
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

McLean County Land Use and Transportation Committee met March 1

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McLean County Land Use and Transportation Committee met March 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Land Use and Transportation Committee of the McLean County Board metat 8:00 a.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington St., Bloomington, Illinois.

Members Present: Chairman James Soeldner, Members Gerald Thompson, Lea Cline, Val Laymon, Shayna Watchinski, Jim Rogal and Beverly Bell

Members Absent: None

Other Members Present: None

Staff Members Present: Cassy Taylor, County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Christopher Spanos, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division, Ashley Scarborough, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary

Department Heads Present: Jerry Stokes, County Engineer; Phil Dick, Building and Zoning

Others Present: Luke Hohulin, Assistant County Engineer; Michael Brown, Ecology Action Center; Laura Dick, SHOW BUS; Jennifer Sicks, Regional Planning

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Soeldner at 8:00 a.m. and a quorum declared.

Chairman Soeldner presented the February 1, 2022, Transportation Committee regular meeting minutes and the February 10, 2022, Land Use and Development Committee special meeting minutes for approval. Mr. Rogal asked about approving minutes from Land Use when they were not at that meeting. Mr. Spanos indicated minutes were provided for review and since the committees have been combined it would be ok to approve

Motion by Cline/Thompson to approve the February 1, 2022, Transportation Committee regular meeting minutes and the February 10, 2022, Land Use and Development Committee special meeting minutes.

Motion Carried.

Vice Chairman Friedrich presented prepaid bills and transfers in the amount of $435.18 for Building and Zoning and $717,180.26 for Highway.

Motion by Friedrich/Rogal to recommend payment of bills as presented.

Motion carried.

Chairman Soeldner confirmed with Cassy Taylor there were no appearances by members of the public or employees.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Resolution for the February 10, 2022, Construction Letting. Mr. Stokes went over the projects that would be involved in this letting. Mr. Soeldner noted they came in under bid.

Motion by Thompson/Cline to recommend approval of a Resolution for the February 10, 2022, Construction Letting.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Beverly Bell joined the meeting at 8:05 a.m.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Resolution for the February 15, 2022, Material Letting. Mr. Stokes went over the material included in the bid and projects for which the material would be used. Mr. Friedrich asked if increased costs would mean less maintenance. Mr. Stokes indicated that they were doing more construction projects this year but would be doing less work with townships on maintenance. He noted that if prices continue to increase they would not be able to do as many projects. Mr. Soeldner asked how pricing works if they run out of material during a project. Mr. Stokes indicated prices are set for the entire year. Ms. Beverly Bell noted she had read costs were to increase about 30% and asked if they would set the amounts so would not see the 30% increase. Mr. Stokes confirmed costs are set for year. Ms. Bell asked where they receive materials. Mr. Stokes went over different locations. Ms. Bell noted roads were in bad shape and wondered about increasing costs. Mr. Thompson noted roads in the country that we are responsible for are not in bad shape. Mr. Stokes indicated they are monitoring roads. Mr. Soeldner noted that city streets and state highways were in bad shape and needed to be completely repaired. Mr. Thompson also noted that this year frost went deeper and that affected roads more than usual.

Motion by Friedrich/Thompson to recommend approval of a Resolution for the February 15, 2022, Material Letting.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Highway Fund Resolution, Chenoa Road (CH 19) – Section 21-00053-02-SC. Mr. Stokes went over project that would be a result of Wind Grove windfarm. He compared this to project from last year. Mr. Soeldner asked if estimate included higher costs. Mr. Stokes indicate bid is close on pricing unless oil prices go up dramatically in the next 3 weeks. Mr. Friedrich asked time frame for road being closed. Mr. Stokes went over the steps of project including widening, slope of side of road and time frame of about 3 months. Ms. Bell asked if this would be done during planting season. Mr. Stokes indicated they would probably start at the end of planting and it would be done over the summer.

Motion by Cline/Rogal to recommend approval of a Highway Fund Resolution, Chenoa Road (CH 19) – Section 21-00053-02-SC

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Motor Fuel Tax Resolution, Danvers-Yuton Road (CH 18) – Section 20-00038-06-RS. Mr. Stokes went over project including widening and shoulder work and increase to make it an 80,000 lb. route. He noted this document was funding for the preliminary environmental and design work. He noted COVID relief funds, Tarp and STR funds would cover most of the costs of this project. Mr. Friedrich asked if in the future Rivian might help cover some of the maintenance costs of roads near their facility. Mr. Stokes indicated he had not discussed but could investigate. Ms. Bell asked timing on project. Mr. Stokes indicated this would be in May 2023. Ms. Bell asked about possible truck stop in that area. Mr. Stokes indicated proposed truck stop was near Route 51.

Motion by Thompson/Friedrich to recommend approval of a Motor Fuel Tax Resolution, Danvers-Yuton Road (CH 18) – Section 20-00038-06-RS

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Bridge Construction Petition for Joint Culvert Replacement #1, Arrowsmith Road District. Mr. Stokes indicated this would be a 50/50 project with the township and would increase the culvert pipe from 24 inch to 30 inch. Mr. Soeldner noted this was not main highway but did get truck and tractor traffic.

Motion by Rogal/Cline to recommend approval of a Bridge Construction Petition for Joint Culvert Replacement #1, Arrowsmith Road District

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) FY 2023 Section 5311 Formula Application for Rural Areas Operating Assistance. Mr. Stokes indicated this is the annual operating grant from the federal side of the operation. Ms. Laura Dick came forward and indicated Mclean County is the main county but the project includes five counties. Ms. Dick indicated the amount of money has not changed in about 20 years.

Motion by Thompson/Watchinski to recommend approval of an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) FY 2023 Section 5311 Formula Application for Rural Areas Operating Assistance.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve an IDOT FY 2023 Downstate Operating Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Rural Areas. Ms. Dick indicated the application had been changed and how they handled funding would be changed but would probably make the approval process easier.

Motion by Cline/Watchinski to recommend approval of an IDOT FY 2023 Downstate Operating Assistance Program (DOAP) Application for Rural Areas Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Purchase of Service Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS for Rural Public Transportation in FY 2023 and revised Vehicle Lease Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS. Mr. Stokes went over documents. Ms. Dick noted that a 2016 bus was traded for a 2019.

Motion by Watchinski/Thompson to recommend approval of a Purchase of Service Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS for Rural Public Transportation in FY 2023 revised Vehicle Lease Agreement between McLean County and SHOW BUS

Motion Carried.

Mr. Stokes indicated he was setting up preconstruction meetings but had nothing for information for the committee. Mr. Soeldner asked how things went with storms. Mr. Stokes indicated overall it had gone well. Mr. Soeldner asked about delays in getting to do any repairs because of lack of supplies or parts. Mr. Stoked indicated they had not had any delays so far. Mr. Thompson thanked them all for the work they did during the storms. Mr. Stokes thanked him and agreed all staff had put in a lot of hours. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any further questions for Mr. Stokes; hearing none he thanked him.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a Request by Wick Farms Trust, by Co-Trustees Skye Wilken and Samuel Payne, for a waiver of preliminary plan requirements and approval of a one-lot subdivision final plat for the F.S. Pleasantview Farms Subdivision in case S-22-01. Mr. Dick passed out maps on this project. Mr. Dick went over the project and indicated it had been signed off on by the Highway, Health department and Township. He noted property was to be used for ag tourism. Mr. Soeldner asked about any issue with potential parking. Mr. Dick indicated this request was only for dividing property not the eventual use of the property.

Motion by Thompson/Cline to recommend approval of a request by Wick Farms Trust, by Co-Trustees Skye Wilken and Samuel Payne, for a waiver of preliminary plan requirements and approval of a one-lot subdivision final plat for the F.S. Pleasantview Farms Subdivision in case S-22-01.

Motion Carried.

Chairman Soeldner presented for action a request to approve a request by the Ecology Action Center for a letter by the County Board Chairman in support of a grant proposal to the US EPA that will allow for a three-year project to increase air monitoring in Bloomington-Normal. Mr. Brown came forward and indicated this was for a letter of support for project. He went over project scope and need for this project. Mr. Soeldner asked if they knew what the grant amount would be. Mr. Brown indicated it would be about $200,000 and would be in partnership with ISU and other community partners. Mr. Soeldner asked where the smaller mobile units would be placed. Mr. Brown indicated those would be loaned out to different groups to test air quality at their locations and then returned.

Motion by Cline/Watchinski to recommend approval of request by the Ecology Action Center for a letter by the County Board Chairman in support of a grant proposal to the US EPA that will allow for a three-year project to increase air monitoring in Bloomington-Normal

Motion Carried.

Mr. Brown went over quarterly Ecology Action activity reports for the first 3 quarters of 2021. Ms. Cline asked about library numbers. Mr. Brown confirmed there had been more virtual engagements.

Mr. Brown went over history of household hazardous waste collection report. He stated this year was largest collection ever and collection was by appointment to make it more user friendly and cost effective. He noted they usually invoice McLean County but this year they received some state funding and were returning funding to the County. Mr. Brown noted the Illinois EPA is excited about how they handle this collection and they are working on a feasibility study for a permanent site. He noted there is no downstate site so this would be a plus for our community. Mr. Soeldner asked about materials they can dispose of. Mr. Brown noted some materials and went over how they help the public know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.

Mr. Brown went over renewal documentation included in the packet regarding the recycling program. Mr. Dick noted the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting tonight and items on the agenda. Chairman Soeldner asked if there were any question for Mr. Dick, hearing none, he thanked him.

Mr. Soeldner noted date and time of next meeting. Chairman Soeldner asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee; hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 9:00 a.m.
