McLean County Property Committee met July 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Property Committee of the McLean County Board met at 4:00 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center Building, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Members Present: Chairman Josh Barnett; Members Elizabeth Johnston, Jim Rogal, Lea Cline and Val Laymon
Members Absent: Members Lyndsay Bloomfield and Shayna Watchinski,
Other Members
Present: None
Staff Present: Cassy Taylor, County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Anthony Grant, Assistant County Administrator; Chris Spanos, First Assistant State’s Attorney; Taylor Williams, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Mike Steffa, Parks and Recreation Department; Tim Daugherty, Facilities Management Director
Others Present: None
Chairman Barnett called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Chairman Barnett presented for approval the consent agenda which included minutes from the June 2, 2022, regular meeting and bills in the amount of $315,098.70.
Motion by Laymon/Johnston to approve the Consent Agenda including minutes from the June 2, 2022, regular meeting as well as bills in the amount of $315,098.70.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Barnett confirmed with Ms. Taylor there were no appearances by members of the public or County employees.
Mr. Mike Steffa, Director Parks and Recreation Department presented his monthly report. He noted the beach had and campground had been busy and they were continuing to work on an RFP for the bait shop. Ms. Laymon asked about revenue from campground. Mr. Steffa indicated they are at capacity on the weekends and continue to get more and more people in the campground during the week, so revenue was above average. Ms. Johnston asked about revenue on the second pontoon boat. Mr. Steffa indicated it had already paid for itself. Ms. Johnston asked if there had been any complaints or concerns about the changes at the beach. Mr. Steffa indicated they had not received any complaints or concerns. Ms. Johnston asked about details on ice cream social. Mr. Steffa indicated it would be Saturday July 9th from 12-4 p.m. Mr. Barnett asked for an update on the partnership to replace the bait shop. Mr. Steffa indicated the group they would partner which usually held a fund raiser each year, have not been able to because of COVID. He stated they have plans to hold one this year and funds from that event would be donated for construction costs for the inside of the bait shop. Chairman Barnett asked if there were any further questions; hearing none, he thanked him.
Mr. Tim Daugherty, Facilities Management Director presented his monthly report. Ms. Cline asked if damage caused by a truck was going to be covered by the trucking company. Mr. Daugherty confirmed the company would be covering the damages. Mr. Barnett asked if chiller that was struck by lightning was one of the newer chillers. Mr. Daugherty confirmed and indicated he had ordered a replacement as it was at least a 42 day wait. Chairman Barnett asked if there were any questions; hearing none, he thanked him.
Cassy Taylor, County Administrator, provided information on the COMLARA park road project. She thanked Parks and Highway departments for working on this project.
Ms. Taylor provided information on the Plaster project at the History Museum. Ms. Taylor noted this was the first stage in the project and that Mr. Daugherty and his staff had been instrumental in the project up to this point.
Ms. Taylor handed out the second quarter Capital Improvement Plan update. She stated they were on track with most projects but have experienced some delays with parts and equipment. Ms. Cline asked about status of the elevator replacement project at the museum. Ms. Taylor noted the elevator project process is completed through Public Building Commission (“PBC”). She noted they had just met and approved a bid and they hoped to have a final contract approved by the PBC next month.
Ms. Cline thanked Administration for putting together and hosting the property tour.
Chairman Barnett asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee; hearing none, he adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m.