City of Pontiac Committee of the Whole met March 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The Committee of the Whole meeting of the Pontiac City Council was held on March 13, 2023 at City Hall.
Mayor Alvey called to order the meeting at 5:00 P.M.
The City Clerk was directed to call roll, and the following members of the Council were present: Barr, Giovanini, Eckhoff, Kallas, Lee, Bradshaw (via on-line), Gabor and Wille.
Also attending: Mayor Alvey, City Administrator, City Clerk, Scott Cranford, Barb Howard, Jerry Causer, Fire Chief Jake Campbell and Police Chief, Dan Davis.
City Administrator, Jim Woolford, started the meeting with brief update on the Planning & Zoning Department. More info will come at later Committee meeting.
Public Safety
Pontiac Police Department
Chief Dan Davis talked about the past year in the Pontiac Police Department. He explained the strengths of the department, Mission Statement, drug trends, keeping updated with firearms training, and that a Task Force, he feels is needed. With the Illinois Safe T Act requirements, body cameras will be mandated January 1, 2024. The body cameras and car cameras are costly. Approximately $49,000.00 and he is trying & has applied for grants.
The Department is in need for a new IT Server, probably the most important on list besides mandated body cameras. A new car has been ordered for this year,(last years budget) and his suggestion is to purchase (2) cars next year, because of increase repairs and mileage. Chief Davis also told Council about Flock cameras, which snap pictures of license plates only. These are not red light cameras, but cameras used in enforcement of criminal activity which can be very helpful. The cost of (4) cameras for two years would be $23,000.00 and if deciding not to continue with use, cameras would be sent back and agreement not retained.
Also discussed was a speed light trailer to be used initially on Indiana Ave, but can be moved to other locations. Approximate cost is $10,000.00.
Pontiac Fire Department
Chief Jake Campbell wanted to thank Council, Staff and many others for their support this past year. He then gave a synopsis of the past year along with their Mission Statement. The Fire Department had applied for and received $850,000.00 in Grants. A $500,000.00 grant was applied for through the US Congressional Agricultural Committee. The application then went to the US House, US Senate and granted and sighed by the President. The grant was one of thousands that applied and the funds will be used for the planned substation and ambulance service. Also discussed was the Smoke Alarm Installation Program, which has increased with applicants because of the new law mandating 10-yr battery smoke alarms, revenue from ambulance service, both emergency and non emergency transports, continued training for all areas of the department, and a fire investagation department. There were 2,749 service requests for the department, up 52%, and with the new ambulance service, 20 full time EMS and 12 part time EMS have been hired.
Chief Campbell is hoping to hire to complete to full staff, but finding candidates has been hard. Also discussed was the new substation out west of Pontiac, the need for parking lot repairs/resurfaced for the Safety Complex building and the possibility of a training facility for EMS training.
City Administrator, Jim Woolford then talked about the plans for the new Fire Department/Ambulance Substation, west of Pontiac, near OSF. Plans are in the works for the lease agreement for land, sewer line and lift station installation and costs of the building.