City of Lexington City Council met March 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Consideration/Vote to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2022 meeting.
V. Consideration/Vote approve the paying of bills/Treasurer’s Report.
VI. Public Input:
VII. Old Business:
A: Discussion 2022-2023 Budget
VIII. New Business:
A: Discussion/Vote Resolution 2022-2: Resolution Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes
B: Discussion/Vote Resolution 2022-1: Requesting that the General Assembly Revisit and Modify Changes Made to the Statement of Economic Interests Form as a Result of Public Act 102-0664
C: Discussion/Vote to go into Closed Session to discuss salaries.
D: Vote to go back into Open Session
IX. Committee Reports
A. Mayor’s Report Johansen
B. Police Richard
C. Building/Insurance Franklin
D. Finance/TIF Stover
E. Water/Sewer/Sanitation Wilson
F. Street/Alley Mattingly
X. Adjourn