
McLean County Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

McLean County Executive Committee met Jan. 13

Webp 29

Lyndsay Bloomfield, County Board Member - District 3 | McLean County

Lyndsay Bloomfield, County Board Member - District 3 | McLean County

McLean County Executive Committee met Jan. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Executive Committee of the McLean County Board met on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 400, Government Center, 115 E. Washington Street, Bloomington, Illinois.

Members Present: Chair Elizabeth Johnston, Lea Cline, Val Laymon, Jim Rogal, William Friedrich, Corey Beirne, Krystle Able

Members Absent: None

Other Board Members

Present: Beverly Bell, Eric Hansen

Staff Present: Cassy Taylor, County Administrator; Cathy Dreyer, Assistant County Administrator; Anthony Grant, Assistant County Administrator; Taylor Williams, Assistant State’s Attorney – Civil Division; Julie Morlock, Recording Secretary

Department Heads/Elected Officials Present: Marita Landreth, Behavioral Health,

Others Present: Dan Leary Information Technologies; Matt Berger, Information Technologies

Chair Johnston called to order a meeting of the Executive Committee at 4:00 p.m. and declared a quorum.

Chair Johnston presented the Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes from the December 9, 2024 regular meeting, minutes from the November 14, 2024 stand up meeting and invoices in the amount of $1,105,447.13 for the General Fund, Shared Sales Tax, Veterans Assistance and American Rescue Plan Act as well as invoices in the amount of $60,518.58 for Regional Planning for approval.

Motion by Rogal/Cline to approve the Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes from the December 9, 2024 regular meeting, minutes from the November 14, 2024 stand up meeting and invoices in the amount of $1,105,447.13 for the General Fund, Shared Sales Tax, Veterans Assistance and American Rescue Plan Act as well as invoices in the amount of $60,518.58 for Regional Planning.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston confirmed with Administrator Taylor there were no requests from the public to speak.

Ms. Johnston presented the appointments and reappointments for consideration. She noted there were no appointments this month.

Motion by Able/Rogal to recommend approval of the presented reappointments.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented a request to approve the Legislative Principles and a Resolution of the McLean County Board adopting the 2025 Legislative Program for McLean County.

Motion by Able/Cline to recommend approval of the Legislative Principles and a Resolution of the McLean County Board adopting the 2025 Legislative Program for McLean County.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented for action on behalf of the Information Technologies Department a request to approve an annual maintenance contract with Caliber Public Safety for support of an integrated justice system. Ms. Johnston noted that Mr. Berger was present for Mr. Nelson and asked him to provide any additional information regarding this item. Mr. Berger noted this maintenance agreement was for the current system and was needed while they set up the new platforms.

Motion by Beirne/Rogal to recommend approval of an annual maintenance contract with Caliber Public Safety for support of an integrated justice system.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented for action on behalf of the Information Technologies Department a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0001, Information Technologies. Mr. Berger noted this was a planned expense for 2025 but it was an expense that needed to be moved to a different line item.

Motion by Cline/Laymon to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0001, Information Technologies.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented for action on behalf of the Information Technologies Department a request to approve a Resolution approving sole source procurement related to security improvements to the network closets in the Law and Justice Center. Mr. Berger noted this request would bring network closets in line for badge access which would add security to our equipment.

Motion by Friedrich/Beirne to recommend approval ofa Resolution approving sole source procurement related to security improvements to the network closets in the Law and Justice Center.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented for action on behalf of Marita Landreth and Behavioral Health Coordination a request to approve an amendment to contract with Propio LLC.

Motion by Able/Beirne to recommend approval of an amendment to contract with Propio LLC.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented for action on behalf of Marita Landreth and Behavioral Health Coordination a request to approve sole source procurement related to security improvements for the BHC office.

Motion by Laymon/Rogal to recommend approval of sole source procurement related to security improvements for the BHC office.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston noted Information Technologies had presented an FTE change. Ms. Taylor noted this was to change a contracted position to a part-time position. Ms. Johnston asked if this was to help increase the number of IT staff to address projects. Ms. Taylor indicated this position would help with the conversion of the ERP system.

Chair Johnston indicated they would next hear from the applicants for the District #1 vacancy. She noted they would each have 5 minutes to address the committee and then she would open it up for committee and board members to ask questions.

Mr. Jim Fisher provided his personal and professional information to the committee. Ms. Cline noted the committee structure and asked what committees he would like to serve on and why. Mr. Fisher indicated he wanted to work on committees that addresses tax issues as he felt that was what concerned him and constituents the most. Member Able noted he had run for positions in his past and asked why he wanted to serve on the County Board now. Mr. Fisher noted that he wanted to be part of local government to represent the area in which he lives and represent the interests of the individuals in his district. Member Laymon asked him to either provide a time when he worked with someone who had a different opinion or if he did not have an example then explain how he would work with someone with a different opinion. Mr. Fisher provided an example of a debate he had been asked to provide to a school board and how he successfully worked with the individual presenting the opposite view. Mr. Beirne asked why he did not continue to serve on the Unit 5 School Board. Mr. Fisher noted that he had lost the election. Mr. Beirne indicated he was aware Mr. Fisher wanted to lower taxes and that Mr. Fisher had been quoted as being in favor of eliminating taxes all together. Mr. Beirne noted that taxes pay the salaries and benefits of employees and asked if there was a department he would eliminate. Mr. Fisher indicated he felt there were inefficiencies in government. Mr. Beirne asked for example. Mr. Fisher provided an example from a State of Illinois program that was developed to promote natural means to help prevent farming chemicals from running into streams. He described beingtold he could not mow the ditches because of the animals that might live there, so the weeds grow up and blow into his field and he then has to spray more chemical to eliminate the weeds even though the program is to decrease the impact of chemicals. Ms. Bell asked if he carried a firearm while in the service. Mr. Fisher noted he was in military intelligence and did not. Discussion about Mr. Fisher’s academic degrees and miliary service. Ms. Bell asked him what he would be able to contribute if serving on the Finance Committee. Mr. Fisher noted his ability to run a financially successful farm. Ms. Bell asked him if he felt he could work across the aisle regarding immigration. Mr. Fisher indicated he could.

Mr. David Kennedy – He provided his personal and professional history to the Committee, including prior service on a township board. Ms. Cline noted the committee structure and asked what committees he would like to serve on and why. Mr. Kennedy felt he could contribute to the Transportation committee but was willing and felt he could contribute to any committee. Mr. Beirne asked if there were things the county should focus on with regard to agribusiness. Mr. Kennedy indicated that he felt zoning regulations did not need to be changed. Ms. Able asked him what he enjoyed about being a township supervisor and if that role provided leadership skills he could bring to the Board. Mr. Kennedy noted that he enjoyed his time in the role but was not in the role long enough to feel it provided leadership skills, he felt those came from his experience in business. Ms. Laymon asked about his ability to work across the aisle. Mr. Kennedy indicated he felt you found a common goal and worked towards that goal and he did not feel that being a democrat or republic should play into it. Mr. Rogal asked his position on windfarms as we have more than other counties in Illinois, and now have an approved solar farm and battery storage zoning rules. Mr. Kennedy indicated he was personally not in support of them as the infrastructure of windfarms is detrimental to drainage districts, but he noted that sometimes you have to separate personal feelings from business decisions. Mr. Rogal asked his position on CO2 wells. Mr. Kennedy noted he would vote against it as he felt there were too many unanswered questions.

Mr. Andy Ziebarth – He provided person and professional history and noted how he came to apply for the position. Ms. Cline noted the committee structure and asked what committees he would like to serve on and why. Mr. Ziebarth mentioned the committees he was aware of, then said he would serve where there was the greatest need. Ms. Able note that committee meetings occur at different times of the day and asked about his flexibility to make those meetings. Mr. Ziebarth indicated he has flexibility in his current employment. He provided example of dealing with fires in California but he had been able to work it out so he could attend the Executive meeting. Mr. Rogal asked how playing football through college had helped him with leadership and working with others. Mr. Ziebarth explained that playing a sport exposes you to a diverse group of people but noted the team has the same goal. He indicated that he learned how to listen to others, understand their different perspectives, find similar goals and work with them to achieve those goals. Ms. Laymon asked about working across the aisle.

Mr. Ziebarth noted that first you discuss what you agree on and then you discuss the areas that you may not agree on but can compromise to achieve the desired outcome. Ms. Johnston asked him what he felt he had learned serving on the township board. Mr. Ziebarth indicated he gained more respect for the community. He also noted that he felt it was important to recognize you do not know everything and take the time to learn the logistics.

Mr. Ryan McKinsey indicated he had grown up and still lived in a small town and wanted to represent small communities. He admitted he might not have as much experience as other candidates but could provide a new outlook. Ms. Cline noted the committee structure and asked what committees he would like to serve on and why. Mr. McKinsey indicated he would like to serve on any committees that touched on education but was willing to serve where he was needed. Mr. Beirne asked about his digital presence that supported conspiracy theories. Mr. McKinsey indicated he did not feel this was the forum to discuss those topics. Ms. Able asked him why he wanted to serve on County Board. Mr. McKinsey indicated he felt that he would bring new ideas to the Board and also felt it was a good way to gain experience representing others. Ms. Laymon asked about his ability to work across the aisle. Mr. McKinsey indicated he would be there to serve the constituents and what they want as a whole. He noted that sometimes that is not based on what he personally believes but what is best for McLean County.

Mr. Joshua Lieb. He provided personal and work history. Mr. Lieb noted that while he leans towards being conservative he feels it is important to listen to all. Ms. Cline noted the committee structure and asked what committees he would like to serve on and why. Mr. Lieb indicated he would be interested in serving on the Finance committee as he felt his experience running a small business for 14 years would be beneficial. He listed financial practices with which he is familiar. He indicated that otherwise he would be wiling to serve where he is needed. Mr. Beirne asked what he felt was the biggest issue for the County to address. Mr. Lieb indicated he felt we needed to make sure this was a place for small businesses to come so they needed access to programs that would assist in that growth. He also noted that he felt we needed to make sure our education system was strong. Ms. Laymon asked him about working with someone you did not agree with. Mr. Lieb indicated he felt it was important to respect each other and find common ground, discuss thoughts, and find areas they can agree on. Mr. Rogal noted that District 1 is mostly rural but he lives in Normal and asked how he would address that with rural residents. Mr. Lieb indicated he would ask them to bring issues to him and let them know that he would support their needs.

Ms. Johnston invited members to reach out to her with input by Wednesday.

Val Laymon, Chair of the Finance Committee indicated she had no items for action but would have items for the Board later this week.

Corey Beirne, Chair of the Health Committee asked if anyone had any issues with him combining the three action items under the Health Committee. Hearing none, he presented for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0105, an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107, and an Emergency

Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107.

Motion by Beirne/Able to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0105, an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107, and an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2024 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0107.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Beirne indicated he had no further items for the Committee but would have an additional item for the Board this Thursday. Chair Johnston asked if there were any questions; hearing none, she thanked him.

Jim Rogal, Chair of the Justice Committee presented for action a request to approve a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security

Motion by Rogal/Beirne to recommend approval of a Grant Agreement between the State of Illinois, Illinois Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security

Motion Carried.

Mr. Rogal presented for action on behalf of the Justice Committee a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff.

Motion by Rogal/Cline to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McLean, Olympia Community Unit School District 16 and the McLean County Sheriff.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Rogal presented for action on behalf of the Justice Committee a request to approve an Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts DOJ BJA Community Supervision Strategies Swift Certain Fair Grant Program Subrecipient Grant Agreement

Motion by Rogal/Friedrich to recommend approval of an Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts DOJ BJA Community Supervision Strategies Swift Certain Fair Grant Program Subrecipient Grant Agreement

Motion Carried.

Mr. Rogal presented for action on behalf of the Justice Committee a request to approve a CASA VOCA continuation grant for fiscal year 2025.

Motion by Rogal/Able to recommend approval of a CASA VOCA continuation grant for fiscal year 2025.

Motion Carried.

Mr. Rogal indicated he had nothing further for the Committee but would have several items for the Board later this week. Chair Johnston asked if there were any comments or questions; hearing none, she thanked him.

Krystle Able, Chair of the Property Committee indicated she had nothing for the Executive Committee today nor for the Board on Thursday. Chair Johnston asked if there were any questions or comments; hearing none, she thanked her.

Lea Cline, Chair of the Land Use and Transportation Committee presented for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Downs and McLean County.

Motion by Cline/Friedrich to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Downs and McLean County

Motion Carried.

Ms. Cline presented for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between IDOT and McLean County, Route 66 Bike Trail, Section 24-00001-07-BT.

Motion by Cline/Laymon to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between IDOT and McLean County, Route 66 Bike Trail, Section 24- 00001-07-BT

Motion Carried.

Ms. Cline indicated she had no further items for the Committee but would have items for the Board later this week. She also noted the BESS amendment to the zoning ordinance would be part of the Consent agenda this month. Chair Johnston asked her to confirm that items agreed upon at the ZBA meeting would be included in the item brought before the board. Ms. Cline confirmed. Chair Johnston asked if anyone had any additional questions; hearing none, she thanked her.

Chair Johnston presented on behalf of Ms. Cassy Taylor, County Administrator for action a request to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement between McLean County and Mt. Hope Funks Grove Fire Protection District for Allocation of Funds via the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement. Ms. Johnston noted she was glad we are able to use these funds to assist in the rural areas in the County.

Motion by Rogal/Friedrich to recommend approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between McLean County and Mt. Hope Funks Grove Fire Protection District for Allocation of Funds via the Illinois Opioid Allocation Agreement.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented on behalf of Ms. Taylor for action a request to approve an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0113.

Motion by Beirne/Rogal to recommend approval of an Emergency Appropriation Ordinance Amending the McLean County Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fund 0113.

Motion Carried.

Chair Johnston presented on behalf of Ms. Taylor for action a request to approve a proposal from M&O Environmental for professional asbestos abatement at McLean County Nursing Home.

Motion by Beirne/Cline to recommend approval of a proposal from M&O Environmental for professional asbestos abatement at McLean County Nursing Home.

Motion Carried.

Ms. Cassy Taylor indicated she had nothing further for the committee.

Under Other Business Ms. Johnston noted the next item had been put on the table at the Executive Committee meeting last month for consideration at this month’s meeting. She asked for motion to take from the table, the action item to approve an Ordinance by the McLean County Board Amending Chapter 116, Purchasing and Contracting – Local Preference Policy, of the McLean County Code..

No motion was received so the item remained on the table.

Ms. Johnston noted the next meeting would be on February 10, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. She asked if there was anything else for the committee to consider; hearing nothing she adjourned the meeting at 5:23 p.m.




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