
McLean County Times

Sunday, December 22, 2024

McLean County Land Use and Transportation Committee met March 1

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McLean County Land Use and Transportation Committee met March 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes: February 1, 2022, regular Transportation Committee meeting minutes

February 10, 2022, special Land Use and Development Committee meeting minutes

3. Recommend Payment of Bills & Appropriation Transfer Request Forms 3

4. Appearance by Members of the Public and County Employees

5. Departmental Matters:

A. Jerry Stokes, County Engineer Highway Department

1) Items to be presented for action:

a) Request Approval of Resolution for February 10, 2022 Construction Letting 4-6

b) Request Approval of Resolution for February 15, 2022 Material Letting 7-13

c) Request Approval of Highway Fund Resolution, Chenoa Road (CH 19) – Section 21-00053-02-SC 14-16

d) Request Approval of Motor Fuel Tax Resolution, Danvers-Yuton Road (CH 18) – Section 20-00038-06-RS 17-19

e) Request Approval of Bridge Construction Petition for Joint Culvert Replacement #1, Arrowsmith Road District 20-22

f) Request Approval of Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) FY 2023 Section 5311 Formula Application for Rural Areas Operating Assistance (Link to large document below) 23


g) Request Approval of IDOT FY 2023 Downstate Operating Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Rural Areas (Link to large document below)


h) Request Approval of Purchase of Service Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS for Rural Public Transportation in FY 2023 24-45

i) Request Approval of revised Vehicle Lease Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS 46-49

2) Items to be presented for information:

a) Project Summaries

• None

b) Other

B. Phil Dick, Building and Zoning

1) Items to be presented for action:

a) Request by Wick Farms Trust, by Co-Trustees Skye Wilken and Samuel Payne, for a waiver of preliminary plan requirements and approval of a one-lot subdivision final plat for the F.S. Pleasantview Farms Subdivision in case S-22-01. 50-53

b) Request by the Ecology Action Center for a letter by the County Board Chairman in support of a grant proposal to the US EPA that will allow for a three-year project to increase air monitoring in Bloomington Normal. 54-55

2) Items to be presented for information:

a) Ecology Action Center program activity reports for the McLean County Solid Waste program for first through third quarters of 2021. 56-67

b) Ecology Action Center post-event report for the October 2021 McLean County Household Hazardous Waste Collection. 68-75

c) Ecology Action Center copy of the renewal of opt-in for the 2023 program year for the Illinois Consumer Electronics Recycling Act (CERA), which provides for the community-wide residential e-waste recycling service located at the Town of Normal Public Works. The McLean County Board granted authorization for annual staff renewal of participation in the CERA program In February 2019. 76-77

d) Other

C. Cassy Taylor, County Administrator

1) Items to be Presented for Action

a) None

2) Items to be Presented for Information

a) Other

6. Other Business and Communication

A. Next meeting Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 8:00 a.m.

7. Adjournment
