
McLean County Times

Monday, June 3, 2024

City of Bloomington Committee of the Whole Met April 19

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City of Bloomington Committee of the Whole Met April 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call of Attendance

3. COVID-19 Update by City Manager

4. Public Comment

This meeting is being held virtually via live stream. Public comment will be accepted up until 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Written public comment must be emailed to publiccomment@cityblm.org and those wishing to speak Live must register at https://www.cityblm.org/register.

5. Consent Agenda

Electronic Roll Call Vote

6. Presentation, Discussion, and Direction on Future Agenda Topics

A. Presentation and discussion of Connect Transit's FY2022 Budget Overview, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: None; presentation only.) (Presentation by Ryan Whitehouse, Connect Transit Board of Trustees Chairman; Mark Peterson, Connect Transit Interim General Manager; Patrick Kuebrich, Connect Transit Finance Director, 10 minutes; and City Council discussion, 10 minutes.)

B. Presentation and discussion of the Solid Waste Program, as requested by the Public Works Department and the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: None; presentation only.) (Presentation by Tim Gleason, City Manager; Kevin Kothe, P.E., Director of Public Works, 20 minutes; and City Council discussion, 20 minutes.)

C. Council Initiatives

i. Discussion regarding a Council Initiative submitted by Council Member Crabill to create a Resolution finding that utility shut-offs still constitute a pandemic safety risk and calling on the Illinois Governor to enact a moratorium on utility disconnections under his emergency powers, 20 ILCS 3305/7 (12), as requested by Council Member Jeff Crabill.

(Recommended Motion: To (1) have the initiative placed on a future City Council agenda for further consideration or action; (2) have staff evaluate and prepare an analysis on the proposed initiative and bring it back for further Council discussion; OR (3) deny the initiative being placed on a future agenda and/or having City staff evaluate and analyze the proposed initiative.) (Presentation by Jeff Crabill, City Council Member, 3 minutes; and City Council discussion, 3 minutes.)

7. City Manager's Report (5 minutes)

8. Executive Session - Cite Section

Clerk-led Roll Call Vote

9. Adjournment

Voice Vote




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