McLean County Finance Committee met Sept. 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
The Finance Committee of the McLean County Board met at 4:30 p.m. in Room 404 of the Government Center, 115 East Washington Street, Bloomington, IL.
Members Present: Chairman Jim Soeldner (in-person) Members Josh Barnett, Catherine Metsker, Chuck Erickson, Laurie Wollrab, Carlo Robustelli and Jacob Beard (by remote attendance)
Members Absent: None
Other Members Present:
Staff Present: Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator; Ms. Cassy Taylor, Assistant County Administrator, Ms. Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Ms. Julie A. Morlock, Recording Secretary; Chris Spanos First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division, Samantha Vazquez, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division (InPerson)
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Ms. Becky McNeil, Treasurer (in person); Marshell Thompson (via remote attendance)
Others Present:
Chairman Soeldner called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum
Chairman Soeldner presented the Minutes of the July 21, 2020 special meeting, August 5, 2020 regular meeting of the Finance Committee for approval.
Motion by Robustelli/Beard to approve the July 21, 2020 special meeting, August 5, 2020 regular meeting minutes of the Finance Committee.
Motion carried. Roll call vote – all members present voted yes including the Chairman.
Chairman Soeldner confirmed there was no members of the public to appear before the Committee.
Chairman Soeldner first on the Agenda was the County Auditor and there was nothing for action or information provided. He also indicated he had asked her to attend and had cc’d members on that email but had not received a response. He asked if there were any questions from members of the Committee; hearing none, he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Ms. McNeil presented her monthly reports including the tax revenue for August. She indicated they are experiencing drop in sales tax both in Bloomington/Normal and in the County proper.
She stated that local use, cannabis, income tax and PPRT increased and went over the increases. She indicated we are in a positive position on the budget. She indicated shared sales tax is also showing decrease from last year. She indicated she reached out to the
Highway Department as there was a decrease in Motor Fuel Tax and they indicated that is the recalculation IDOT was doing that carried over into the month of August. She next indicated property tax amounts are coming in and that they had made a distribution at the end of August.
Ms. McNeil indicated they are releasing more but in smaller amounts as the collections are coming in slowly because the second installment date was pushed back two weeks.
Mr. Beard stated a school district had indicated that a delay in property tax distribution caused a structural deficit for them, so he asked how the disbursements have been handled with school districts and if we are behind. Ms. McNeil indicated school districts have a fiscal end date of June 30th and by the end of their fiscal year we had distributed some but not the usual amount because of the delayed due date. She indicated that they did release the additional amount after the first of July. She stated that delinquency numbers are in line with where they typically are, so she had no concerns. She indicated there is talk of legislation coming out of Springfield where we may not be able to have a tax sale in November. She indicated she felt that the State is trying to give owners time to pay off taxes, but that will impact taxing bodies and the distributions they receive. Mr. Barnett asked if the reduction in Motor Fuel Tax will affect projects that the Highway Department has scheduled for this year. Ms. McNeil said the Highway Department had not expressed any concerns to her. Mr. Soeldner stated the numbers compared to last month are better and hoped that was a trend.
Ms. McNeil went over the investment report indicating there was not a lot of positive news for interest rates. Mr. Barnett asked her about the process when we cash in a CD. Ms. McNeil indicated when she cashes out a CD, she puts funds in the operating account, so they do not have to pull as much from the money market account cover expenses that month.
She went over the Blue Cross Blue Shield report and indicated expenses for this year are down from last year. Ms. McNeil then went over revenue and expenses for the Nursing Home and indicated that we are doing much better than last year. Mr. Beard asked about impacts of COVID on revenues. Ms. McNeil stated her report included year-to-date tax revenue and we made up some of the revenue that we lost in May and the State of Illinois has not been significantly behind in payments to the County.
Ms. Rodriguez stated that as far as the budget they have asked Department Heads to keep expenses down and asked them to please look at what is truly necessary as they look at the next budget. She stated revenue may not be as low as they anticipated but still is lower. She thanked all the department heads for their assistance. Ms. Wollrab asked them to show what things including expenses, repairs etc. have been put off so they could keep those in mind for future budgets. Mr. Barnett indicated Property would be looking at the Capital Improvement Plan.
Motion by Wollrab/Barnett to accept and place on file the County Treasurer’s Monthly Financial Reports.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all present voted yes including the Chairman.
Chairman Soeldner indicated Ms. Kathy Michael, County Clerk was not present but her monthly reports were in the packet and she had also submitted an email to him with an update on elections. Ms. Rodriguez read the email into the record:
Mr. Chairman and, Madame Vice Chair;
If it's helpful, feel free to distribute this at Finance tonight, but I am not requesting this been done, as I know how busy you all are. However, I just wanted to give Chair/Vice-Chair an update.
I have nothing on the agenda and cannot attend tonight due to a commitment.
Next week, our office will have a Press Release with election updates including drop boxes locations around the county and other location/date/time information and more.
As of this morning, we have processed nearly 9,000 vote-by-mail application requests. Our record previously was in March when we had approx. 1500 requests.
Ballots will be ready for mailing on September 24, by law. Early voting begins that day as well at the Grossinger Motors Arena. All early voting locations/dates and times are posted on our website.
We currently have all election judge positions filled and have a waiting list. We continue receiving applications daily from residents wishing to be election judges.
As we have always done, our office follows and will continue to follow the Illinois Department of Health (“IDPH”) and County recommendations. Posted on our FB page and our website are the latest updated IDPH recommendations and requirements regarding COVID-19 procedures for election authorities for the Nov. 3 election. Our office plan is identical to IDPH recommendations/requirements which will be reviewed with all confirmed Election Judges, Polling Place managers and poll workers before Early Voting begins as well as for Election Day. This will also be addressed next week in our Press Release.
Anyone with questions please call, email or stop in and please wear a mask and practice 6' distancing and stand at the counter in front of one of our plastic shields. Per the notices on our doors, (there is one entrance door and one exit door), we are allowing 5 customers/visitors in the office, 6' apart so if you feel you need to make an appointment ahead of time, please call or email. Thanks.
Ms. Marshell Thomson of Animal Control presented her monthly reports. Mr. Soeldner asked if their numbers had been affected by COVID. Ms. Thompson indicated the activities have been the same, but animal intake numbers have been down slightly. She also let them know that the animals at the shelter would be highlighted on WEEK 25. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any questions, hearing none he moved to the next item on the Agenda.
Ms. Rodriguez asked if Mr. Patrick Hoban could provide his update first under her section. Mr. Soeldner asked if there were any objections. Hearing none he welcomed Mr. Hoban. Mr. Hoban indicated they approved the first loan and took check out. He indicated there have not been any other applications and the businesses they have talked to are utilizing PPP. He stated that now that those funds are being depleted there may be more applications. He stated if more federal dollars are made available then people will go to those as those are forgivable.
He provided an update on marketing including Facebook visitors and that they worked with the Chamber to reach out to all businesses in the data base to let them know about the available resources. He stated they are utilizing private donor funds first before they would move on to the public dollars. He also indicated there was a grant awarded from the state and state indicated there would be another round of grants coming, so when those come out, they will make sure to get the word out to businesses.
Mr. Robustelli asked them to start thinking proactively about what they will need to be doing in the fall and winter for businesses, especially restaurants that will not be able to utilize outdoor seating. He stated that with numbers going back up there may be more restrictions added and felt local restaurants and businesses will close without assistance. He stated he hoped Mr. Hoban would bring back some options for the Committee to consider. Mr. Hoban stated it was up to the Committee as to how they administer their money. Ms. Metsker reminded everyone that it is not the Committee/Board’s money but taxpayer money and asked Mr. Robustelli if he was suggesting that they make these funds grant funds and give the money away. Mr. Robustelli stated if we want to keep small businesses open then we need to consider that. Ms. Metsker stated there had only been one application because there had been other money available. Ms. Metsker asked Mr. Robustelli to be clear as to what he wanted Mr. Hoban to do.
Mr. Hoban stated they could tweak the program, but when they first discussed it the goal was to utilize federal dollars first and those have been available until the end of August. He stated now banks are starting to follow up because there is more interest. He stated that as more PPP money becomes available then the businesses will look to that as they might be allowed to get 2 PPP loans and those funds are forgivable grant funds. Ms. Wollrab said she felt we might be able to grant money to businesses to make changes required to continue to provide services. She asked Mr. Hoban to come with suggestions for future needs. Mr. Hoban indicated he could do that.
Mr. Erickson agreed with the idea that the surplus needs to be utilized as we are starting to get past people utilizing federal funds and he would not be opposed to utilizing them as grant funds.
Mr. Barnett agreed that rates are increasing, state putting restrictions in place and in November it will not be possible to have outdoor seating; so, he supports having a plan in place to be utilized when it is needed. Mr. Soeldner asked about hesitation of businesses to apply. Mr. Hoban stated the fact that the program is a loan is the hesitation as they can get a PPP grant where they do not have to pay back 75% of that and ours must be paid back. He stated that if they wanted to put these funds out as grant funds where they do not have to pay it back then the Funds will disappear.
Ms. Metsker stated her concern was that the funds be spread around the County as the smaller communities depend on sales tax as their property tax does not keep them afloat. Mr. Beard stated he did not have concern about only one loan so far as there had been other funds for the businesses to depend on. He stated he was not sure he wanted to turn it into a grant at this time but felt we could have a plan in place for that should we need it. He stated he wanted these funds to go as far as possible, but noted the amount is not going to keep 30 restaurants afloat if there is no commerce for a four month period as there is not millions of dollars, but agreed with Ms. Wollrab funds could be utilized to make changes to help a business continue to operate. Mr. Robustelli agreed with Ms. Wollrab about assisting businesses as they pivot from sit down service to take out service and helping them get the things that would help them with that transition. He stated he felt there was a consensus that we utilize the funds to help meet needs.
Mr. Soeldner asked if the Committee wanted to have a special meeting. Mr. Beard asked if they could submit ideas to Mr. Hoban and then work with Administration to bring proposals to the Committee next month. Discussion about timing and what the Committee wanted Mr. Hoban to bring to the Committee. It was determined the Committee would submit ideas by the 16th to both Mr. Hoban and Administration; then Ms. Rodriguez and Mr. Hoban would meet to discuss and work on a proposal. Mr. Hoban stated there are State and other local programs in the pipeline that will be announced shortly so they would want to make sure plans do not overlap.
Ms. Camille Rodriguez, County Administrator presented for action a request to approve an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending the Mclean County Code: Specifically, Chapter 108 Personnel Policies and Procedures, Section 34. Ms. Rodriguez indicated this change would put our code in line with federal regulations. Mr. Barnett asked them to confirm they need to make change because Federal Law changed. Ms. Rodriguez confirmed, and stated Staff wanted to have our code represent the way policy would be handled. Mr. Barnett stated he trusted staff to make changes to personnel policy that bring it in line with State and Federal law without bringing changes to the Committee. Ms. Rodriguez stated she appreciated that, but they have to bring changes to Committee because the policies are codified. Ms. Wollrab asked if this changes paid status. Ms. Rodriguez indicated it does not change the person’s status. Ms. Taylor indicated FFCRA has two portions including one for sick and one for childcare. She stated by taking this out of our sick leave policy we still allow all of the federal benefits to our employees without utilizing their benefit time for sick leave. She also stated employees would be allowed the children care leave at 2/3 pay for up to 12 weeks and would not have to utilize their vacation or personal time.
Motion by Wollrab/Robustelli to recommend approval of an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending the Mclean County Code: Specifically, Chapter 108 Personnel Policies and Procedures, Section 34.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all present voted yes including the Chairman
Ms. Rodriguez presented for action a request to approve an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending the McLean County Code; Chapter 108 Personnel Policies and Procedures, Section 40. Ms. Taylor stated this would put the Administration and clerical staff in line with other Administration and clerical staff in our 24/7 operating offices. She stated that TOPS is for those employees have to fill in 24/7 shifts. Ms. Wollrab asked how this would affect being competitive with other nursing homes. Discussion about our benefit package including a pension plan. Ms. Wollrab stated she was concerned about whether we will be able to recruit nursing positions that we need. Ms. Taylor stated this was only for Administration and clerical workers which is only 3 or 4 employees and would not affect the Nursing Staff. Ms. Wollrab thanked her.
Motion by Metsker/Wollrab to recommend approval of an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending the McLean County Code; Chapter 108 Personnel Policies and Procedures, Section 40.
Motion Carried. Roll call vote – all present voted yes including the Chairman.
Ms. Rodriguez presented for action a request to approve a Resolution Amending the Funded Full-time Equivalent Positions Resolution for 2020 Fund 0001 Department 0043 Information Technologies. Ms. Rodriguez stated this project was going to be a large project and they had considered having it done by someone in Information Technology Department or Administration but neither department has the manpower to absorb this work. She stated they wanted to have this person there through the Build and then remain with the organization to assist with system changes and upgrades. Ms. Metsker asked if they did an external salary analysis. Ms. Rodriguez indicated they did do an external evaluation and followed the policies that were in our code as well. Ms. Metsker stated, based on her knowledge, she did not feel the salary was high enough for what they were wanting. She also stated she wondered if they wanted to be specific to the justice information system and not have a general information technology project manager. She indicated they did not have to change anything as long as they had done research and were comfortable with the proposal. Mr. Beard agreed would probably want to keep this position on after the initial set up. Mr. Beard asked if our policy is to allow internal candidates to be considered as it would take time for onboarding and learn about this system. Ms. Rodriguez confirmed they would be looking internally as well as externally. Mr. Barnett stated he agreed with Ms. Metsker about the salary and if we needed to consider reviewing our code to allow them more flexibility for positions in the organization as he wanted to make sure we get the person they need in this job. Mr. Nelson went over process they went through for this position and stated they are also looking to avoid a compression issue in his department. He stated if they can’t find someone they will come back to the Committee. Ms. Wollrab stated we might have a problem with salaries throughout our organization and should have a salary survey one day to figure out where we stand as an organization. Mr. Beard stated the pension adds to this position and would hope that people would see that as a major benefit. Ms. Metsker stated compression is an issue and she agreed with Ms. Wollrab about the organization salary situation. She stated that while she agreed with
Mr. Beard about the pension benefit, the younger generation does not see the benefit as they focus on what they get in the paycheck.
Motion by Metsker/Barnett to recommend approval of a Resolution Amending the Funded Full-time Equivalent Positions Resolution for 2020 Fund 0001 Department 0043 Information Technologies.
Motion Carried – roll call vote; all members voted yes including the Chairman.
Ms. Rodriguez provided an update on the County Finances indicating that at this point Staff felt revenue losses were around the 7% area so felt they are in a healthier spot than they felt they might be but want to still be very careful with expenses so monitoring expenses with regard to COVID. She indicated they would get more information at the County Board meeting when Staff presented the recommended budget.
Ms. Rodriguez presented her report on recent employment activities. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any questions, hearing none, he thanked her.
Chairman Soeldner presented the Finance Committee with bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor.
Motion by Wollrab/Beard to approve the presented transfer and bills with prepaid total and fund total amount of $1,114,523.04.
Motion carried. Roll call vote – all present voted yes including the Chairman.
Under other business Mr. Chris Spanos came forward and indicated he was looking into the matter of how we might improve getting certain financial tasks accomplished. He stated they are looking at these and would have some recommendations for them soon and asked if they would want him to bring recommendations to stand up. There was discussion if matter is indepth it should wait until the next committee meeting and not come to stand up, but if it was going to cause a major issue, cost the County money or was straightforward then it could come to stand up. Mr. Spanos indicated he would let them know if he felt it was in-depth or relatively routine and then could determine if it should go on stand up.
Ms. Wollrab thanked Administration for getting the invoice details to them with the packets.
Chairman Soeldner asked if there was anything else, hearing nothing he adjourned the meeting at 6:18 p.m.