McLean County Health Committee met July 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Health Committee of the McLean County Board met at 4:30 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center Building 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, IL.
Members Present: Chairman Susan Schafer, Members: Randall Martin, Sharon Chung, Elizabeth Johnston, Hannah Beer Catherine Metsker.
Members Absent: Member Lyndsay Bloomfield
Other Members Present:
Staff Present: Ms. Cassy Taylor, Interim County Administrator; Ms. Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; and Ms. Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary; Mr. Chris Spanos, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil
Department Heads/ Elected Officials Present: Teri Edens, Nursing Home Director; Mr. Jason Tabb, Juvenile Detention Center.
Others Present: Ms. Cathy Coverston-Anderson, Health Department Chairman Schafer called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum. Chairman Schafer indicated there were no minutes to be approved.
Chairman Schafer confirmed there was a member of public to speak and invited Julie Bakewell. She spoke on behalf of students not having to wear a mask in school. She indicated that she had a resolution she was asking the Health Committee to consider at a future meeting.
Ms. Terri Edens, McLean County Nursing Home Administrator presented her report to the Committee. She stated they would be opening a hospice area at the nursing home soon. Ms. Metsker thanked her for including the new census information. Ms. Edens indicated census is up to 70. Ms. Johnston asked if there was a reason for increase in census. Ms. Edens indicated nurse liaison is back in the hospitals so that helps. Ms. Johnston asked if hospice residents would be referrals from hospitals or come from our facilities. Ms. Edens indicated it would be both. Ms. Chung asked if the new hospice rooms were in a wing that was not used before. Ms. Edens confirmed. Ms. Chung asked if there was anything else they needed for the new wing. Ms. Edens went over things they had done to prepare the wing including cleaning, painting and adding art to the walls. Ms. Chung asked her to share feedback they receive on this new service. Ms. Edens indicated they are putting together a family advisory group to get more feedback from residents and their families. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any further questions or comments, hearing none, she thanked her.
Chairman Schafer indicated Ms. Suzanne Scott, Adult Detention Facility was not present but her monthly report was in the packet. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any questions or comments, hearing none, she moved to the next agenda item.
Mr. Jason Tabb, Juvenile Detention Facility presented his report to the Committee. Mr. Tabb stated they have a new nurse on staff. Ms. Johnston asked about protocols they were still following. Mr. Tabb stated they are opening up and more facilitators are coming into the building and they are expanding to in person visitation. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any questions, hearing none, she thanked him.
Ms. Cathy Coverston-Anderson presented for the Health Department a request to approve an Ordinance of the McLean County Board amending the 2021 Combined Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107. Ms. Coverston–Anderson indicated the Board of Health approved an FTE change and a reclassification request. She indicated the FTE and reclass went before the Finance Committee and this appropriation request came before the Health Committee as it was the change to their budget to cover those staffing changes. She stated the Finance Committee passed the other items based on further legal review of exempt status. Ms. Vazquez stated they would have that information communicated before the Board meeting. Ms. Metsker stated primary concern was to make sure the position met the requirements to make it an exempt position. She stated there was discussion but no objections.
Motion by Johnston/Chung to recommend approval of an Ordinance of the McLean County Board Amending the 2021 Combined Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Anderson presented the Health Department’s monthly reports to the Committee. Ms. Coverston-Anderson provided updated vaccinated number and indicated they continue to see reduction in numbers of those coming to clinics. Ms. Johnston asked about getting vaccines to homebound individuals. Ms. Coverston-Anderson stated other counties work with EMS agencies to get to homebound individuals and that they partnered with Carle BroMenn to get to those individuals and currently have 9 to 11 people on a list and will be working to get those taken care of through the Health Department. Ms. Johnston asked about steps they are taking to get individuals to take the second dose since that is what is needed to combat the COVID variants. Ms. Coverston-Anderson stated they continue to follow up on those who did not receive second dose, but it is challenging since individuals do not have to go to same location for second dose. Ms. Johnston asked if IDPH could help. Ms. Coverston-Anderson stated IDPH is working on it as well. Ms. Schafer asked about numbers for the 12-15 age group. Ms. Coverston0-Anderson went over numbers and indicated they were going to start requesting information specific to McLean County. Ms. Chung asked if they have any information on West Nile virus numbers as she noted they have an intern working on that information. Ms. Coverston-Anderson stated she did not have numbers to provide to them but could get information from the intern. She stated that West Nile is always a concern when we receive a lot of rain. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any further questions, hearing none, she thanked her.
Ms. Cassy Taylor, Interim County Administration indicated staff had nothing for the Committee this month. Chairman Schafer asked if there were any questions for Ms. Taylor, hearing none, she thanked her.
Chairman Schafer asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee, hearing none, she reminded the Committee the next meeting would be Monday, August 2, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.
Chairman Schafer presented for approval the bills for the Board of Health with a prepaid total of $371,020.59.
Motion by Martin/Johnston to approve the prepaid bills for the Board of Health as presented.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Schafer presented the bills for the Developmental Disability Board for approval with a prepaid total of $11,665.64.
Motion by Chung/Beer to approve prepaid bills for the Developmental Disability Board as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer presented for approval bills for Jail Medical and JDC Medical with a prepaid total of $22,828.83.
Motion by Martin/Johnston to approve prepaid bills for Jail Medical and JDC Medical as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer presented for approval the Nursing Home bills with a prepaid total of $236,419.62.
Motion by Chung/Beer to approve prepaid bills for the Nursing Home as presented.
Motion carried.
Chairman Schafer asked if there was any additional business to come before the Committee; hearing nothing, she adjourned the meeting at 4:59 p.m.