McLean County Justice Committee met July 5.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Justice Committee of the McLean County Board met at 4:30 p.m. in Room 400 of the Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.
Members Present: Chairman Chuck Erickson, Members Randall L. Martin, George Wendt, Susan Schafer and Hannah Beer
Members Absent: Member Sharon Chung
Other County Board Members Present None
Staff Present: Cassy Taylor, County Administrator; Anthony Grant, Assistant County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary; Chris Spanos, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Taylor William Assistant State’s Attorney
Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Ron Lewis, Public Defender; Michael Donovan, Court Services; Don Everhart, Circuit Clerk.
Others Present: Brad Rigdon, First Assistant State’s Attorney – Criminal Division; Chairman Erickson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Chairman Erickson presented the May 12, 2022, special meeting minutes of the Justice Committee for approval.
Motion by Beer/Wendt to approve the May 12, 2022, special meeting minutes of the Justice Committee.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson presented the June 7, 2022, regular meeting minutes of the Justice Committee for approval.
Motion by Wendt/Schafer to approve the June 7, 2022, regular meeting minutes of the Justice Committee.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson confirmed with Ms. Taylor there were no members of the public or County employees to appear.
Chairman Erickson indicated Jon Sandage, McLean County Sheriff was not present but his monthly reports to the Committee were in the packet. Chairman Erickson asked if any members had any questions. Hearing none; he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chairman Erickson noted Ms. Kathy Yoder, McLean County Coroner was not present but her monthly report to the Committee was in the packet. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions. Hearing none; he moved to the next item on the agenda.
Chairman Erickson indicated Don Knapp, McLean County State’s Attorney was not present but Mr. Brad Rigdon was present for the State’s Attorney. He asked if any members had questions for Mr. Rigdon regarding the monthly reports. Hearing none, Mr. Erickson asked for further information on a letter received from the Farm Bureau regarding Wind Farms. Mr. Spanos indicated the legal department was aware of the letter and had been discussing the matter. Mr. Erickson stated he felt the Board needed to review our system to make sure we have assurances in the future that Wind Farm companies will meet all requirements. Mr. Wendt stated he too wanted to make sure we have legal recourse in the future regarding any issued special use permits. Mr. Spanos indicated he would be glad to go over the matter with them outside of the meeting. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any additional comments or questions; hearing none, he thanked Mr. Rigdon for attending the meeting.
Mr. Mike Donovan, Court Services Director presented his monthly reports for the Court Services Department to the Committee. Mr. Donovan noted numbers are about the same, but they recently had resignations and would be down five positions. Ms. Schafer asked if individuals were going to AOIC. Mr. Donovan indicated they were not. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any further questions. Hearing none, he asked Mr. Donovan if he had anything further for the Committee. Mr. Donovan indicated he did not. Chairman Erickson thanked him.
Mr. Don Everhart, McLean County Circuit Clerk presented his monthly reports to the Committee. Chairman Erickson asked if there were questions on the reports. Hearing none, he asked Mr. Everhart if he had anything further. Mr. Everhart indicated he also had employees leaving for better options. Mr. Erickson indicated he was aware of the need in his office. Ms. Schafer asked if Mr. Everhart could provide detail at a future meeting as to how the new information provided on his reports relates to past reports and the work provided by his office. Chairman Erickson asked if anyone had any further questions or comments for the Circuit Clerk. Hearing nothing; he thanked Mr. Everhart.
Mr. Ron Lewis, Public Defender presented his monthly report to the Committee. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any questions on his report. Mr. Erickson asked about staffing numbers in the Public Defender’s office. Mr. Lewis stated they hired a couple recent law school graduates who were taking the Bar this month. He stated once they pass he would be fully staffed. Mr. Erickson asked him to confirm residents in the community are getting the legal assistance they need. Mr. Lewis confirmed. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any additional questions; hearing none, he thanked him.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Will Scanlon, Circuit Court a request to approve a bid from Widmer for office furniture. Mr. Scanlon indicated it is hard to get bids and proposals as merchandise comes from far away and then someone who does not know the merchandise tries to put it together. He indicated Widmer is part of the national OMNI contract so they meet standard provisions for this purchase. He stated Widmer will handle the purchase, delivery and construction of office furniture themselves.
Motion by Martin/Beer to recommend approval of bid from Widmer for office furniture.
Motion Carried.
Mr. Scanlon stated vacancies in the Circuit Clerk’s department affect his office. He stated they realize this is not a quick fix and appreciate everyone’s efforts to assist with the vacancies. Mr. Erickson acknowledged and said he knew Administration is working on the matter.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) a request to approve a Grant Agreement between Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois and Children’s Advocacy Center of McLean County (CESF). Ms. Schafer indicated this is a 6- month extension and asked if it would be made a year-long grant. Ms. Evans indicated they had been told this grant would end January 2023. Ms. Schafer asked about future coverage of rent, utilities and training. Ms. Evans indicated they would budget rent and utilities out of other Funds and were seeking grants to assist with training.
Motion by Schafer/Beer to recommend approval of a Grant Agreement between Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois and Children’s Advocacy Center of McLean County (CESF)
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) a request to approve a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (VOCA). Ms. Evans indicated this is a large continuation grant they receive that pays for several position’s salary, fringe and training.
Motion by Beer/Martin to recommend approval of a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois (VOCA).
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) a request to approve an agreement between McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center and Sharon Klingman. Ms. Evans indicated Ms. Klingman had been with the agency for about 17 years and works with older children in the program. She also noted Ms. Klingman’s position is fully paid for through a grant.
Motion by Schafer/Beer to recommend approval of an agreement between McLean County Children’s Advocacy Center and Sharon Klingman.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) a request to approve an Amendment to the Grant Agreement between Illinois Association of Court Appointed Special Advocates and CASA of McLean County. Ms. Evans indicated this is also a six-month extension of a grant they have been told will end at the end of this year. She noted this grant covers costs for an educational liaison for CASA.
Motion by Martin/Beer to recommend approval of an Amendment to the Grant Agreement between Illinois Association of Court Appointed Special Advocates and CASA of McLean County
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson presented for action on behalf of Molly Evans, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) a request to approve an Agreement between McLean County and Kathryn Gillespie for the CASA Program. Ms. Evans indicated this is a six-month extension of her current contract that would be paid for through the grant approved by the Committee in the previous action item.
Motion by Martin/Wendt to recommend approval of an Agreement between McLean County and Kathryn Gillespie for the CASA Program.
Motion Carried.
Ms. Evans present but her monthly report to the Committee. Ms. Evans then went over a position reclassification request. She indicated they would be adding prevention-based services for children previously only provided to adults. She indicated this was part of a pilot program and would be provided in schools including Olympia, Heyworth and a private school. She indicated to cover all costs they moved job duties around in the department. Mr. Martin asked about grades they would be serving. Ms. Evans indicated K-12 at Olympia, middle and high school at Heyworth and K-8 at the private school. Ms. Schafer asked about comparison to existing position and why moving this request forward now instead of waiting for salary review and budget cycle. Ms. Evans indicated this would be more of a leadership role compared with other position. She indicated they were making the request now as positions adjusted are grant funded and those grants starts July 1. She also indicated they wanted to start the program when school go back in session in August.
Ms. Evans then presented information on a position request. Ms. Evans indicated this request was for a part-time position that would be paid for through a grant that started July 1st. She indicated if grant funding goes away then so would the position. Chairman Erickson asked if there were any additional questions. Hearing none, he thanked her.
Cassy Taylor, County Administrator indicated she did not have any action items for the Committee. Ms. Taylor noted that PBC meeting was held immediately before the Justice Committee meeting and they are close to finalizing contract for elevator. She went over timeline for that project.
Chairman Erickson asked if there was any other business to come before the Committee. Hearing none, he moved to the payment of the bills.
Chairman Erickson presented bills for review and approval as transmitted by the County Auditor with a prepaid fund total of $712,360.34.
Motion by Martin/Beer to approve the Justice Committee bills and transfers as presented.
Motion Carried.
Chairman Erickson stated there was no other business for the Justice Committee to consider and adjourned the meeting at 5:10 p.m.