
McLean County Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Bloomington City Council met Oct. 23

Webp 33

Donna Boelen, Mayor Pro Tem - Ward 2 Council Member | City of Bloomington

Donna Boelen, Mayor Pro Tem - Ward 2 Council Member | City of Bloomington

City of Bloomington City Council met Oct. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council convened in regular session in the Government Center Chambers at 6:00 P.M. Mayor Mboka Mwilambwe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance ending with a moment of silent prayer/reflection.

Roll Call

Attendee Name



Mboka Mwilambwe



Jenna Kearns

Council Member, Ward 1


Donna Boelen

Council Member, Ward 2


Sheila Montney

Council Member, Ward 3


John Danenberger

Council Member, Ward 4


Nick Becker

Council Member, Ward 5


Cody Hendricks

Council Member, Ward 6


Mollie Ward

Council Member, Ward 7


Kent Lee

Council Member, Ward 8


Tom Crumpler

Council Member, Ward 9


Mayor Mwilambwe shared that Council Member Boelen requested to attend the meeting remotely due to medical reasons.


The following item was presented:

Item 5. A. Proclamation for National Apprenticeship Week, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: None; Recognition only.)

Mayor Mwilambwe presented the Proclamation. Veronica Inselmann, Associate Director of the Apprenticeships and Work-Based Programs at Heartland Community College, accepted the Proclamation.

The following item was presented:

Item 5. B. Recognition of a Board and Commission Appointments, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: None; recognition only.)

Leslie Yocum, City Clerk, recognized the appointment of Sarah Adelman to the Japanese Sister City Committee and the appointments of (1) John Scott Denton; (2) Elizabeth German; (3) Timothy Harris; (4) Aron Klein; (5) Cathy Lust; (6) Kaitlyn Selman; and (7) Jay Shannon to the Special Commission for Safe Communities.

Public Hearing

The following item was presented:

Item 6. A. Public Hearing on an Annexation Agreement with Carl and Sara Muller, for the Property at 1420 Six Points Road, PIN: 21-17-126-001, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: None; Presentation and Public Hearing Only.)

Mayor Mwilambwe opened the Public Hearing at 6:12 P.M.

Tim Gleason, City Manager, introduced Kelly Pfeifer, Assistant Director of Economic & Community Development, to present the item.

Mrs. Pfeifer described the property and the costs of the Annexation, as well as detailed the zoning recommendation.

Leslie Yocum, City Clerk, stated that no one registered to testify on behalf of the Item.

Mayor Mwilambwe asked if anyone wanted to speak for or against the Item. No one came forward.

Mayor Mwilambwe closed the Public Hearing at 6:14 P.M.

Public Comment

Mayor Mwilambwe read a public comment statement of procedure. No emailed public comment was received. The following spoke in person: (1) Dan Brady; (2) Jackie Beyer; (3) Surena Fish; and (4) Scott Stimeling.

Consent Agenda

Items listed on the Consent Agenda are approved with one motion; Items pulled by Council from the Consent Agenda for discussion are listed and voted on separately.

Council Member Hendricks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Montney, to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of 8.D.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward, Lee, Crumpler Motion carried.

Item 8.A. Consideration and Action to Approve Bills and Payroll, in the Amount of $13,492,974.08, as requested by the Finance Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Bills and Payroll be approved.)

Item 8.B. Consideration and Action on Approving Appointments to Boards & Commissions, as requested by the Administration Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Appointments be approved.)

Item 8.C. Consideration and Action on Approving the Purchase of Syngenta, BASF, and ENVU (Bayer) Chemicals from Marubeni America Corporation, d/b/a Helena Agri Enterprises, LLC, in an Amount not to Exceed $200,000, as requested by the Parks & Recreation Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Purchase be approved.)

Item 8. D. was pulled from the Consent Agenda by Council Member Ward.

Item 8.E. Consideration and Action to Approve an Agreement Extension with Evergreen FS for Fuel for the City's Vehicles and Equipment, from November 1, 2023, through October 31, 2024, in the Amount of $887,655 for the First Six-month Period, and a Still to be Determined Amount Utilizing Fiscal Year 2025 Budgeted Funds for the Second Six-month Period of the Term, as requested by the Department of Operations & Engineering Services. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement Extension be approved.)

Item 8.F. Consideration and Action on Approving an Agreement with Premier Roofing Design, d/b/a Top Roofing, for the Replacement of the Clubhouse Roof at The Den at Fox Creek Golf Course (Bid #2024-11), in the Amount of $60,000, as requested by the Parks & Recreation Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Agreement be approved.)

Item 8.G. Consideration and Action on Approving a Contract with Amereco, Inc., (RFP 2024 -18), for Lead-Based Paint Inspector/Risk Assessor Services on an "As Needed" and unit price basis for a One-Year Term with Three One-Year Options Based Upon Acceptable Performance as determined by the Economic & Community Development Grant Manager, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 8.H. Consideration and Action on Approving a Risk Management/Insurance Brokerage Services Contract with Gallagher for a set three (3) year period in the amount of $39,000 annually, for a cost of $117,000, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year terms with City Manager approval for a cost of $40,170 and $41,375 for a potential total five (5) year cost of $198,545, as requested by the Human Resources Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Contract be approved.)

Item 8.I. Consideration and Action on a Resolution Approving the Acceptance of a Grant from the Illinois Housing Development Authority Strong Communities Program, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Resolution be approved.)

Item 8.J. Consideration and Action to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing a Construction Agreement with Wilcox Electric & Service, Inc., for the Police Department Uninterruptible Power Supply Replacement Project (Bid #2024-13), in the Amount of $163,295, as requested by the Department of Operations & Engineering Services, and the Police Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.K. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving the Final Plat of 2200 Enterprise Drive, as requested by the Department of Operations & Engineering Services. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.L. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for Vehicle Sales & Service in the B-1 (General Commercial) District, for the Property Located at 415 Detroit Drive, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.M. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Approving an Amended Preliminary Plan for Wittenberg Woods at Prairie Vista, for Property Generally Located at the Northwest Corner of Lutz Road and S. Morris Avenue, Consisting of Approximately 12.15 Acres (PIN: 21-17-451-005), as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.N. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending Bloomington City Code Chapter 17 Regarding Mandatory Certifications for the Fire Department, as requested by the Fire Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.O. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending Bloomington City Code Chapter 35 Regarding the Composition of the Bloomington Police Department, as requested by the Police Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.P. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending Bloomington City Code Chapter 17 Regarding Composition of the Bloomington Fire Department, as requested by the Fire Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Item 8.Q. Consideration and Action on an Application from Gracies Fonda, located at 903 W. Wood St., Requesting the Creation of a Class RAPS (Restaurant, All Types of Alcohol, Package and Sunday Sales) Liquor License, as requested by the City Clerk Department. (Recommended Motion: The Application be approved and the permit for a license be issued with the condition that all sales of alcohol cease daily at 10:30 P.M.)

Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda

Item 8.D. Consideration and Action to (1) Authorize the Rejection of Bid #2024-08 for Prairie Vista Golf Course Carts; and (2) Approve the Agreement with TNT Golf Car and Motorsports, for 60 Golf Carts for Prairie Vista Golf Course, in the Amount of $263,720 (Re Bid #2024-17), as requested by the Parks & Recreation Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Bid Rejection and Purchase be approved.)

Council Member Ward shared that she pulled the Item so that staff could clarify why the bid had been selected. She questioned purchasing gasoline-powered vehicles over electric-powered vehicles.

Eric Veal, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Arts, explained the desired specifications were not met on the lower two bids, which included electric vehicles. He introduced Jason Wingate, Superintendent of Golf.

Mr. Wingate explained the longevity of the carts was a large factor in deciding on a bid. He spoke about how electric cart batteries lasted around 5 years with replacement costs around $60,000 for the fleet.

Council Member Ward, Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Veal discussed additional factors warranting the recommendation.

Council Member Ward requested to table the Item to allow Staff time to research gas-powered versus the electric-powered carts over a ten-year period. Tim Gleason, City Manager, asked if there would be any negative repercussions if the Item were to be held at the next Council meeting.

Mr. Veal explained that there would likely be a price increase if the Item was tabled Council Member Lee asked the difference in the amount of the two Bids and Mr. Veal answered $6,000.

Council Member Kearns asked if Staff could give more detail about the amount of time that would be saved by not having to charge the carts in between uses. Mr. Wingate explained that carts charging meant carts were out of commission meaning additional carts would need to be purchased to meet the course’s needs.

Council Member Montney had no concerns with the Item and thanked Staff for their time.

Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hendricks, to table the Item to the November 13, 2023Council Meeting.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward

NAYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Lee, Crumpler

Motion failed.

Council Member Montney made a motion, seconded by Council Member Crumpler, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Lee, Crumpler


Motion carried.

Regular Agenda

The following item was presented:

Item 9. A. Consideration and Action on a Resolution Authorizing an Annexation Agreement with Carl and Sara Muller for the Property at 1420 Six Points Road, PIN: 21-17- 126-001, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Resolution be approved.)

Billy Tyus, Deputy City Manager, asked Mrs. Pfeifer to address Council again.

Mrs. Pfeifer reviewed the Item in greater detail. She pointed out that there were no incentives or waivers included and that the Item included only typical provisions.

Council Member Boelen asked how soon the work would begin and expressed concern for the current residents. Mrs. Pfeifer explained that the residence was unoccupied and that the work would begin when the tenants were able.

Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hendricks, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward, Lee, Crumpler Motion carried.

The following item was presented:

Item 9. B. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Annexing the Property at 1420 Six Points Road and Approving a Zoning Map Amendment for Said Property to the R-1B (Single-Family Residential) District, as requested by the Economic & Community Development Department. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be approved.)

Mrs. Pfeifer briefly discussed the Item.

Council Member Boelen made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hendricks, to approve the Item as presented.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward, Lee, Crumpler Motion carried.

The following item was presented:

Item 9. C. Consideration and Action on an Ordinance Amending the Bloomington City Code Updating Chapter 6, Deleting Chapter 11, and Amending the Schedule of Fees in Chapter 1 Pertaining to Licenses and Permits Administered by the City Clerk Department, as requested by the City Clerk Department, N/A. (Recommended Motion: The proposed Ordinance be Approved.)

City Manager Gleason introduced the Item briefly and asked City Clerk Yocum to address Council.

Mrs. Yocum thanked the Council and George Boyle, Assistant Corporation Counsel, for their support and assistance in the process. She explained the approach taken to the audit and overhaul of the licensing program managed by the City Clerk Department. She walked through Code updates and the process taken to modernize the Code and ensure the licensing process makes sense and is efficient. Ms. Yocum noted updates on penalties, hearings, and fees and stated that equality of business processes was a priority, as well as the cleanup of gender pronouns and archaic family references.

Council Member Crumpler thanked the Clerk Department Team for their time dedicated to cleaning up the Code.

Council Member Hendricks echoed appreciation noting that downtown business owners had expressed positive feedback regarding the changes.

Council member Ward commended Mrs. Yocum and her team for their attention to detail in creating inclusive language and noted it was important to the character of the community.

Mrs. Yocum reminded Council and the community of the ongoing recodification project and shared that inclusive language would be addressed throughout the Code at the completion of that process.

Council Member Boelen asked if the word “citizen” appeared in the Code and if it did, asked that it be replaced with the word “resident.” Mrs. Yocum responded that the word “resident” was used and would be also defined with the update.

Mrs. Yocum noted a discrepancy in the date listed on Exhibit C - the schedule of fees included in the packet, and asked that if approved, an amended motion be made to reflect an effective date of November 5, 2023, instead of January 1, 2024.

Council Member Hendricks made a motion, seconded by Council Member Ward, to approve the Item as amended.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward, Lee, Crumpler Motion carried.

Finance Director's Report

City Manager Gleason introduced Scott Rathbun, Finance Director, to address Council.

Mr. Rathbun discussed challenges that had affected the economy which, as a result, could impact revenues. He presented the Fiscal Year ("FY") Financial Summary as of the end of September 2023 and highlighted various revenues comparing them to last year's figures. He shared that because of the Department of Revenue's misallocation of funds in that category, the State would be applying a 30% reduction in funds. He pointed out the City's budget was already conservative and would not be impacted. He mentioned there would be an audit presentation in November after the conclusion of the audit.

Council Member Ward and Mr. Rathbun discussed parking tickets.

City Manager's Discussion

City Manager Gleason discussed multiple upcoming events Downtown and expressed excitement about upcoming at the Coliseum and the BCPA.

Mayor's Discussion

No comments were made.

Council Member's Discussion

Council Member Ward spoke on behalf of Spiritual Care Week and described what being a Spiritual Chaplain entailed.

Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.


Council Member Ward made a motion, seconded by Council Member Hendricks, to adjourn the meeting.

Mayor Mwilambwe directed the Clerk to call roll:

AYES: Kearns, Boelen, Montney, Danenberger, Hendricks, Ward, Lee, Crumpler Motion carried (viva voce).

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.




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