McLean County Board Health Committee met Feb. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Health Committee of the McLean County Board met beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Government Center Building 115 E. Washington Street, Room 400 Bloomington, IL.
Members Present: Chairman Susan Schafer, Members: Carlo Robustelli, George Wendt, Randall Martin, Catherine Metsker and Sharon Chung
Members Absent: Member George Gordon,
Other Members Present:
Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator; Ms. Jessica Woods, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division, Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Ms. Tammy Brooks, Health Department; Ms. Jessica McKnight, Health Department Administrator; Mr. Mike Donovan, Court Services Director; Mr. Jason Tabb, Juvenile Detention Center Director; Ms. Michelle Welch, Adult Detention Medical; Ms. Cindy Wegner, McLean County Nursing Home Director; Ms. Trisha Malott, Behavioral Health Coordinating Council Supervisor
Others Present: Diane Cochran, Director of Nursing, McLean County Nursing Home; Cathy Coverston-Anderson, McLean County Health Department
Chairman Schafer called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Chairman Schafer presented the minutes from the January 6, 2020 regular meeting for approval.
Motion by Chung/Metsker to approve the minutes from the January 6, 2020 regular meeting.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer confirmed there were no members of the public to appear before the Committee.
Ms. Cindy Wegner, Director, Nursing Home presented for action a request to approve a Pharmacy Products and Services Agreement with Critical Care Pharmacy. Ms. Wegner indicated a Request for Proposals was issued and they received three proposals. She indicated they felt this was the best proposal as it offered the best services, most efficient processes and offered a former public health surveyor as a consultant for the facility. Ms. Schafer asked why the consultant would be an advantage. Ms. Wegner indicated individual would be able to recommend checks and balances and help them prepare for surveys. Ms. Metsker asked if there was an additional fee for the consulting services. Ms. Wegner indicated consultant services are included. She stated there would be additional cost if they provide training for the staff. Ms. Metsker asked if we might need training. Ms. Wegner stated they might.
Motion by Martin/Metsker to recommend approval of a Pharmacy Products and Services Agreement with Critical Care Pharmacy.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Wegner presented for action a request to approve a Rehabilitation Services Agreement: Skilled Nursing Facility with Symbria Rehab Inc. for Therapy Services. Ms. Wegner indicated this is the current therapy company and they were the only company that responded to the Request for Proposals. She indicated there was a fee decrease and they have been happy with services. Ms. Metsker asked if the families are happy with the services. Ms. Wegner confirmed they are. Ms. Schafer stated she thought the Blue-Ribbon panel wanted a change in this service. Ms. Wegner indicated the Blue Ribbon recommended a change in reimbursement not necessarily a change in company.
Motion by Metsker/Chung to recommend approval of a Rehabilitation Services Agreement: Skilled Nursing Facility with Symbria Rehab Inc. for Therapy Services
Motion Carried.
Ms. Wegner presented for action a request to approve an Advertising Agreement with Lee Enterprises. Ms. Wegner indicated this, and the next item are related and that they had been working with Dion McNeal, the County Communication Specialist on an advertising campaign for the facility. Ms. Wegner handed out samples of ads for Pantagraph and stated as a result they would like to utilize the Pantagraph for digital advertising and WJBC for 30 second talking ads. (6:43) Mr. Wendt indicated he would vote no as he felt that other private nursing homes are not advertising so did not think it would be affective for us to advertise. He stated he would like to table action item to next month to get more information on other advertisement options as he had noted nursing home and assisted living advertisements in publications at Cancer Center and Hospitals. He stated he felt the money could be spent more wisely if we advertise in other more specific publications. A motion was made to table.
Ms. Metsker stated she seconded the motion as she thought there had been discussion about holding off on advertising until we finalized name change and new brand for the Nursing Home and asked where that stood. Ms. Schafer stated it had been discussed at a meeting and it was stated that if you rename and marketing does not go well then that result goes with the new name. It was suggested that we start marketing, and cosmetic and program changes now and make the name change once that is working well. She said we need to market so we can increase census and revenue. Ms. Metsker asked if we have looked at other advertising options. Ms. Wegner indicated that Mr. McNeal looked at several options including tv, radio, newspaper, other publications and websites and these were the two options that gave us the broadest coverage for the most reasonable pricing. Ms. Wegner indicated we need to be reaching out to generation that is taking care of elderly parents and not just the elderly population. Mr. McNeal went over reasons they decided on these two publications. Mr. Wendt stated he would like to see demographics from other radio stations. Mr. Wendt also stated he felt more people read local papers instead of the Pantagraph. (19:02) Mr. Robustelli stated he appreciated comments and questions, but he checked the Pantagraph’s website and other private nursing homes have digital advertising and they are investing in radio. He stated that we have a staff person who is dedicated to looking at proposals and bringing marketing recommendations to us. He further stated other departments do background and bring proposals and we do not ask them for extra details. Mr. Robustelli stated the Blue-Ribbon Panel recommended marketing and he felt this was needed to get the increased census. Mr. McNeal confirmed he did speak with other radio stations and received proposals. Mr. Wendt stated that he would like to see that information before they proceed. Ms. Metsker stated she seconded the motion to table because she felt we needed to wait for new branding but after hearing explanation tonight she felt we should move ahead with marketing efforts. She asked if Pantagraph would be digital. Mr. McNeal indicated contract is for digital and print as well as push media. Ms. Schafer asked if they will find out how new patients heard about the Nursing Home. Ms. Wegner confirmed they would be adding a question to the intake sheet. Mr. Wendt again stated he did not feel it would hurt to hold off until next month to get more information. Ms. Wegner stated Mr. McNeal did research and gathered information and they could provide that information. Mr. Wendt stated he would like to see that information. Ms. Metsker agreed with Mr. Robustelli that we have staff hired to do the research and bring the best option forward. She stated if Members had to review all the details, they would be wasting a lot of time. She stated that if Members wanted more details when they get the packet, they should reach out to Staff or the Committee Chair before the meeting.
Motion by Wendt/Metsker to table until next month’s meeting. Motion denied. One yes vote by Member Wendt.
Motion by Martin/Robustelli to recommend approval of an Advertising Agreement with Lee Enterprises.
Motion Carried. No vote by Member Wendt
Ms. Wegner presented for action a request to approve an Advertising Agreement with WJBC.
Motion by Robustelli/Martin to recommend approval of an Advertising Agreement with WJBC.
Motion Carried. No vote by Member Wendt
Ms. Wegner presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the McLean County Nursing Home Fund 0401. Ms. Chung asked for clarification on the numbers. Ms. Wegner indicated the number also included printing of brochures and she handed out proofs.
Motion by Robustelli/Chung to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for the McLean County Nursing Home Fund 0401
Motion Carried. No vote by Member Wendt Ms. Wegner presented her monthly reports. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any questions or comments; hearing none, she thanked her.
Ms. Welch and Mr. Tabb presented their monthly reports. Mr. Martin and Ms. Schafer indicated they had gone on a tour of Jail Medical. Ms. Schafer encouraged others to set up a time for a tour. Ms. Metsker asked about flu numbers in the jail population. Ms. Welch indicated they have seen a couple of cases and were trying to isolate. Mr. Tabb indicated they have not had any cases and the Juvenile Detention Center. Ms. Metsker asked if we offer flu shots. Ms. Welch stated they did offer but not many took that option. Ms. Schafer asked if inmates pay for the shot. Ms. Welch stated they do not have to pay, that the County covers cost. Chairman Schafer asked if there were other questions; hearing none, she thanked them.
Ms. Tammy Brooks introduced Ms. Jessica McKnight the new Health Department Administrator. Ms. McKnight presented her work history for the Committee. Ms. Tammy Brooks presented the Health Department’s monthly reports to the Committee. Ms. Metsker asked about the food plan trend. Ms. Rodriguez indicated new restaurants or restaurants remodeling must provide a food plan or floor plan to show how they will meet health code requirements. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any other questions, hearing none, she thanked them.
Ms. Rodriguez presented her new positions report. She also let the Committee know Administration and the Nursing Home had been discussing reclassifying and hiring a person that would specialize in Medicaid/Medicare billing. Ms. Schafer asked if this position would be shared. Ms. Rodriguez indicated position would first focus on the nursing home but there is the possibility the person hired would then assist with other programs such as Triage. Ms. Schafer asked if Health Committee would decide about the position. Ms. Rodriguez indicated the new position would go to Finance for approval but wanted to bring the information to the Health Committee as it would affect the Nursing Home. Ms. Schafer stated this followed up on a suggestion by the Blue-Ribbon panel to get someone to help with Medicaid and Medicare.
Under other Business Mr. Robustelli asked that summaries be provided for action items to help the Members as they consider items.
Chairman Schafer presented transfers for the Health Department.
Motion by Robustelli/Martin to approve the Transfers. Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer then presented for approval the Nursing Home bills with a prepaid total $224,984.69.
Motion by Metsker/Robustelli to approve prepaid bills for the Nursing Home as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer presented the bills for the Developmental Disability Board with a prepaid total of $101,581.86.
Motion by Martin/Chung to approve prepaid bills for the Developmental Disability Board as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer presented for approval bills for Jail Medical and JDC Medical with a prepaid total of $31,850.32.
Motion by Metsker/Martin to approve prepaid bills for Jail Medical and JDC Medical as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer presented for approval bills for the Board of Health with a prepaid total of $245,249.22.
Motion by Robustelli/Chung to approve prepaid bills for the Board of Health as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer asked if there was any additional business to come before the Committee; hearing nothing, she adjourned the meeting at 5:18 p.m.