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)) to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

Motion Carried.

The Executive Committee went into closed session at 5:56 p.m. The Executive Committee returned to open session at 6:10 p.m.

Motion by Schafer/Wollrab to recommend approval of a Resolution of the McLean County Board Authorizing the County Administrator to Offer a Salary Above the Starting Maximum Salary – BHCC

Motion Carried.

Ms. Rodriguez presented the general employment activity report.

Under Other Business Ms. Rodriguez indicated just before the meeting it was brought to Staff’s attention that other counties are relocating nursing home polling places, so Staff is considering similar options for the two polling places at nursing homes. She indicated notification of change needs to be sent to every voter in those precincts and that would have to happen by Thursday so might need to have an emergency meeting to change the location of the polling places. Ms. Wollrab asked if there would be an individual redirecting to alternate spot. Ms. Rodriguez indicated they would have signs and individuals there to direct voters. Ms. Wollrab asked if they had discussed location options. Ms. Rodriguez indicated they had not discussed that yet. Discussion of options for relocation.

Chairman McIntyre presented for approval bills in the amount of $32,178.78 for Regional Planning and $208,568.82 for the general fund, shared sales tax, veterans and vending machine account.

Motion by Gordon/Soeldner to approve payment of the general fund, shared sales tax, veterans and vending machine account invoices.

Motion Carried.

Chairman McIntyre presented for approval a transfer from BHCC.

Motion by Schafer/Wollrab to recommend approval of the transfer. 

Motion Carried.

Chairman McIntyre asked if there was anything further; hearing nothing, he adjourned the Executive Committee meeting at 6:22 p.m.




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