Newtown Township Board of Supervisors will meet Sept. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence
3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
4. Changes to the Agenda
5. Special Actions
a. Eagle Scout Recognition - Riley Davis
6. PennDOT - Swamp Road Update
7. Public Comment
8. Public Hearing
a. John Jaichandran Silas, 290 Cliveden Drive - PRD Variance
9. Minor Approvals
a. Alexander Marcopolus, Troop29 - Landscaping to beautify existing Veterans Park
sign at Durham Road entrance
b. Alexander (AJ) Fiore - Sycamore Street Stormwater inlet artwork project helps
c. Consideration to approve the installation of a Flagpole at Veterans Park
10. Reports of Committees, Boards and Commissions
a. Committees
i. Planning Commission
b. Board Members
i. Chairman
ii. Other Board Members
11. Land Development
12. Reports of Officials
a. Engineer
i. No agenda items
b. Solicitor's Report
i. Pickering Manor - consideration to approve agreements
ii. Consideration of the PRD Elimination Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Public
iii. Noise Ordinance Amendment - Authorization to advertise
iv. Consideration to authorize the Solicitor to draft and advertise an ordinance
prohibiting the discharge of firearms on Township property
c. Manager
i. Plan Expiration Report
ii. Police Report
iii. Consideration to approve the Newtown Fire Association Contract extension
for 2019
13. Minutes, Bills List, and Reports
a. Minutes of August 22, 2018
b. Bills List of September 12, 2018
14. Public Comment
15. Old Business
16. New Business
17. Executive Session
18. Adjournment