
McLean County Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Livingston County Board met May 16

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Livingston County Board met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Chairman Bob Young called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., in the County Board Room of the Livingston County Historic Courthouse located at 112 W. Madison St., Pontiac, Illinois.

An invocation was provided by Pastor Chris Wattelet of the Church of God. Patrick Killian led the Pledge of Allegiance.

County Clerk Kristy Masching called the roll with the following Present: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Absent: Joseph D. Steichen

Also Present: Kristy Masching – County Clerk, Alina Hartley-Executive Director, Chuck Schopp – Zoning Administrator, Clay Metcalf – County Highway Engineer, Sheriff Childress, States Attorney Randy Yedinak, Jon Sear – Network & Computer Systems Administrator, Ginger Harris – Human Resources Director, Stu Inman – Jail Superintendent, Adam Dontz – GLCEDC, Tonya Dieken – Prairie Central School District, Ryan McGuckin – Superintendent Woodland Schools, John Reis – Democratic Party Chairman


Chairman Young requested that the agenda be amended to add GLCEDC / Prairie Central STEM Presentation. Young then called for any additional changes to the agenda with none requested. Motion by Lovell, second by Weller to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED ON VOICE VOTE.


Adam Dontz of the GLCEDC introduced Tonya Dieken, Curriculum Director from Prairie Central School District. Dieken updated that Board on the use of the STEM funds granted and the continued commitment that Prairie Central has made. Dieken noted that local businesses have been involved in curriculum guidance and oversight. Dieken stated that staff has had the opportunity to improve their skills and networking with local businesses, Illinois State University and the University of Illinois. Dieken further reported that Prairie Central, along with other school districts have been collaborating and sharing lessons electronically. Dieken thanked the Board for their support and indicated the school was very excited to move forward.


Livingston County Democratic Chairman John Reis was present to address the Board considering the District 1 vacancy. Reis thanked the Board for the notification of the District 1 vacancy. Reis stated that (in his opinion) the statute does not prevent or require the vacancy be filled from the same political party. Reis stated that as such, the candidate with the next highest vote total should be appointed. Reis stated that Dan Hobart lost by just 348 votes or 3.4% of the total votes cast in the district. Reis stated that appointing a Democrat would reflect cooperation and inclusion. Reis stated that a representative democracy should reflect a makeup of its constituents, however in Livingston County that is not the case. Reis stated that in the last primary election 20% of the voters voted Democrat, yet there are none on the county board. Reis thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak.

State’s Attorney Yedinak responded that while he can understand and appreciate Mr. Reis’ interpretation of the statute that is not his interpretation or that of the Illinois Attorney General, the State Board of Elections or the Appellate Courts of Illinois. Yedinak stated that the statute does clearly state that the vacancy be filled by someone of the same political party. Chairman Young thanked States Attorney Yedinak for his clarification and attendance. Young stated that he was intent on following the guidance given and while he thanked Mr. Reis, the request to fill the position with a democrat was denied.


Chairman Young stated that he was recommending Marty Fannin be appointed to fill the District 1 vacancy. Motion by Arbogast, second by Mays to appoint Marty Fannin as County Board Member to fill the District 1 vacancy. Discussion took place regarding the process in which Chairman Young selected the candidate. Ingles stated that the Chairman consulted with a Committee of this Board as opposed to the Republic Precinct Committeemen. Ingles stated that if the Chairman wished to consult with someone on the selection, he should have consulted with the Republican Precinct Committeemen as is past practice. It was noted that the stated practice had not been followed in at least the last ten years. It was further noted that the Republican Committee Chairman Kelly Kinate, had recommended the appointment of Marty Fannin. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: Bill Wilkey, Jason Bunting, G. Michael Ingles Present: James Blackard Absent: Joseph D. Steichen






A. Approval of Bills

B. Appointments:

a. Sue Bergan – Reddick Community Fire Protection District

b. Todd Cashmer – Reading Community Fire Protection District

c. Donath English – Kempton Community Fire Protection District

d. Jack Vietti – Mental Health 708 Board

e. Jane Anderson – Mental Health 708 Board

f. Mary Etta Mullen – Mental Health 377 Board

Motion to approve the consent agenda by Weller, second by Lovell. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen


Intergovernmental Agreement: School Resource Officer Woodland School District – Sheriff Childress and

Ryan McGuckin, Superintendent of Woodland Schools was present to request approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement authorizing a school resource officer for Woodland School District. Sheriff Childress stated that Woodland has agreed to contribute $50,000 towards the cost of an officer estimated at $67,000 per year. Childress stated that the school year runs approximately 8-9 months, during the other months the officer will be scheduled on duty by the department. Childress stated that with all the school shootings, it’s imperative to keep our schools and children safe. Motion by Arbogast, second by Blackard to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for a School Resource Officer for Woodland School District. Discussion took place. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen

Housing Program Expansion – Committee Chair Kathy Arbogast introduced Superintendent Stu Inman who was present to discuss the possible expansion of the jail for the purpose of constructing a medical unit in cooperation with the U.S. Marshalls. Inman stated that the cooperative agreement program provides capital funds in exchange for a guaranteed number of bed space. Inman stated that the unit would be comprised of 40 medical beds and 10 mental health cells. Inman stated that the contract would guarantee revenue between $8 million and $12 million per year. Inman stated that he is coming to the Board for permission and a commitment to move forward. Inman stated the Marshalls would not want to continue to invest time and effort into the project if the County is not interested. Inman estimated the cost of the addition to be $13 million to $15 million. Discussion took place. Motion by Arbogast, second by Weller to approve continuing to work with the Marshalls on the potential expansion of the jail for a medical unit. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen

Arbogast reported that the Committee reviewed the recommendation for staffing levels submitted by the ad-hoc committee. Arbogast stated that a base staffing level of 66.5 was approved for both the Sheriff’s Department and the Jail.


Resolution: Incentive Agreement – Vactor Manufacturing – Shafer reported that the Board previously approved

a grant for Vactor Manufacturing, however the method approved authorized a grant directly to Vactor. Shafer indicated that this resolution authorizes a grant be given to the GLCEDC for Vactor Manufacturing. Motion by Shafer, second by Bunting to approve the Resolution authorizing grant funds, in the amount of $120,000.00 to the GLCEDC to be used for an Incentive Agreement with Vactor Manufacturing. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen

Resolution: Approving Execution of Declaration of Trust for Investments – Shafer reported that the Treasurer has been looking for ways to safely increase our return on fund balances. As such, she has requested that we become members of the Illinois Metropolitan Investment Fund. Shafer stated that currently the County is getting a return of approximately.05%, this liquid FDIC insured account would increase that rate to 2.34%. Motion by Shafer, second by Earing to approve the Resolution approving execution of Declaration of Trust for Investments. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen

Shafer reported that the Committee had approved the annual budget calendar and the budget process will kick off starting next month.


Committee Chair Steven Lovell introduced County Highway Engineer Clay Metcalf who reviewed the Highway Action Agenda Items as follows:

a. Bridge Petition & Engineering Agreement: Chatsworth Rd. District, Sect No. 18-06126-00-BR, SN 053-4096 (435N, 3200E), Petition for Replacement Estimated Cost = $400,000; Engineering Agreement with Hutchison Engineering Inc., TBP Program FY22. Design for Replacement of Existing Structure, Cost not to exceed $30,000. Soil Borings, Right-of-way engineering and environmental coordination to be done at consultant’s schedule of chargeable rates.

b. Bridge Petition: Chatsworth Road District – Replace existing CMP’s with Precoated CMP’s @ 400N, 3378E Road. Estimated Cost = $10,000. Section 19-06000-00-AB

c. Bridge Petition: Chatsworth Road District – Replace existing CMP’s with Precoated CMP’s @ 835N, 3200E Road. Estimated Cost = $8,000. Section 19-06000-01-AB

d. Bridge Petition: Sullivan/Saunemin Road District Section 19-27109-00-BR / 19-26109-00-BR, Replace SN 053-3377 at 1445N, 3000E. Est. Cost = $325,000. TBP Program FY 23

e. Bridge Petition: Sunbury Road District – Replace existing CMP’s with Precoated CMP’s @ 3145N, 1600E Road. Estimated Cost = $6,000. Section 19-28000-00-AB

f. Bridge Petition: Long Point Road District – Repairs to SN 4643 @ 2160N, 400E Road. Estimated Cost = $20,000. Section 19-14000-00-AB

Motion by Lovell, second by Kirkton to approve all the action items with one roll call vote. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Marty Fannin, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen


Committee Chairman Jason Bunting stated that the Committee has no action items to present for this month. Bunting thanked everyone who took advantage and participated in the Electronic Recycling Program. Bunting gave a special thank you to Pontiac Township High School for hosting the event. Bunting stated that he would like to publicly ask that everyone stop dropping off as the event is officially over, and they are working to get everything finished and cleaned up. Bunting further thanked the number of employees and county board members who came out to help.


Chairman Young stated that the request is for the annual UCCI conference which is mostly entirely reimbursed. Young then requested Hartley review the request for travel expenses. Hartley stated that the request is to exceed the Livingston County Travel Policy, which requires approval for hotel expenses in excess of $125 per night for this particular area. Hartley stated that the cost for a one bedroom is $189 per night, but there is a reimbursement from UCCI of $125 provided. Hartley stated that ultimately the cost will depend on how many board members attend and whether single rooms are provided or a larger four or five bedroom house is rented. Hartley stated that all charges being approved are outlined in the handout. Motion by Lovell, second by Arbogast to approve travel expenses as submitted for the annual UCCI conference in Galena. MOTION CARRIED ON ROLL CALL VOTE. Ayes: Kathy Arbogast, Robert F. Weller, Linda Ambrose, James A. Carley, Steven Lovell, John Vitzthum, William Mays, Gerald Earing, Mark Runyon, James Blackard, Bill Wilkey, Mike Kirkton, Patrick D. Killian, Jason Bunting, John Slagel, John L. Vietti, Tim Shafer, G. Michael Ingles, Ronald L. Kestner, Paul A. Ritter, Bob Young, and Vicki Allen Nays: n/a Absent: Joseph D. Steichen


Ingles reported the new Health Building is on track and the architects are preparing to get the bids out. Ingles reported that a final toggling session was held with SmartWatt to review potential items for energy savings. Ingles stated that there are significant savings to be had in lighting upgrades, as well as some with monitoring and equipment replacement initiatives. Ingles reported that Hartley and the financial staff are currently working thru what may be the best way to proceed with the project and get things worked into the budget process.


No Report.

Carley reported that the Committee handled several appointments which were submitted on the consent agenda.


Committee Chair Ron Kestner stated that he was not present at the meeting and requested Linda Ambrose provide the report on behalf of the Committee. Ambrose noted that the department is currently under budget and will be investing some funds with the Treasurer as well. Ambrose reported that the Committee discussed the need for a county wide color guard. Ambrose stated that the Committee will continue to discuss next month.


Committee Chair Vicki Allen reported that Jon Sear was present to provide his monthly department report with the Committee. Allen stated that there was a large update to Spillman which caused a lot of issues and consumed quite a bit of time for the month. Allen stated that Sear also worked with 911 on the change of their computer consoles.




Vietti reported that the Mental Health Board met earlier in the day. Vietti reported that Steve Tock, who had been on the board since 2003, officially retired and will be replaced by Jane Anderson from Dwight. The next meeting is June 20th.


John Slagel reported that it has been business as usual. Slagel reported that they will be starting their summer lunch program at Meadow View for kids’ ages 4-13 years old. Slagel stated that the program will run from June 1st thru August 1st. Slagel reported that there are several businesses participating including Dairy Queen, Subway, Joe’s Pizza and LaMex. Slagel stated that the next meeting is July 18th.


The floor was open for public comment.






The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. on a motion by Vietti, second by Lovell. MOTION CARRIED WITH ALL


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., at the Livingston County Historic Courthouse.




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